Review: April

TER ID: 188441

Posted: January, 2012 by VISITINGMIKE

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I was in town only for a two-day visit and found the website while looking for some diverting fun the only night I had any free time. I've only gone in for full-body massage a couple of times before, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect with April, especially as all I had seen was her website and no reviews before I contacted her. She answered my email inquiry just a few hours after I sent it. It was startign to get a bit late (for me, I guess) considering I had an early start with back-to-back meetings all day the next day. But I was totally tempted into the visit after talking with her. Her incall turned out was just a 10 minute cab ride across Chicacgo from where I was staying. She's quite careful, but the screening was straightforward as I was from out-of-town and all that. Met her at her apartment incall (after getting rid of a cute roommate) about 30 minutes after she called back to say it was Ok to come over for what I had planned to be just a half hour of fun, sexy massage.

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