Review: Carla

TER ID: 275424

Posted: April, 2015 by TAEZER2

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One of the reasons why I chose this SP was because of her pics on TP, particularly the long, wavy blond hair. She didn't have long hair, but extensions that were shoulder-length. No big deal, but I like me some long hair.

Very cute face. Great eyes and lips. Her blue eyes sparkle when she smiles. She has an inviting personality that made me feel pretty comfortable considering it was my first time hobbying. Not 100% fluent English but more than enough for conversation- when I spoke a bit fast, I sometimes had to repeat what I said. NBD.

She greeted me at the door with lingerie and a button-down shirt with heels on. After initial introductions I popped a bottle of red wine I brought. Over the course of an hour she accepted a little more than 2 glasses. Told me she didn't want to get drunk, all good. I then went to get cleaned up and she was waiting for me on the bed sans-shirt. I was pretty cold so I turned the thermostat up to 74 with a high fan.

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