Review: Anya Bruni

TER ID: 301217

Posted: November, 2016 by SCOTCHMMM

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I was expecting too much after seeing the amazing photos on the agency's web site and the provider's personal site. In reality, she may have been the same woman that was in the pictures but her skin was definitely not the beautiful soft skin represented. Her hair was also just pulled back without any styling and she was wearing minimal makeup. She was pretty but looked much older and less attractive than what I was anticipating so things started off poorly.

She was slim and had a very nice ass which is my favorite part of a woman's body, and once she dropped the robe she was wearing I could see that overall she was a nice looking woman. She was extremely friendly and "no" was not in her vocabulary, so VIP's rea on, non vips, I still recommend her based on the session but do not expect her to look like the photos the uses.

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