Link To My Reviews


If you garner great reviews, you should be proud of them. Reviews posted on TER™ carry more weight than anything you might include on your site, because it is an independent, third party. Our research shows that potential clients are more apt to choose a provider with good TER reviews over someone who hasn't been recommended by our members. They simply feel more secure if they know what to expect. And great TER reviews, combined with our “Provider Search Form” help differentiate you from other providers and put you ahead of the pack.

Use your reviews to your advantage

If you have reviews on TER please feel free to link them to your site. We have setup a process the will allow us to link your website directly to your TER review and direct client traffic back and forth.

To use MPA3 or to not use MPA3

MPA3 manages our Revenue Sharing Program. If you sign-up to participate in this program, we will give you a hefty commission whenever a client referred from your site applies for a paid membership. We chose MPA3 because of its track record as a leading Internet billing company, and because of its commitment to maintaining the anonymity of our members. MPA3, not TER, will track the sales generated from your site. They will also provide a management web site so you can independently check and keep a record of your earnings. Commission paychecks are automatically generated by MPA3 and sent directly to you on a bi-monthly basis. If you would like to find out more about our program, please go the Revenue Sharing Program information page located in the Webmasters portion of our site.

How to setup the link to your reviews

If you would like participate in our Revenue Sharing Program and have us provide you with a link to your TER reviews, you have a couple of options. You need to start this process from your review, where you will find a link at the bottom that says "Link to my review". Click on this link. On the next page, choose the “Revenue Sharing” participation option. Fill out the form and submit it. You will be issued a special code that links your website to your TER review, along with an email confirming your participation. Follow the instructions in the email, which will tell you how to insert the TER html code onto your web page.

Now you will automatically be set up to send visitors to TER; we can direct them to you; and best of all, you are enrolled in our Revenue Sharing Program. An optional code to place a TER Ad banner on your site will also be included in your email.

Where to go for help

Getting help is easy! Email us at [email protected]. Our support staff will gladly assist you with any technical questions. We can also answer any other questions that you may have regarding TER in general.

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