TER General Board

Up to a certain point I agree with you, and I am not here to "fatshame"
GaGambler 73 reads

That said, after checking out the OP's pics, she is NOT at a healthy weight.  

Her life, her life decisions, but there is no way in hell that I am going to agree that being THAT heavy is healthy. It simply is NOT, and all the justifications (excuses) about how it's corporate America's fault that she is that big is going to fall on deaf ears where I am concerned.

Soooooo... I'm noticing men using the term bbw not knowing the actual term. Bbw is a BIG b beautiful woman, a plus sized female. If you aren't sure what plus sized is... Let me shed some light. Simply put it's a size 14 and up. Sometimes even a 12. But never below that. A big butt in a size 8 is not plus sized. Also, all bbw's don't have flat stomachs, smooth skin, and perfect breast. If you think this, you have looked at tooo many photoshopped pics of big women and are in denial. I've been plus sized since I was 12 years old so I'm telling you from a woman who had shopped as a larger, but thick lol, woman. Please know what bbw means before requesting it. Peace.

Sincerely, The Thickness

-- Modified on 1/21/2018 1:59:51 AM

Of explaining bbw, with the flat stomach, smooth skin, perfect breasts, and then you put up a drawing that seems to be the antithesis of your description.  Make up your mind. Is it the thick but attractive woman you describe, or the droopy fat girl in the picture?  I'm more confused after your post.

"big" does NOT equate with "beautiful"  

I will fully concede there really are some plus sized women who have those attributes, flat stomach, smooth skin, perfect breast, etc. But I simply have to state that there are a whole lot of other women who refer to themselves as BBW's that are anything but. they are simply FAT.  

Please don't shoot the messenger. Or go ahead and  shoot me, while I am not a huge fan of thick, I myself do have rather thick skin. lol

Agreed.  This is the problem....every fat, disgusting, women out there with loose morals and no cash advertises using the second "B" for beautiful.  They are just "BWs" and not "BBWs."  I would prefer something more accurate like "OW".   I would only see one after I met her at a GT.  I don't even trust photos because over the years, these women tend to get a lot more "BBW"....I mean "BW."  Drop the second "B."  

souls_harbor50 reads

I think you misread it.  She said bbw don't have flat stomachs, smooth skin, or perfect breasts ... only photoshopped version do.

Ruh_Roh68 reads

but a small waist? I think of Nicki Minaj Iggy Azalea, and Kim K when I hear the word "thick".  If she is marketing herself as thick like her handle, "The_thickness" is confusing to her clients and causing that angry face if she is in fact a BBW?

I refer to myself as such because ALL my clients tell me I'm a THICK BBW (although I'm a plus size I've had the plump behind, many women buy, all my life plus i still have defined curves). Excuse you. And news flash BBW MEANS BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN... WHICH INCLUDES FAT WOMEN (seeing that its a term SPECIFICALLY COINED FOR FAT WOMEN). DUH. If you don't know what a thick bbw is... Sounds like you need to do some research.

Posted By: Ruh_Roh
Re: Doesn't thick being a juicy booty, and thighs...
but a small waist? I think of Nicki Minaj Iggy Azalea, and Kim K when I hear the word "thick".  If she is marketing herself as thick like her handle, "The_thickness" is confusing to her clients and causing that angry face if she is in fact a BBW?

Ruh_Roh71 reads

I like Devin's post, read it.

The first time I read it, I thought she was saying many bbw's HAD those attributes, so now the picture makes more sense and I will not have any more illusions. Lol

I stand corrected. Thanks.

John_Laroche57 reads

She said "Also, all bbw's don't have flat stomachs, smooth skin, and perfect breast..."

She said that all bbw DON'T have flat stomachs, perfect skin, etc

Never mind, I'm late to the party - lol

Tippecanoe75 reads

I thought it was funny when talking to an Uber driver, who was black, about why black guys like fat asses. During the discussion, he talked about preferring to date white women, so I said you're looking for a PAWG.   Thought it amusing he didn't know what the term meant, and in my head thinking are you sure you like fat asses and white girls without knowing what they are called.

PAWG is Phat Ass White Girl.  

I'm easily amused.

You talked about PAWG like it is something taught in school and the Black guy was supposed to have learnt it otherwise he must be stupid.

Suppose he had said to you ,what GFY  means ,would you know.I don't think so.

And to generalize that Black guys like fat asses,is also saying that White guys don't like  fat ass ,which is not true.You can't speak for everyone.Get a brain.    

GFY- Go Fuck Yourself

Tippecanoe103 reads

Wow, angry black man in 'da house.  

I'm guessing you don't fit the stereotype of a black guy with a big dick, ergo you can't GFY and girls laugh at you when you unzip your pants. I can hear her now, "Haha, I guess we can't generalize that black guys, boobs100, have big dicks". You sure taught me, man, lesson learned not to generalize. Boobsman100 has a small dick everybody, don't generalize!

I know I am laughing at you, country bumpkin.

Posted By: Boobsman100
Re: On that note PAWG
You talked about PAWG like it is something taught in school and the Black guy was supposed to have learnt it otherwise he must be stupid.  
 Suppose he had said to you ,what GFY  means ,would you know.I don't think so.  
 And to generalize that Black guys like fat asses,is also saying that White guys don't like  fat ass ,which is not true.You can't speak for everyone.Get a brain.    
 GFY- Go Fuck Yourself

I don't sound like the bigot you are, so you  think you can make assumption on  my identity.You are dumber than I thought. I see women only, and have no interest in  arguing  with you about dicks.Not into men ,not my thing.

Tippecanoe64 reads

Your reading comprehension is less than 5%. Probably why you harbor so much anger. I find it ironic that you throw out assumptions about a person. Throwing rocks in glass houses and all that.

I'm done with you.  Feel free to put in the last word because your type can't resist.

John_Laroche60 reads

but at least it's more honest than "curvy." To be honest, I see either of these in an ad title and I move on, so I do appreciate curvy or BBW being up front.

But to try to define BBW by dress size or general fitness terms on TER is a difficult task. Until TER separates appearance from the neck up and from the neck down and requires some sort of graphic, we're stuck with this horrible misuse of the term BBW. It's like trying to define GFE. Everyone has their own idea, but it really does vary. Another grossly misused descriptor is petite. You can't be over 5'4" and be petite, but that seems to escape many here.

maybe later I'll begin a discussion of other misused terms like Karma Sutra (It's Kama Sutra people!!!!!).    

I see there is a lot of ppl who read what they want and ignore the point. The point is, know the difference between curvey and bbw.  And bbw DOES IN FACT ENTAIL A PLUS SIZED WOMAN. Otherwise why would the term exist. And plus sized is defined by a certain clothing size, otherwise the plus clothing section wouldn't exist. And here's the kicker... Plus sized is size 12 and ABOVE. I NEVER SAID PLUS SIZED COULDN'T HAVE A FLAT STOMACH... SHEESEH READ SOMETIMES.  I said in REALITY most plus sized women aren't looking like the photo shopped models you see in plus magazines and such. I mean if you're going to reply at least give yourself the benefit of reading the ENTIRE post before responding. I also NEVER SAID THAT BEING BIG MEAN BEING BEAUITFUL.  I see many missed the point in their effort,to tear my post apart. Your bad. Thank you to those who ACTUALLY READ IT and responded.

I just see Big (b) Unhealthy (u) Woman (w). LOL. Anyone without a serious medical condition, or who doesn’t have an endomorph body type (genetically stocky) that is excessively large for their skeletal frame is unhealthy. People who eat balanced portions of Whole Foods and are active throughout the week have bodies that reflect their decisions and lifestyle choices.  

BBW is an oxymoron. If a woman is on the thicker side, but she is toned, energetic and is someone that takes care of herself, that is more attractive to me than someone who does nothing to maintain their weight and eat healthy foods. It’s a persons attitude about themselves that makes them truly attractive. Fat shaming is justified to get people’s heads out of their asses and stop pre diabetes in its tracks! Say no to type 2 diabetes! Say no to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance! Those things are often easily reversible for many by just reducing unhealthy fats, excessive sugar consumption and not living a sedentary lifestyle. Just make better personal choices. Then there won’t need to be any a we don’t have to be any acronyms to make unhealthy people feel better about themselves and try to normalize poor lifestyle decisions.  

Fat shaming has been directly linked to bulimia and anorexia. If you want to shame someone, shame the corporations that sell nuggets 10 for a dollar and a salad for 5, or maybe for the fact that there are more fast food restaurants than walgreens lol. Stop making ppl feel ashamed about their bodies. This is why fake tits, asses, lips, women removing ribs and shit are on the rise. Skinny to obese, we are all beautiful. Your opinion of beauty is crossing with you facta regarding health. Via research i found the bigger you bottom, the less likely it is that you even see most diseases associated with obesity. Maybe try some non cliche research.

If they want to but you can't change ugly. Sounds like the tools on this thread need a make over of the soul. Wow..fat shaming and body shaming any person is asinine even more so on a fucking sex website. I mean realllllly??? What is the point to be so nasty and bring someone down...bc of something like you don't like their physical stature?  

What I love is most of the guys commenting are probably obese themselves and couldn't get laid outside the hobby anyway...

Like I said....you can't fix ugly and beauty goes alot farther then just a physical nature. Only immature and narrow minded people would give 2 flying monkeys about what someone else looks like or wants to do with their body.  

Bullies growing up to bullies. Nice.

Posted By: NaughtyMaddy
Re: Someone can always loose weight....
If they want to but you can't change ugly. Sounds like the tools on this thread need a make over of the soul. Wow..fat shaming and body shaming any person is asinine even more so on a fucking sex website. I mean realllllly??? What is the point to be so nasty and bring someone down...bc of something like you don't like their physical stature?  
 What I love is most of the guys commenting are probably obese themselves and couldn't get laid outside the hobby anyway...  
 Like I said....you can't fix ugly and beauty goes alot farther then just a physical nature. Only immature and narrow minded people would give 2 flying monkeys about what someone else looks like or wants to do with their body.  
 Bullies growing up to bullies. Nice.
I’m so glad for these forums where people are so vocal about who they really are. Some of these comments are so tacky and classless. Beauty is subjective. What makes a Big Woman beautiful is the confidence she possesses despite what douchebags may think. Thick means thick. It doesn’t specify what area is thick and I am thick myself and a lot of my ATFs are petite men. Opposites DO attract!

Thickness keep doing you! Everyone knows there is a huge market for women like yourself. Don’t waste your time trying to convince guys who are unhealthy their self or married to unhealthy women.

Some people are just not equipped to handle that ass ,especially when you throw it back. Am a ass man as well as as a breast man. A  Perfect BBW in my opinion is about 5'2" and up and between 180-220 .Some days that's what am in the mood for, so issue,.

I'm petite myself (a spinner even according to some- another overused term that can be argued over just as much as BBW or "thick" or "curvy") but I have many provider-friends who are BBWs and I can promise you, there is PLENTY of demand out there for ladies of size.

I don't think fat escorts are worth any less than skinny or toned or any other type of escorts.  

If they aren't able to charge as high a rate, it's not because there isn't demand.  I see a couple different factors at work: One, people today, especially in America, are bigger.  I'm not going to debate the health thing, but it's a fact that people today are heavier/bigger/fatter than in the past.  The greater the percentage of the population that is overweight, the more rare and therefore in-demand skinny people become.  If 3/4 of the providers I know are (technically, by BMI charts, don't hate me for saying this) overweight or obese, than the 1/4 who are at a "healthy" bmi become more in demand, even if men are evenly divided, 50/50, between preferring fat or preferring thin.  Since people tend to gain weight as they age, a 30+ provider who is still slim is going to have more of an advantage over her age-cohort than a 20 yo provider who is slim.  

Fat isn't undesirable or unmarketable, but fat women, of all ages, colors, etc, are not hard to find in our society.  Especially at lower socioeconomic levels.  There's a surplus of fat people, not a lack of desire for them.

The other factor that I think influences BBWs having a harder time charging premium rates is a little less "freakonomics" and a little more "gender studies"... I feel like I'm gonna get pilloried if I say this, but I really think it's true.

Plenty of men like and want BBW/fat/plus-size women.  That is just a fact.  But, a lot of those men harbor some deep seated fat-phobia and self-loathing for liking what they like and desiring larger women.  This is why some men marry skinny women and secretly see BBW escorts or have affairs with fat women.  Fat girls have no trouble getting laid, if they are willing to be a side piece or late-night booty call.  A lot- not all by any means, but a lot- of the men who desire BBWs don't want to admit publicly that that is what they are attracted to.  So, lots of demand for plus-size providers.

BUT- the fat-phobia from the culture makes these same men, who get hard for BBWs, see their own desires as abnormal, and believe that even though THEY are attracted to fat women, fat women are still, objectively, unattractive and worth less.  They don't believe that this is their own vision of beauty- they see it as a quirk or kink that makes them seek out something that is not beautiful, because THEY are fucked up and weird and don't want what they are supposed to want, what everyone is supposed to want, what is actually beautiful, even if it leaves them cold.

I have seen it my whole career- hobbyists who pursue BBWs ardently and often to the exclusion of other providers, but still believe "$xxx is too much for a BBW".  

As a petite woman, I have guys say rude things about my rates the same as anyone else, but I have never heard "$xxx is too much for a skinny girl, I could get a skinny meth head for $xx..." because thin people don't get devalued based on their weight.  Or even defined mainly by their weight.  Which is fucked up, really, because, like it or not, fat is the norm.  Fat IS average.

It takes a lot of strength to be a BBW escort.  Sex workers are, to much of society, seen as the lowest of the low, and plus size escorts get told they have no business being sex workers.  I love what I do, but I don't know if I could do it under those conditions.  The men who aren't into me because I'm not tall enough, not busty enough, not young enough, not blonde enough, not Asian, have tattoos, don't provide certain services... they don't feel the need to attack me the way that BBWs get attacked.  

Of all the women who aren't your type... to the guys putting down BBWs... why do plus size pros make you so angry?  You don't need to answer, but at least think about it.   Why does the idea that someone else is paying a fat girl (or paying her more than you think she is worth) bother you?  

Thank you 😊😊😊👌👍

Posted By: Vanessa_Vixen
Re: BBW providers
I'm petite myself (a spinner even according to some- another overused term that can be argued over just as much as BBW or "thick" or "curvy") but I have many provider-friends who are BBWs and I can promise you, there is PLENTY of demand out there for ladies of size.  
 I don't think fat escorts are worth any less than skinny or toned or any other type of escorts.    
 If they aren't able to charge as high a rate, it's not because there isn't demand.  I see a couple different factors at work: One, people today, especially in America, are bigger.  I'm not going to debate the health thing, but it's a fact that people today are heavier/bigger/fatter than in the past.  The greater the percentage of the population that is overweight, the more rare and therefore in-demand skinny people become.  If 3/4 of the providers I know are (technically, by BMI charts, don't hate me for saying this) overweight or obese, than the 1/4 who are at a "healthy" bmi become more in demand, even if men are evenly divided, 50/50, between preferring fat or preferring thin.  Since people tend to gain weight as they age, a 30+ provider who is still slim is going to have more of an advantage over her age-cohort than a 20 yo provider who is slim.    
 Fat isn't undesirable or unmarketable, but fat women, of all ages, colors, etc, are not hard to find in our society.  Especially at lower socioeconomic levels.  There's a surplus of fat people, not a lack of desire for them.  
 The other factor that I think influences BBWs having a harder time charging premium rates is a little less "freakonomics" and a little more "gender studies"... I feel like I'm gonna get pilloried if I say this, but I really think it's true.  
 Plenty of men like and want BBW/fat/plus-size women.  That is just a fact.  But, a lot of those men harbor some deep seated fat-phobia and self-loathing for liking what they like and desiring larger women.  This is why some men marry skinny women and secretly see BBW escorts or have affairs with fat women.  Fat girls have no trouble getting laid, if they are willing to be a side piece or late-night booty call.  A lot- not all by any means, but a lot- of the men who desire BBWs don't want to admit publicly that that is what they are attracted to.  So, lots of demand for plus-size providers.  
 BUT- the fat-phobia from the culture makes these same men, who get hard for BBWs, see their own desires as abnormal, and believe that even though THEY are attracted to fat women, fat women are still, objectively, unattractive and worth less.  They don't believe that this is their own vision of beauty- they see it as a quirk or kink that makes them seek out something that is not beautiful, because THEY are fucked up and weird and don't want what they are supposed to want, what everyone is supposed to want, what is actually beautiful, even if it leaves them cold.  
 I have seen it my whole career- hobbyists who pursue BBWs ardently and often to the exclusion of other providers, but still believe "$xxx is too much for a BBW".  
 As a petite woman, I have guys say rude things about my rates the same as anyone else, but I have never heard "$xxx is too much for a skinny girl, I could get a skinny meth head for $xx..." because thin people don't get devalued based on their weight.  Or even defined mainly by their weight.  Which is fucked up, really, because, like it or not, fat is the norm.  Fat IS average.  
 It takes a lot of strength to be a BBW escort.  Sex workers are, to much of society, seen as the lowest of the low, and plus size escorts get told they have no business being sex workers.  I love what I do, but I don't know if I could do it under those conditions.  The men who aren't into me because I'm not tall enough, not busty enough, not young enough, not blonde enough, not Asian, have tattoos, don't provide certain services... they don't feel the need to attack me the way that BBWs get attacked.    
 Of all the women who aren't your type... to the guys putting down BBWs... why do plus size pros make you so angry?  You don't need to answer, but at least think about it.   Why does the idea that someone else is paying a fat girl (or paying her more than you think she is worth) bother you?  

Tippecanoe70 reads

Interesting response and informative. Just do a search on Redtube or Pornhub on all the categories of porn. And, those are 'mainstream' sites, not including the more bizarre fetishes and practices.

You raise a good point, of what is desired is what is considered by society desirable. That can change and has changed over the years. Look at oil paintings from a few centuries ago, the beautiful women then would be considered BBW or 'fat' today.  Marilyn Monroe is the classic example of a recent woman, who today, would be considered 'curvy' and out of shape - no 'sick pack' abs. I think it has more to do with just a basic natural instinct of seeking out 'healthy' to breed healthy babies - that basic and base. Just a theory for discussion. Why, in general, women like tall lean fit men, versus the Hercules huge body builders.

Again, just a discussion point (flame suit-on).

Thank you for the opportunity to repeat my suggestions to include silhouettes in the review form.  A PICTURE (honestly selected) is a more accurate description than ambiguous or ill defined adjectives. Thin, skinny, BBW, "could lose a few pounds"????, ... nonsense.
Likewise, for replacing ETHNICITY (with a mish mash of confusing interpretations) with two new fields:  
COMPLEXION (for color) and CULTURAL IDENTITY (or country of origin or similar).
Here is one example of a silhouette chart. There are better ones out there:

souls_harbor60 reads

.. the afro was among the ugliest hair styles ever invented.

souls_harbor57 reads

The mohawk and the half mohawk also rank up there as the ugliest hair styles.

bigguy3039 reads

It's nothing wrong with a afro and they are not ugly!

souls_harbor49 reads

She's cute.  The hair-do is hideous.

I met a gal from California who still sports one, and she offered to let me fuck it if I wanted.

bigguy3052 reads

She is a beauty and her afro is great!

-- Modified on 1/31/2018 7:44:48 AM

...in p4p, regardless of size, shape, color, etc.

It took me all of 20 seconds to go to her review page, click on the website listed and check out her photos available there.

If you're making a decision to see someone based mostly on size or body shape, do some research and check out their photos.

If she's not what you are looking for, move on and find someone who fits the "ideal" for you.

bigguy3052 reads

trex44 you made a great point.
Also I have no problems, with bbw or curvy woman.

the discussions surrounding weight are based solely on vanity and feelings? It couldn't possibly be that by pointing out the dangers of carrying excessive weight, and encouraging people to eat healthy and exercise regularly is to promote weight loss and experience better overall health? It's an attack? Its insensitive? It's bullying? It amazes me when it comes to this issue, how many people purposely keep their heads in the sand. Anybody's doctors will say being excessively overweight and a lack of exercise is unhealthy, especially as we age. Take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming society in general and $1.00 chicken nuggets for poor lifestyle choices people make as adults. Call me whatever names you like, but that isn't going to change the obvious. Vanity and good health are two different things.  

I'm glad those of you who are excessively overweight like yourselves, and have self esteem. I'm happy you don't have mental disorders that cause you starve yourselves into malnutrition. Those people need Psychiatric help. Eating a balanced diet and getting a little exercise each week is a much better alternative to doing nothing, ignoring common sense and eating fast food every day and being sedentary. But apparently how you feel is more important, so I have to say what you want to hear, so you don't get upset. Typical snowflake.

souls_harbor52 reads

I think you can discuss the risks of obesity without personalizing it.  Also if you look at a lot of kids these days, 7 - 10 years old that are porkers ... it's the parent's fault.  

and compassion is always a better motivator for weight loss than shame. always.

That said, after checking out the OP's pics, she is NOT at a healthy weight.  

Her life, her life decisions, but there is no way in hell that I am going to agree that being THAT heavy is healthy. It simply is NOT, and all the justifications (excuses) about how it's corporate America's fault that she is that big is going to fall on deaf ears where I am concerned.

i think op has a point. she was responding to the comment suggesting everyone should lead a life *just like Allsar's* in order to be "healthy". just to reiterate her point, many people don't have the means to support that kind of lifestyle due to life circumstances, whatever those circumstances may be.

business, not personal, so you have to do what you have to do to be competitive and conform to industry standards as far as being healthy, fit and attractive.  You wouldn't want to rent a car from a place that doesn't do the periodic maintenance and then have the engine die on you while you're driving on the interstate.  How she conducts her personal life is nobody else's concern, but when her physical condition is part of her business service, it matters to the customers.  If she can't support the lifestyle that she needs to be competitive (which I don't believe for a minute, because eating less actually saves money), then she should get into a business where she can afford the upkeep that is required by that industry.  I'm always amused by providers that go back and forth between treating what they do as personal versus business when its convenient to support an argument.  

she (like me) supplies a niche product for consumers, and more power to her for that! not every client is interested in seeing the "girl next door" and i'm sure y'all would get bored hella quick if every provider looked exactly the same.

Is similar to that of the tranny niche. It's a bucket list item for MANY guys to try, but a very small percentage become regular customers of a particular girl, IMO.

A problem for who? you? Why are y'all so quick to get off topic? The post was about defining what a BBW is, OP doesn't care about your feigned concerns for her health or if she has regulars. That wasn't why she posted. Btw, trans women don't like to be referred to as trannies. I guess you would know that if you fucked more than one, huh?

I remember having a long conversation with TS Sasha quite sometime back where I frankly told her that I had no intentions of becoming politically correct and that I fully intended on continuing to use the term tranny, to which she replied "we are fine as long as you don't call me a "lady boy"" and true to my word I have NEVER called her a "lady boy" lol

As for the OP, she came on here demanding we use language that she approves of where it comes to "big women" those types of posts usually meet with some push back. I am not going to allow ANYONE to insist that all the rest of us conform to his/her definition of what a certain term means. The OP doesn't have to worry at all about what I am going to call her, because I have no intentions of calling her at all.

thanks for the anecdotal evidence on what words trans people find derogatory. and don't be silly, she's not "demanding" that you use the "appropriate language", she is broadening the idea of what a BBW is to include women who are actually..... big. that way people aren't surprised when they are greeted by women like her. i'm glad you're saving her the trouble of trying to book you tho.

Just for the record, I do calisthenic, body weight exercises that include compound, full body strength training movements and cardio in my living room, in a circuit for 20-30 minutes. I don't have a gym membership. I can do those kinds of exercises anywhere, even a hotel room. I use a free, online calorie and macronutrient tracker called Sparkpeople. The website is full of information, nutritionists, and health coaches are available for as little as $5.00 a month, and there is a great support community of others trying to live healthier lives, sharing experiences and information in forums just like this one.

The site automatically calculates my total daily energy expenditure, so I am not eating too little, and helps me keep my caloric intake in line. After 4 months of tracking my home made meals, I could tell by looking at a meal how much protein there was, and how many calories. I'm passionate about this issue, because I lost over 40 pounds more than once. My triglycerides were high, my bad cholesterol was high, my blood sugar was off the chart and I was pre diabetic. All because I was sedentary and not eating better choices of foods. Protein is the most expensive thing to buy regarding a healthy diet, but it is possible to eat healthy food affordably and that the food is tasty.

There is a learning curve absolutely, to fit into your own schedule meal prep, sleep, exercise, but I am in the camp of trying to encourage others to join in and at least try to move in the direction of better health and quality of life. I provide helpful tips, refer websites with free trackers or information, I pass on things I learned from a personal trainer I hired for a few months in 2016...what I won't do, is lie to people and tell them its okay to be really heavy. Because it isn't. There is so much better information and resources available now on how to reduce weight with out fad diets that provides long term knowledge to help you keep the weight off. What we learn should be passed on to help others. normalizing being overweight is more hurtful to people long term that the latter IMO. We have to get past out sensitivity to discussing these things. It isn't about a beach body.

wow tldr. take any opportunity to talk about yourself, i guess?

like i said, people don't have the means to support this kind of lifestyle. and when i say means, i mean time as well as money.

or ex junkies or ex "whatevers"  

They all tend to get a bit preachy with their well intended advice.  

That said, the OP is full of it when she claims fat people can simply blame corporate America for their own bad lifestyle decisions. Eating healthy is a lot easier (and cheaper) than many people make it out to be. Just because someone is too lazy to go to the grocery store rather than Mc D's doesn't mean that it's a valid excuse.  Cooking at home takes very little time and five bucks worth of ingredients (less than the cost of a fast food meal) goes a long ways if you are budget conscious. I can make a very good meal with five bucks worth of ingredients or less, spending no more than 30 minutes in the process. It's simply NOT that hard.

lol talking to you is like talking to a wall. have a lovely day.

I’ve been trying to figure this out for myself. I definitely am a curvy woman but I’m firm and fill out a size 10/12. I’m also tall gal. Can there be an Amazonian option? A reviewer once said that about me.

SNL's "The Widettes" helped to popularize the Steatopygian Look that some people are embracing today.  But instead of packing on a "fat suit", they're packing on the Quarter Pounders.

that the word EAT is in the middle of that word.  Coincidence, or cause and effect?

Well, just fyi. I have NEVER SMOKED A CIGARETTE IN MY LIFE, I enjoy the occasional 4/20 (didn't touch it til 25), i don't have high blood sugar, cholesterol, lipids, or blood sugar, my bone density is higher than most so I've ALWAYS been bigger than most women my age (155lbs at 16 yrs old with a flat stomach, b cup tits, and a huge butt and thighs). I drink only socially and I've had three children. My ONLY health issue is a more sedentary lifestyle than usual, an easy fix (that my trainer and I are currently working on) and hypothyroidism (passed down through generations of the women in on my mom's side). Contrary to popular belief on obesity, all fat doesn't stick due to the overeating of processed foods(which I'm not a fan of because I was taught to and love to cook). Some obesity can stem from stress, genetics, and gestation. Obesity is rampant throughout my family history unfortunately, and it doesn't help that I'm an endomorph  (hard to lose fat easy  gain muscle).I was ACTUALLY 316Lbs and now down to 275 just through eating habits alone. I drink green, oolong, earl grey, chamomile, muira puama, suma, blackseed, raspberry leaf, And other teas regularly that i have researched thoroughly. My supplements are all natural, my skin oils are  natural, my hair oils are all natural. I meditate and do yoga and im STILL VERY capable of a full 12 movement 10 round sun salutation routine backbends, and assisted headstand. Health in the yogi world: you are only as young/flexible as your spine. I came here with information. It may not have been to anyone's liking and thats fine. Like  stated everything isnt for everyone.  What right does that give you to judge that which you do not know.  Being a bbw doesnt n  are unhealthy and being n doesnt make you the picture of health. Even doctors will acknowledge that.   I dont see why ppl even have to bash to  make a point, ESPECIALLY seeing that we, as providers, accept and accommodate MANY body types, smells, etc.

-- Modified on 2/1/2018 2:16:20 PM

First you go on and on about how happy you are to be just as big as you are and then in the very same breath you "brag" about having lost 41 pounds, if you were truly happy with your weight you would be lamenting the weight loss, not talking about how you lost weight by eating right.

Come on girl, get your story straight. You are also the one who tried to blame corporate America because they sell McNuggets for a cheaper price than a salad, but now you brag about how healthy your eating habits are. We didn't seek you out to fatshame you, but if you are going to spout bullshit like you've been doing, you can't cry foul when you get some pushback.  As they say on the schoolyard "you started it" lol

First off... READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT OR ELSE YOU LOOK JUST AS STUPID AS YOU JUST DID.  I am a PROUD BBW WOMAN WHO IS ON THE PATH TO WEIGHTLOSS FOR A  HEALTHIER ME. Second that was far from bragging.  I said something about food because its a FACT; doesn't mean I eat it.  Of course you being so smart you know true health begins with your diet (not the fad bullshit). WHAT I STARTED was a thread purely about what a bbw is. It is you, and whatever other dickheads who did the same, who took my post and  made a pure mockery of it. Based on your post history being  dick seems to be your specialty. I hope you're as good at being  dick in bed as you are here. A person can be happy in anything but understand that there IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. OR AM  NOT ALLOWED THAT EITHER? I see some ppl like to live in their own heads. I would too if it had that much empty space. LOLOL

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: You have no idea just how contradictory a statement you just made
First you go on and on about how happy you are to be just as big as you are and then in the very same breath you "brag" about having lost 41 pounds, if you were truly happy with your weight you would be lamenting the weight loss, not talking about how you lost weight by eating right.  
 Come on girl, get your story straight. You are also the one who tried to blame corporate America because they sell McNuggets for a cheaper price than a salad, but now you brag about how healthy your eating habits are. We didn't seek you out to fatshame you, but if you are going to spout bullshit like you've been doing, you can't cry foul when you get some pushback.  As they say on the schoolyard "you started it" lol

Well except for your post about squirting, that was the first sign of intelligent life coming from you since you've been here, but then you follow it up with perhaps your dumbest post yet.

You started off claiming that being fat had no impact on your health and put down everyone who pointed out that being fat is most definitely UNHEALTHY, and now here you are admitting that you are losing weight for your HEALTH of all reasons.  You do realize all your posts are still here for all to see, don't you???

NOT ONCE DID I  BEING OVERWEIGHT HAD NO IMPACT ON HEALTH. AND JUST BECAUSE IM SURE I NEVER SAID IT... I CHALLENGE YOU TO PASTE AND COPY THOSE EXACT WORDS.  Actually if you take a bit of time to, as suggested before, read before you speak to me i said SPECIFICALLY "Being overweight doesnt mean you aren't healthy". Losing weight promotes BETTER HEALTH AND IS PREVENTIVE. But i guess thats not working out for your health right. To increase lung and organ function. Do you have the slightest idea what health is other than being overweight or are you wiki searching as you go? My post makes you look like what you are, a pompous ass with nothing better to do but to start shit via THE INTERNET behind a screen and username. Lol Ter bully. Are you proud. *slow hand clap*

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: I didn't think it was possible, but you are getting dumber by the post
Well except for your post about squirting, that was the first sign of intelligent life coming from you since you've been here, but then you follow it up with perhaps your dumbest post yet.  
 You started off claiming that being fat had no impact on your health and put down everyone who pointed out that being fat is most definitely UNHEALTHY, and now here you are admitting that you are losing weight for your HEALTH of all reasons.  You do realize all your posts are still here for all to see, don't you???

If yelling and screaming at your computer monitor qualifies as exercise, those pounds and inches are going to start melting off at a record pace. lmao

I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly? You certainly are one angry "plus sized" woman. I guess I should be nicer to you considering you've got about a hundred pounds on me.

As for "starting shit" here, I may be guilty of "continuing" the shit, but you most definitely are the one who started it, and you know the old saying "don't start no shit and there won't be no shit" rofl

THIS IS THE ORIGINAL POST. It was not bashing anyone. It didn't have shit to do with ANYTHING most of you are talking about. It's like gossip. Start on topic and end up with bullshit.  There is even am argument about racism going on. It is not me that made nothing out of something. I simply had  view and ppl lost their minds.

Posted By: The_Thickness

Soooooo... I'm noticing men using the term bbw not knowing the actual term. Bbw is a BIG b beautiful woman, a plus sized female. If you aren't sure what plus sized is... Let me shed some light. Simply put it's a size 14 and up. Sometimes even a 12. But never below that. A big butt in a size 8 is not plus sized. Also, all bbw's don't have flat stomachs, smooth skin, and perfect breast. If you think this, you have looked at tooo many photoshopped pics of big women and are in denial. I've been plus sized since I was 12 years old so I'm telling you from a woman who had shopped as a larger, but thick lol, woman. Please know what bbw means before requesting it. Peace.  
 Sincerely, The Thickness

-- Modified on 1/21/2018 1:59:51 AM

There are a few regular posters here who get inexplicably emotional when confronted with the fact that "fat" women and/or "old" women can succeed in the sex industry.  Why they are so personally invested in our failure is a mystery that I have no desire to solve!  As far as I'm concerned, their opinion is none of my business, and I leave it at that.

I grew up in an adoptive family with two other sisters of the same age but widely different shapes.  I was (and still am!) the skinny flat-chested one - there was a shapely athlete in the middle, and then a very voluptuous BBW on the other end of the spectrum.  My BBW sister was (and still is!) - by far - the most sexually sought after of the three of us.    

My personal belief is that my job - as a sex worker, and otherwise - is to be the best 'me' that I can be.  One of the many things that I like about this business is knowing that the client who contacts me has had a chance to look at my pictures and read my profile and that they have decided that I tickle whatever their fancy is.  As long as our pictures are accurate, chances of disappointment should be slim (so to speak!)  

xo - M.

Why is everyone arguing about the Build-a-Bear Workshop?

Tippecanoe58 reads

Its a white guy, ironic. You also posted in the wrong timeline of the thread, you're such an idiot fanboy.

Tippecanoe58 reads

What horse, I see no horse.  Haha.

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