Review: Jessica Lin

TER ID: 317897

Posted: November, 2023 by TRAVELER608

VIP only


VIP only


VIP only


VIP only

Session Location

My Boston hotel

General Details

I set up the appointment by email. Jessica communicates well. She let me know she'd be about 10 minutes late, but with Boston traffic, I wasn't bothered by that. Jessica is thick and curvy, exotic looking, definitely attractive. She came in and immediately went into the bathroom. She came out after a short period of time, grabbed the envelope with the donation and put it in her purse, and sat on the bed next to me. We talked for probably 15 minutes. Talking with her was very pleasant Then she went back to the bathroom and stayed in there for a time that was long enough to make me a little uncomfortable. But, she finally came out, completely naked. VIPs read on...

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