Review: Nikki / Hailey / Nikkey

TER ID: 75813

Posted: September, 2011 by MITCH1808

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Session Location

Sun Prairie - hotel

General Details

Nikki has been on my 'list' for awhile. I had actually made contact with here about 2 years ago as I come up here a couple times a year. We just never could make it work. She remembered and after a few emails we were set. When I got here I found the agenda had changed and contacted her about moving the time up if she wanted or it could be kept the same. She checked and gave me another option and we made it happen. I'll say WHEW!

From now on when I'm up here, after finally meeting her, it will never again. Still you should check out and read her website because as nice as she is, she is also very business like and no bullsh^t.

I give Ms. Nikkey very high marks.

She never once watched the clock or had a phone interuption.

This I credit to a businesslike maturity that goes a long way with me.

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