Newbie - FAQ

Newbies Read-- If your question regards Acronyms, STDs, Tips, LE worries,....
Wile E Coyote 12207 reads

ED drugs, Payment protocol, Indies vs. Agencies, and other topics that get discussed 3 (or more) times a week on this board, READ 3 PAGES of threads on this board BEFORE asking the same question again. If you scroll down 3 full Pages below this post, the odds are 75% or better your particular question has been recently answered.

A primer for the Newbies

  Since every day our ranks grow with new enlistments to the hobby and these Newbies bring with them the same questions asked by countless prior Newbies I am compiling a basic primer with links to various questions, answers and subjects commonly asked by freshmen. As more topical subjects come to my attention I will add them to the below list and occasionally “re-post” for the benefit of the newest among us.

Ladies & gentlemen “Hobby on”  


                            ( “Newbie” board use & getting started )

Some simple rules for posting on the Newbie board
Posted by thirsty  , 12/5/2005 8:14:55 AM   [thirsty has 2 reviews]

If you're wondering why your post didn't appear here, I moved 4 posts to other more appropriate boards. Please remember this board is for general questions about the hobby.

Thanks for understanding.


Please Read (Especially Newbies): Some Updated Posting Guidelines
Posted by Girl Next Door  , 11/30/2004 7:06:53 PM

Posted by thirsty  , 1/24/2006 1:19:09 PM   [thirsty has 2 reviews]

                                        ( Some basics )

The list is ever growing. ( A list of common acronyms )
Posted by FreedomRider225  , 11/29/2005 8:34:14 AM   [FreedomRider225 has 33 reviews]

Screening, The necessary evil.
Posted by FreedomRider225  , 10/30/2005 10:22:07 PM   [FreedomRider225 has 33 reviews]

Schedule (& rant-help, my oasis in the city is sinking! )
Posted by CarnalCourtesan  , 1/26/2006 4:55:25 PM
Get accustomed to it. "Independents" do it also
Posted by Againwiththisguestion, 2/9/2006 5:45:34 PM

                                               (STD issues)
DATY safety question
Posted by ******** 12/1/2005 11:07:27 AM

BBBJ,DATY same questions every week it seems.
Posted by MainlineGuy, 12/22/2005 1:25:15 PM

TER is NOT a good place to find out info about STDs.
Posted by Mr. Info, 12/19/2005 4:07:08 PM

                                   ( multi-hour appointments )

length of appointment question
Posted by ******  , 12/2/2005 7:51:17 PM

& the answer!

Questions to ask yourself
Posted by Carrie_of_London  , 12/3/2005 1:05:55 AM   [See my TER reviews]

                         ( Review etiquette and conduct considerations )

TMI (Too Much information) vs an entertaining/informative review.
Posted by FreedomRider225  , 11/30/2005 2:32:50 PM   [FreedomRider225 has 33 reviews]

Keeping everyone’s profile LOW
Posted by AnOunceOfPrevention, 1/13/2006 7:11:39 PM

Are you altruistic to a fault?
Posted by AnOunceOfPrevention, 2/3/2006 5:41:49 PM

Newbie's first. (So long, cherry)
Posted by ThatDanGuy  , 2/17/2006 3:17:23 AM

                                          ( Things to consider ? )

Time to Metrosexualize yourselves (A public service message)
Posted by Sylvester Skidmark, 11/4/2005 11:37:13 PM

Forget your male ego and sit down.
Posted by Oliver Overspray, 11/7/2005 12:21:19 AM

Communication technology Luddites take note.
Posted by AintFuckinRocketScience, 12/3/2005 12:24:24 PM

                                                ( Expectations )

What to expect??
Posted by ******  , 11/27/2005 11:02:28 PM  

If they say "275 for a Real F/S Girl Friend Experience" can I assume Greek is included? I don't want to be left hanging.

Re:What to expect??
Posted by jjackflash  , 11/28/2005 6:41:07 AM   [jjackflash has 16 reviews]

                                                ( Agency issues )

Posted by ******  , 12/19/2005 9:35:21 PM

                                        ( Communications or lack of )

Providers not responding to email??
Posted by da_kid  , 12/10/2005 6:09:07 PM

                                      ( Outsmarting/avoiding the ROBs )

Posted by jerg  , 12/26/2005 5:24:51 PM   [jerg has 1 review]

                                         (definite No–No’s)

Price haggling/negotiating
Posted by OldSchoolBrutha  , 1/31/2006 8:32:59 PM

                                   ( supplementary reading)

Many questions answered.
Posted by ItsAlimentary, 1/22/2006 12:00:43 PM

There is such good information here, clearly worth reading and re-reading.  So let me ask what has probably been asked before (if so, sorry)

Has there been any consideration to setting this up as permanent link on the newbie board?  Would eliminate the repeat questions from those who do not know how to use the search features or are just too lazy.

atl_mgr7680 reads

I am currently working on updating a series of informational links that will be posted here at regular intervals (search tutorials and penalties for excessive laziness will also be included).

Other moderators and members will be able to cross-reference those Newbie Info and FAQ post links on the regional boards when addressing questions locally.

The problem with creating a permanent link is that  most content on TER is supplied by members, not TER.  However, the recurring informational posts will include links to 'official' TER info located on the site.

In an effort to subsidize my Satyric activities I've secured legal counsel for both Patenting and Trade-marking my "Newbie Primer"

(Hell it works for Pfizer, Micro-Soft, Disney etc)  ;0)

atl_mgr5434 reads

Straight from the TER Privacy Policy page:

"Please remember that any information disclosed either in the review section, or on the message boards, becomes public."

"By using this site, you signify your assent to TER’s Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this policy, please do not use our site. If you do continue to visit TER, we will assume that you have agreed to the conditions and terms under which we operate."

Now, for a nominal fee, deposited directly into the bank account of the moderator, we may be able to arrange for you to retain some intellectual property rights...

Your overt actions towards bribery are a clear sign that you should be in politics.  PLEASE don't share these tactics with TheMealTicket; so far he's only charging one member of the LV board, although he's convinced him that we're all paying.

BTW, for a small fee, I'll keep quiet about all of this.

-- Modified on 2/18/2006 10:46:09 AM

They appreciate/respect a venal nature such as yours and I'm sure a mutually beneficial agreement can be made ;0)

My attorneys will include your unsolicited testimonial in their "brief"


Ok, I have been searching, reading down and the like.  Where do I find a link that explains the symbols explaining "feeling" when posting a reply.  I get the :-) and :-( but am not clear on the &, D and X.  Is the legend for this posted somewhere?  If not, how about including it in abbreviations.
 Many thanks

The Advisor17818 reads

:-)  Smiling or Happy
:-(  Frowning or Sad
:-@  Angry or Shouting
:-&  Tongue-tied, or Perplexed
:-D  Big Grin or Laughing
:-x  Kiss, or My Lips are Sealed

A complete list can be found at the link below.

-- Modified on 6/24/2007 10:12:46 PM

Many thanks.  I did not even know that these things were called Emoticon Symbols.

Having seen, and enjoyed, most of these visions, let me say that this is one of the greatest, and most self-explanatve, posts ever on any board!!!

-- Modified on 2/20/2006 12:10:26 PM

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