Review: Kye Roberts / Geisha Kye

TER ID: 351507

Posted: July, 2016 by VADHAMAN

VIP only


VIP only


VIP only


VIP only

Session Location

Incall massage

General Details

I was down in the North Miami - Lauderdale area a couple weeks ago. Doing a little business and visiting friends. I got a hankering but all the So-Fla gals I have seen or wanted to see were booked up ; retired ; out of town or otherwise unavailable. A fellow hobbyist buddy who lives nearby recommended contacting Eden a retired legend . She operates a massage incall with beautiful girls that have wide menus. There is limited bookings - most of the ladies only see one guy per day and the service is second to none. I was taken aback by the prices quoted but my buddy hasn't been wrong in any of his other recommendations and assured me it was worth it. I'm not sure why but I gulped and said : " You better be right ! " I checked the website and looked at Geisha's pictures . Good but not great. Another round of reassurance and I took the plunge.

I called "Rachel " and requested Geisha per my pal's recommendation. I was in luck as she had an opening the following day so I got the info. The following day I called and confirmed and got the location. It was a short hop from my hotel. Geisha was there waiting for me. Drop dead gorgeous and super friendly. She is petite. A beautiful Pacific Asian. She said Thai and Hawaiian but I think there might be some "howlee" in there somewhere. She led me to a place to change so we could start with a bath .

And the details noted in the Vip section were VERY juicy indeed. In short, this was not a "session ". It was an experience that is still giving me the warm and fuzzies.

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