Review: June

TER ID: 358599

Posted: December, 2022 by WCTHOMPSONLEE

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Session Location

50’s St, Midtown

General Details

Hear a lot about June special skill, and radar on her for long time. First time for this agency. On their website, June wasn’t available at the time I contact for screen. But texted to mms and just want pre screen, so I can be on their list. Screen is very easy. After that, mms replies me their current line up. June was there and she was free for the time I was off from work. So, booked an appointment.

Went to their location at midtown 50s street, mms let me in, I know this mms from other agents, I think she recognized me a well. She asked me I have there before, I say it the first time there.

She escort me to June room. June is the woman on the picture but with some photoshopped. Many mongers say June is on her early 30s. However, I recognize she is on her 40s, but she keep her body and skin very well like a 30. Although, June is on but older side, More important to me was good service and great attitude, so I can enjoy the hour I pay for. And yes. June definitely on the top of the 2 departments. I recommend June if anyone want service and she is squeeze queen.

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