
And there's this
TrailerparkRomeo 3 Reviews 55 reads

People are focusing on the wrong thing.  Your name and photo in some booker's database won't be the issue.  It'll be getting pulled to the side after they observe you coming in and leaving the building.  They can also set up their own surveillance inside.

I see guys when I go to an appointment and they look awkward, they're pacing in front of the building with their phone out, they're looking left, right, left, right, like they're nervous.  They just look off.  It really sticks out like a sore thumb to me and it's obvious at apartment buildings, single family homes where something is set up, or parking lots where a business is.  I used to go to a place off of La Cienega and it shared a parking lot with another place.  I know instantly who is visiting where by how they're dressed, how they walk, and what they're doing.  If it's 8pm and you're wearing khaki shorts with a tommy bahama shirt and sandals and have your phone out, it's obvious to everyone what you're doing.

I don't see why it's so hard to just act like you're supposed to be there.  Stop pacing, stop looking everywhere, stop looking silly.  Go in like you've been there 100 times.  If someone else comes into the elevator, ask them what floor and hit the button like you do at home.  Blend in, for christ's sake.

If your appointment is at 2pm stop heading straight to the door at 2pm like a cruise missile.  Walk normally.  When I see idiots crowding the front door of a place I'll text the booker to give it 3 minutes because a bunch of idiots are crowding the door.  You guys just all line up with your phones out and you look ridiculous.  Like you're absolutely dying to get inside because you left the oven on and just remembered.  Just basic stuff that should be common sense.  There's always a risk here and nothing is 100%, but I swear it looks like amateur night out there most times I go anywhere and people wonder "How would they know where I went?"  Dude, you're practically wearing a sign around your neck.

CDL, you already know all of the above, I'm writing for the other 5,000 people who still haven't figured this out.

Oh yeah, NEVER accept the water or candy or anything from an appointment.  You walk out of there with the tiny water bottle you might as well put it in neon where you just went.  Nobody leaves a residence with a teeny tiny water bottle and a fun-size candy bar.

few days from local mongers asking how worried they should be about orgs having their screening information in connection with the Boston bust.

For California mongers, there are an increasing number of similarities between the West Coast Kgirl business model and that used by the orgs busted in Massachusetts, but there are also some marked differences.  The US Attorney in Massachusetts described these operations like this . . . .  

“Alleged prospective sex buyers in this scheme first had to respond to a survey and provide information online, including their driver’s license photos, their employer information, credit card information, and they often paid a monthly fee to be part of this.”

Not that many years ago, the only orgs asking for a DL photo were for Las Vegas mongers requesting outcall to a hotel.  A few orgs in business for a long time requested employment verification but the purpose was not what you think.  There was little interest in where you did work, but the verification was to prove to them that you did NOT work for LE.  My own experience is that they did not keep the information long, just long enough to determine if you were the kind of guy who was going to be rough with the girls, in which case they wanted to know where to "find" you for an "attitude adjustment' meeting.  I did employment screening with one org only, and a few years later in a casual phone conversation with the booker, he asked me what I did for a living.  I laughed and said he screened me through employment, and he responded he didn't keep that info for very long once the first few girls I saw reported that I was a respectful gentleman during the session.  

More concerning to me would be driver's license photos and credit card information.  Anyone asking for these is an automatic pass for me.  While a drivers license photo is not incriminating standing alone, credit card information makes it easy to trace any transactions between the customer and the org.  Auto-paying a monthly membership fee from a credit card is the most damaging in my opinion.  To my knowledge, there are no orgs that offer some kind of "VIP status" for a separate monthly fee on the West Coast.  If I'm wrong on this, please correct me and name the org. This monthly fee is what makes these EC orgs different from WC orgs, so it's unlikely that there is any connection or sharing of information about WC mongers with the busted orgs.  

With this said, I have said before that 95% of the orgs I have been approved at have only my first name and my burner phone number.  The method I used was to exchange phone numbers with touring Kgirls, and when they tour to an org I'm not approved at, I ask them to vouch for me and I will see them at the new org.  It took several years to get approved at all of the places in NorCal and on the EC using this method, but it's the only away to insure my anonymity as a monger.  If you're the impatient type and simply HAVE to see a new girl at an org you are not yet approved at, then you will likely have to provide personal information that you may regret giving months or even years later, as I'm sure is the case for the customers of the Boston orgs that were busted.  They are all laying low and shitting their pants waiting for that knock on the door from LE, and that's no way to wind up in this business.  Be cautious and patient.  There will ALWAYS be Kgirls to see. Be smart on how you get screened.  A Kgirl vouch is the best way, but you have to anticipate it in advance and exchange numbers.  I ask every Kgirl I see which other cities she tours to.  

People are focusing on the wrong thing.  Your name and photo in some booker's database won't be the issue.  It'll be getting pulled to the side after they observe you coming in and leaving the building.  They can also set up their own surveillance inside.

I see guys when I go to an appointment and they look awkward, they're pacing in front of the building with their phone out, they're looking left, right, left, right, like they're nervous.  They just look off.  It really sticks out like a sore thumb to me and it's obvious at apartment buildings, single family homes where something is set up, or parking lots where a business is.  I used to go to a place off of La Cienega and it shared a parking lot with another place.  I know instantly who is visiting where by how they're dressed, how they walk, and what they're doing.  If it's 8pm and you're wearing khaki shorts with a tommy bahama shirt and sandals and have your phone out, it's obvious to everyone what you're doing.

I don't see why it's so hard to just act like you're supposed to be there.  Stop pacing, stop looking everywhere, stop looking silly.  Go in like you've been there 100 times.  If someone else comes into the elevator, ask them what floor and hit the button like you do at home.  Blend in, for christ's sake.

If your appointment is at 2pm stop heading straight to the door at 2pm like a cruise missile.  Walk normally.  When I see idiots crowding the front door of a place I'll text the booker to give it 3 minutes because a bunch of idiots are crowding the door.  You guys just all line up with your phones out and you look ridiculous.  Like you're absolutely dying to get inside because you left the oven on and just remembered.  Just basic stuff that should be common sense.  There's always a risk here and nothing is 100%, but I swear it looks like amateur night out there most times I go anywhere and people wonder "How would they know where I went?"  Dude, you're practically wearing a sign around your neck.

CDL, you already know all of the above, I'm writing for the other 5,000 people who still haven't figured this out.

Oh yeah, NEVER accept the water or candy or anything from an appointment.  You walk out of there with the tiny water bottle you might as well put it in neon where you just went.  Nobody leaves a residence with a teeny tiny water bottle and a fun-size candy bar.

Truth! I see the same eejits in front of AAMP heavy apartment complexes here in Man Jose. It's bad enough that there's a huge demographic mismatch between the punters and the building residents, their behavior makes it even worse.

I read a recent review of a popular K-Gal where the punter noted he was confronted by residents as he left the crib.  

I've used the ruse of camouflaging myself as a food delivery driver, but was roundly ridiculed for doing so in this very board.

Whats the demo you see the punters as? When lived in the bay area the fancy apts i lived in were filled with whites and asian which i assume is the same demo as most punters.

The fact that they reached as far as Cali was interesting. Followimg the money I guess.

Perhaps they reached as far as California because one of the main targets of the investigation is alleged to live in Torrance? So maybe he has connections to one or more California groups?

I'll start off by saying that I rarely monger outside California and have never done so in the East Coast.  As such, I'm not privy to or familiar with how they operate.  Or, rather, not as confidently familiar in granularity as I am with agencies here in the West Coast.

Regardless, what caught my eye was the mention of monthly fees.  Are there truly monthly fees associated with East Coast agencies (e.g. maintain access to the girls, grants "VIP" status, or whatever the intended service is meant to be, etc.)?  I hope someone who is prolific in the East Coast can comment on this.  Because I could not find anything else other than the posted quote that specifically ties a monthly fee to an agency.  Albeit, I did not put too much effort into parsing the articles available.  Hence, why I solicit someone who is more familiar with the scene there.

My take on the quote is that the acting US Attorney for Massachusetts is listing and conflating a lot of screening practices used by the agency to vet a potential client.  And, IMO, I think they wanted to frame the statement to inflate as much as possible the 'high-end' and exclusive nature of this enterprise.  I assume, like the West Coast, only a small subset of which is listed is really needed, necessary, or required.  Therefore, the monthly fee they are referring to can either be membership to P411 or, if you don't regularly post reviews, here at TER to be a VIP member.  The affidavit itself only mentions fees connected to both of these sites.

worried61 reads

Agreed, the monthly is TER or P411.  Credit cards are just to verify the names only.  Out of all this chaos I hope the hourly rates drop.   I'm laying low, but as we know Xmas is coming and these girls have Gucci/Chanel bags to buy.  A shift in supply/demand? HA!

should not be a concern for TER VIP.  My understanding is that TER is based offshore and out of US jurisdiction.  I don't know where P411 is based.   For the super-paranoid, I have read on these boards that some members pay their VIP with certain untraceable gift cards that TER will accept.  

Paygarden or other GC Monetization companies:

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Monthly credit card fees . . . .
should not be a concern for TER VIP.  My understanding is that TER is based offshore and out of US jurisdiction.  I don't know where P411 is based.   For the super-paranoid, I have read on these boards that some members pay their VIP with certain untraceable gift cards that TER will accept.  

Heads up. Some gift cards used with PG may get flagged as lost/stolen by the card issuer. Seems they may not "trust" PG.  Happened to me but was able to get my money back from card issuer (but a big hassle).

My take on the quote is that the acting US Attorney for Massachusetts is listing and conflating a lot of screening practices used by the agency to vet a potential client.  And, IMO, I think they wanted to frame the statement to inflate as much as possible the 'high-end' and exclusive nature of this enterprise.
Therefore, the monthly fee they are referring to can either be membership to P411 or, if you don't regularly post reviews, here at TER to be a VIP member.  The affidavit itself only mentions fees connected to both of these sites.

East coaster here but I never tried to get screened by Brown Eyes Girls. That said, I don’t think the K-Orgs were charging customers a VIP fee via credit card.  

I think, based on my read of the affidavit, that the idea of a monthly VIP fee is referring to TER and/or P411 membership.

I was scratching my head on that one as well, as it did sound like the fee was going to the K-agency. I've never seen that in the DMV area but then don't claim I know everything about how the agencies work or if they have unpublished tiers for VIP. But I don't think so as I've never once heard anyone here mention it.

Conflating that with TER/P411 subscription fees, particularly for TER VIP, seems a good take. I also agree that the affidavit and most reporting want to make this a more elite, exclusive and "high end" type operation for sales/image purposes.

Whatever6956 reads

As someone who has used the referenced virginia agency many times. I have never been asked to pay a monthly fee. I do find it somewhat ironic that one of the Virginia buildings had police cars parked outside the entrance for probably well over a month during the summer to include unmarked cars. The agencies knew and were warned and the building even shut off the call box at one point. But only a different agency was spooked enough to change locations.

the charging agency for the Boston bust.  Within the first five pages, they identify the individuals and their home addresses that are being charged (which addresses have been redacted) and the LOCATIONS OF THE INCALLS, which are not redacted.  They are all in Massachusetts and Virgina.  There are none in California, even though one of the defendants resides in Torrance.  SoCal mongers can breathe a sigh of relief on this one.  

-- Modified on 11/20/2023 11:47:54 AM

I've read almost every article that came out on the subject, and some are so bad... like all they had to do is re-post shit yet they still got stuff wrong, not sure on purpose or not.

I've read at least two articles in which it was claimed three men were arrested. It's like they completely didn't read the info where it said multiple times that it was two men and a woman. I don't get how someone with a brain could read the original press release and/or affidavit and come to this conclusion.  


Some comments from people on these articles - seems they didn't understand the hierarchy of the org. Han and the younger dude were the POs and also defacto owners. Considering Han came to the US at the age of 32 and married a dude for green card, there is a good chance she's a former kgirl herself.  

(with that said, the young dude was a "student" and driving Maseratis. Sounds like he never had a legit job in his life. These are the type of POs who may think they're hot shit and mongers are trash)

It was both a Maserati and a Corvette.

I don't know why that would be odd for some young Korean student. Clearly he was the son of some Chaebol family ;-) I mean, don't these people watch the K-dramas?

This has some pics of the car.  


And wtf at the schedule ledgers. This org was careless as hell.
Are they aware that shredders exist? Why are they keeping schedule ledgers from last year?

Something of note is that the popular girl was getting eight customers in less than 12 hours. Which is in line with typical busy girl volume of 7-11 tricks a day.

Don't use the same email address you gave to immigration when you sign up for a domain for a whoring site.

It's not a good idea. Don't be like Han.

-- Modified on 11/29/2023 5:37:44 PM

...of Dread Pirate Roberts.

Who won't make some mistake though?

The TSA guy pulled a face when he ran my GE card.  Not sure what to read into this, but you never know.

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