Review: Kristen Di Angelo

TER ID: 16940

Posted: December, 2021 by BUSYTRAVELER1

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Kristen has a fantastic professional website which makes finding out information of dates locations very easy scheduling was very seamless he’s in her online process but for those of us local to Christian scheduling becomes a little bit more difficult is drop-down options on her website only show her traditional travel options. Overall said the day requested time and waited. Well communication is great with Kristen I wish I would’ve known a little bit more in advance that the day and time weeks in advance we’re going to work I understand she’s got a full plate personally as well as travel but this would just be a nice addition but overall Kristen was very nice.

Kristen is extremely patient as when heading to her place there was significant traffic due to the holiday she was very patient and understood I couldn’t be more appreciative of her understanding as the last thing I wanna do is show up late is that a bad impression. Once I arrived walk to the door knocked it when she open the door my jaw dropped. Standing there in a sexy dress she offered for me to come in takeoff my shoes to get comfortable.

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