TER General Board

Sexism & reviews
TiannaTemptation See my TER Reviews 37 reads

Reviews may exist for men, but saying providers shouldn’t be able to read them is quite foolish.  

When I first started in this business I read tons of reviews, the good, the bad, the ugly. I wanted to understand what made one girl a 10 and another a 3.  What were the qualities that made guys feel like they were getting good service?  What were they looking for?   Let’s face it, in many cases the average woman doesn’t know all the tricks - if they did, we may not have nearly as much business, LOL!

When I started getting my own reviews I used them as feedback regularly. I learned what aspects of my “performance” were the most impressive and which were not so important. Most times it made sense, other times it was surprising.  

Given the opportunity I always have and will read a clients reviews prior to accepting a booking. The advantage to this is that I can learn about his preferences and the session style he is looking for. I may not be appropriate based on this information. For example I have never really been much of an extreme PSE type and I probably wouldn’t enjoy a full on session like this nor would I give this service well. When I love what I am doing and am fully comfortable is when my clients will get the best quality.  Reading about the experiences that wowed a potential client lets me know if we should be compatible and may offer insight into specific things he likes that may allow me to personalize the service accordingly.  

These are some examples of how both parties win when I have access to reviews.  It would be a shame if that was taken away and I was left in the dark to figure this all out without adequate input.

Most of the time when I see a provider it’s because she has had a decent number of positive reviews here on TER.  On occasion I will see something somewhere, perhaps on her website where she will specify she doesn’t want any more reviews.  Sometimes it’s not listed anywhere about requesting no reviews but while I am emailing back and forth to set up an appointment the provider will raise it as an issue at the last minute.

I’m seriously thinking about how I feel about agreeing to this. Is it fair to ignore her request or requirement?  Or am I ethically required to respect her wishes?  If I expected her to keep my personnel info private and if she couldn’t agree to do so I would not follow through with an appointment…and if she agreed but then later revealed it, I know I would totally be pissed and tell everyone I know in the hobby world never to see this woman.  My feeling is that I don’t have to proactively seek her approval, but if up front she requests anonymity and if I don’t agree she won’t take the appointment, I kinda feel that’s reasonable.  What does the community think?

A wise Egyptian man told me once, "just do not care", which would be exactly my takeaway if someone told me I wasn't to leave a review. In fact, I'd probably care so little, I'd mention that she asked for me to not write a review, in my review.

Do understand of course, you don't have to write reviews as munchinmuffin, and you can write reviews in such a manner that they'll never be able to concretely connect the guy they saw walk through the door, with the review that was posted. Simple obfuscation, don't post a review right away, don't be terribly specific about anything. Remember that, the value in a review is mostly "was she as-described, did she do the thing I like", not a 1:1 play by play of what happened. Does that cross some imaginary moral or ethical boundary? Come on man, you're exchanging cash for pussy, lets not pretend that  questions like that matter to anyone involved.  

And, well, if someone was upfront about "no reviews", I'd pass, they're probably mediocre at best, not worth my time, no way it's about 'privacy', it's about 'getting away with being shitty'.

John_Laroche34 reads

If she asked you not to write a review, but she follows through with a session as you expect, I don't think that you should write a review. At that point it's only bragging. She obviously has reviews and apparently doesn't need more at this time to sustain her business. you obviously found her and were not concerned about the frequency, or lack thereof, of her reviews.
Now if  the session falls short of your expectations based on prior reviews, then you're not obligated by the agreement.

I know a number of providers who really don't like reviews. They obsess over every word. Much of it is a "men are from Mars, Women are From Venus" thing, but it just causes them stress. They appreciate having a profile here that lets mongers know that they are legit, but the gratuitous detail or even a soft criticism of a good session is frustrating. Their business model isn't about being a cum-guzzling slut, even if they are one.  

Can you please tell me how you got to this statement, logically?

Nothing in the op says she has reviews. In fact, the op kinda implies that she doesn't.

I don't think it's obvious that she has reviews, in fact it seems the other way around. But definitely not obvious.

Then you make two other assumptions on top of that.

The OP says that the provider told him she does not want any MORE reviews. That means she has some now.

If someone doesn't have semi-recent reviews, like, last 6 months kinda reviews, she may as well have zero reviews.

Alot can change in 6 months, she may have let herself go in that time, she might have picked up a meth habit, she might have turned into a scam artist, she might not offer that thing you like anymore, her info may have been co-opted by LEO, you really can't tell unless dudes are writing reviews, and, avoiding all the above is exactly why reviews even exist.

Also, even if you foolishly disagree with that notion, and I understand if you do, the idea that she doesn't want *more* reviews does not mean that she has *currently accessible* reviews. Review sites come and go, most are more falliable than TER, and there's even a process for ladies to take down a TER profile, effectively removing all reviews. You know all this Frank, you've been around long enough, go beat one out so the blood flows back to your brain and think about it, we're all lecherous assholes exchanging notes in a locker room, lets not pretend otherwise.

Take a breath, read the post I replied to, then go re-read the OP. Reading comprehension is fun. Or maybe you’re just PUI? I used to do that, so I understand and you’ll get a free pass.  

“If someone doesn't have semi-recent reviews, like, last 6 months kinda reviews, she may as well have zero reviews.”  

This is so unrelated to my post it’s just bizarre. I just answered a simple question about how at least one of the women the OP was talking about has reviews already. Nothing about the importance to monger safety of reviews being CURRENT was anywhere in this thread until you said this.  

TRQ wanted to know how Laroche knew that the OP was talking about a provider with reviews. I merely pointed out that the OP literally said that the provider specifically requested she wants no MORE reviews. Please explain to the class how one might get MORE reviews without already having SOME reviews. Please. We’re not talking about s’mores here.  

I could’ve jumped TRQ’s shit for saying the OP had implied that the provider had NO reviews, when in fact it VERY STRONGLY suggests the opposite, but I was trying to bring a speck of patience and decency into this fuckin place. That was obviously my mistake and I understand why it fried your circus board 🎪  

When exactly did I say that the age of reviews doesn’t matter or that any of the potential pitfalls to trusting over-ripe reviews  you mentioned wouldn’t happen? How the actual fuck did you even turn this into the age of reviews question from a couple weeks ago? Even setting aside the confusion you’ve created about has she already been reviewed, this whole thread has been about how to react to a woman who doesn’t want future reviews. Not about whether old reviews still hold water.  

I didn’t say anything about running around seeing women with no, or antique reviews.  

The OP opened with saying “most of the time” he sees a provider as a result of her having a number of positive reviews HERE. Then he said a provider he was considering seeing asked she not get MORE reviews. So, a monger who MOST often sees TER well-REVIEWED women is considering seeing a woman who specifically doesn’t want MORE reviews, and you don’t see how everyone but you and TRQ got to the conclusion that said woman has REVIEWS on TER? Really?? LMAO!!! It’s certainly a far safer ASSumption than TRQ’s, that she doesn’t have any reviews.  

You’re just spoiling for a fight. Go have a fight with CDL about whether Valentine’s Day is a “corporate holiday” or a feast for a martyr.  

If you really thought OP was talking about seeing an unknown un-reviewed provider you would’ve pounced him for it. And you would’ve said all this shit to Laroche for “assuming” the woman in question had reviews. It is nice to see I’ve got a stalker though. My first.  

This OP is not a moron. He wouldn’t go out of his way to mention a provider didn’t want MORE reviews if she didn’t have any “*currently accessible*” reviews. What would be the point in saying that if she didn’t? I understand you just don’t like me and I take that as a compliment, but don’t insult his intelligence just to try and start some shit with me.

Frankie, baby, I like you plenty, that's why I bother to talk to you, don't get it twisted, I like seeing you around. Also there's like 10 posters on this board these days, so, by your measure we're all stalking eachother if we're talking at all. Remember that the next time I say something smart.  

What I'm getting at is nowhere in this thread did anyone actually confirm this chick has reviews. You can infer it one way or the other all you'd like, I'm not about that bullshit, I'm looking for concrete. The fact that this chick doesn't want more reviews is suspicious at the very best, and, dollars to dog nuts she doesn't have any current reviews, and wants it that way for a reason, and, that reason isn't something that benefits you and I and OP. If she doesn't have any semi-recent reviews, she may as well have no reviews, as I said before. Not that you should never see someone who isn't reviewed, I have and do, it's all good, you just have to know what you're walking into is all.

None of that is a hard response directed 1:1 at what you're saying, it's a reply to the situation as a whole, don't take it so personal friend.

Your last sentence seems to muddy things for me.

I agree if you never discussed reviews at all then no reason why you should feel obligated to ask before writing a review. But if you know ahead of time that she doesn't want to have more reviews and you agree to the appointment, then I see that as part of the terms just like the donation.

If you tell her you are a reviewer and she says I don't want reviews you can walk away and see someone else. Similarly, if you tell her you will not commit to a no review after the session and she still wants to let you make the appointment you're free to use your own judgement.

Those all fit my ethics of honesty and fairness.

I have seen providers who said they had a no review policy. One was a provider who had no TER profile and preferred to keep it that way. She was amazing. At the end, I asked if she was sure she didn't want a review and that it would be a great one because she earned it. She said she still didn't want it. I respected her decision.

I've had a couple of providers however who changed their minds when I said it was going to be a good review. In these cases, though, they always had TER profiles and were well reviewed. Their so called policy was more a ploy to keep the bad reviews away and maintain their high score. Not that it was fool proof, but it probably limited them. In hindsight, I have less respect for those who keep a TER profile with good reviews, say they don't want more reviews, but then accept them if a client says it will be a good one. If they truly don't want reviews any more, they should contact TER and ask to be removed. It's not fair to maintain a review score and try to disuade anyone from reviewing you at the same time.

RespectfulRobert34 reads

It just doesn't strike me as too big of an ask by the girl. If she is in some way a threat to the community, I would feel differently, but that wasn't your hypothetical.

Oh but she is a threat to the community Bob. If she's attempting to normalize "no reviews" she is ipsofacto a threat to the erotic *review*, which is, case you got lost, is the website you posted that on.

It's an important reminder that, TER exists regardless of how the ladies think about it. It's for mongers, by mongers, run by... the TER admins who, I mean, I assume they're getting their beaks wet, or, at least I hope they are.

RespectfulRobert33 reads

I don't find women that do not wish to be reviewed a threat to anyone. The women I have spoken to who do not want them aren't trying to "normalize" anything imo, as they just don't wish to have every intimate detail of their professional, sexual life online any longer or they have a very difficult time to get fake reviews pulled or maybe they are getting stalked or numerous other reasons.

I have posted several times on this topic. There are many gals (for very obvious reasons!) want nothing to do with the at time dehumanizing and objectifying nature of some of the reviews being posted by some less than savory members of this community and on other review boards. I have said I don't care either way if guys post reviews or not of me as the whole nature of this commentary is just not really needed to be successful in this industry anymore. Reviews that were written just for blackmail or those that are just obviously not real or are false are not being taken down in a timely manner and do cause unnecessary angst for providers and their business. And yes, if you post a review for a provider who has very specifically said "no reviews" you may get blacklisted by that provider. The industry is changing. If you want more gals to participate on this overrun sausage board and allow and encourage reviews to be posted the derogatory comments, name calling, rude and misogynistic comments needs to end.    

I have felt for a long time that for reviews on should need .
Looks like the pictures , what services offered , what services received ( acronyms) , price paid for service received and time .
Lastly would you recommend and return.
I have no need to know how many times she orgasmed when I did whatever .  
Long before I had VIP had a lot of success without the play by play.

Exactly! More yelp....less penthouse.....

Sure sure, I get it miss. I'm not saying I'm accountability's #1 fan, or that mob rule doesn't have it's own downsides, it's more that, we're all operating in the dark, and reviews are the only way power is really balanced here. I do understand that, many women intuit this and don't like it, they'd rather have all the power. Such is the state of men and women since the beginning of time.  

So all that to say, the fact is, reviews exist for men, not for the ladies, well unless the ladies are looking to see other ladies, but you catch my drift. You're not supposed to like them, and, save for jumping through some hoops, you're not really even supposed to be privvy to them. You can say the industry is changing, I say the industry hasn't changed for thousands of years, and no amount of butthurt created by someone talking trash in a review on a fuckboard is going to even move the needle. It might cause some to quit, and they'll be quickly replaced by someone who doesn't care. I've been in this game long enough now that I get it. I've got money, they've got a vagina, one exchanged for the other. It's no different than hiring a plumber, never has been, people just pretend it's some special thing because it makes them feel better about it in some way.

It isn't that reviews are all roses, we all know that full well, any democratic system has issues, this is no different. We all approach a review with that in mind, and it's worked out well for a long time now. If someone reads a review about them and it causes them distress, the solution is for them to simply not read anything further and forget about it. Their inability to manage their own exposure to things that bother them is hardly the fault of anyone but themselves. They can think about it however they like, but that's the truth of the matter. If the ladies really want to get one over on the fellas, they should start their own review site where they review their customers.  

Also, in terms of blacklisting, no risk there, if someone advertises that I'm not allowed to review them, I'm not going to see them in the firstplace. If they tell me after services are rendered, they will have no way of knowing it was me who left the review, it's simply too easy to hide.

RespectfulRobert36 reads

Or a troll. No problem with that. I like newbs and tolerate trolls. lol
Now, you may just be uninformed or obtuse but those are your choices. For you to say "...I say the industry hasn't changed for thousands of years..." wreaks of not knowing this industry.... at all.  
There has been MASSIVE changes just in the last few years. Just look at Sesta-Fosta, Covid, MeToo, the rise of twitter and other social media platforms, the increase in providers asking for RW info, deposits, selfies, etc.  
It's amazing you were ignorant to all those changes. Maybe you just came back to this business after a 5 year break? Not sure but what I am sure about is that you possess very little actual knowledge of what has gone down in the last few years. Just ask a few guys here with real experience if you don't believe me. They can educate you. Are you willing to learn?

You really think the internet being involved changes it? Because last I checked, I'm still paying to get my rocks off.

Sesta-Fosta (et al) just made people get more careful or close up shop. New sites showed up to take their places rather quickly. People learned about jurisdictions, and VPN's, and offshore hosting.

During MeToo women realized that they could leverage the power of social media into an easy payday, provided they had enough social media presence, and can get past our paywalled civil court system.

Twitter et al let everyone know that people are assholes on the internet sometimes, and it let people see near real time happenings in the world.

The exchange of PII, deposits, selfies, etc was due to a minority of women realizing that horny men are, by and large suckers, who will give up any and all leverage for a taste of pussy.

None of the above, and I mean none of it, changes the game at-all. They have a vagina, you have money, anything that gets in the way of those two things being exchanged is bad for business.

I'm going to repeat that, because you missed it, **They have a vagina, you have money, anything that gets in the way of those two things being exchanged is bad for business.**

 I'd say something on the order of 80% of women who advertise screening requirements are 100% bookable without any of those requirements being fulfilled. A simple "hey, I'd like to see you on %date% at %time% for %bookingtime% are you available?" will generally succeed. If there's any friction, you can move on, you can refuse, or you can lie. If you think there's any difficulty in lying, well, you really haven't caught on to the game in the slightest. Anything they ask for is simple to provide in a way that reveals exactly nothing about you.  

Don't get me wrong, I greatly dislike lying, I just dislike the idea that someone I do not have any reason to trust has my PII stored in an insecure manner, so I lie when necessary to protect myself. Phone number? It's voip, Email? Nothing to do with me, Business card? Cheap from vistaprint, ID card picture? AI generated in under 5 seconds, References? often not even checked, but simple to come up with if you're at all active. I have never, not even once, had any trouble with the above model. They don't check, because they're directly incentivized not to and I don't put off any bad vibes.
All in all, everyone has a great time, and I've literally never had any sort of drama with someone who actually showed up to a booking.

Now don't get me wrong, I get if you feel the need to naysay all this, you're probably massively exposed and are afraid if you agree with old sauce the ladies will be upset with you. I get it, don't piss off the people who can rain shit on your life, good policy, and I hope at least some of the above offers you an umbrella.

RespectfulRobert41 reads

When I challenged your assertion "I say the industry hasn't changed for thousands of years" you then respond to my critique by acknowledging that all my examples in how it changed in just the last few years are true!!! Lol!  
So I am going to go with "Troll" for $500 Alex. lol
But stick around. You are funny, in an unintentional way, and that is needed here too. :)

your speculative posts does not make someone a troll.  It could just as easily be argued that YOU trolled HIM.  I think you are nit-picking terminology.  Are you saying paying for sex is not the same as it was thousands of years ago?  You pay a prostitute and she fucks you (or if you pay her and she doesn't fuck you, you got really fucked!!!).  That has not changed for millennia.  There are CULTURAL  differences through the years, but the concept is the same.  You just drive to her incall in a Ferrari rather than an oxcart.    

RespectfulRobert47 reads

Whatever was left of your absurd point was finally crushed to death when CDL came running in to WK for it. lol.

Nah man, you're just missing the point.

Reviews may exist for men, but saying providers shouldn’t be able to read them is quite foolish.  

When I first started in this business I read tons of reviews, the good, the bad, the ugly. I wanted to understand what made one girl a 10 and another a 3.  What were the qualities that made guys feel like they were getting good service?  What were they looking for?   Let’s face it, in many cases the average woman doesn’t know all the tricks - if they did, we may not have nearly as much business, LOL!

When I started getting my own reviews I used them as feedback regularly. I learned what aspects of my “performance” were the most impressive and which were not so important. Most times it made sense, other times it was surprising.  

Given the opportunity I always have and will read a clients reviews prior to accepting a booking. The advantage to this is that I can learn about his preferences and the session style he is looking for. I may not be appropriate based on this information. For example I have never really been much of an extreme PSE type and I probably wouldn’t enjoy a full on session like this nor would I give this service well. When I love what I am doing and am fully comfortable is when my clients will get the best quality.  Reading about the experiences that wowed a potential client lets me know if we should be compatible and may offer insight into specific things he likes that may allow me to personalize the service accordingly.  

These are some examples of how both parties win when I have access to reviews.  It would be a shame if that was taken away and I was left in the dark to figure this all out without adequate input.

Bruh you sound like a fucking loser for real lmao. You think a website where men post the details of their sexual encounters is a "community?" One that you need to show some kind of dumb ass allegiance to??  

I can tell you don't have any friends all the way from here 😂

I also don't like the whole "if she was good then I honor, if she wasn't I don't honor" start at this point either.  

While that would mean there would be more deserving negative reviews - something I advocate for loudly here and elsewhere - I don't like being

1) told what I can and cannot do regarding to my evaluation of publicly sold products/services. Just like I'll laugh at any restaurants face that tells me I can't review them on yelp I'll laugh any sellers face. This is my inherent right as a consumer.  I will never bindingly (or non-bindingly) agree to any no review policy.  

2) results-oriented over process-oriented. I prefer to write a review regardless of how good the sesh was. And I don't like the idea of a review being written or not depending on the session quality.

I don't think it's honest to tell the seller one thing and then do another thing. Therefore if the seller is adamant about no review and asks that I promise it or else no appointment, I will not be doing biz with the seller.  

And I'll make sure that everyone who frequents sites like these knows the provider has a no-review policy. And if the provider does have reviews elsewhere, I'll make sure to mention that too.

“I don't think it's honest to tell the seller one thing and then do another thing. Therefore if the seller is adamant about no review and asks that I promise it or else no appointment, I will not be doing biz with the seller.”

If this is what you would do, then that’s your answer to the fundamental question of the OP as to his ethical obligations. If you would simply move on rather than lie to a provider who asks you not to review, then fundamentally you’re in agreement with Robert, Jensen, and Laroche.  

Compared to them (and myself) you approach the issue from a completely different POV and have a very different opinion of the actual request itself; but your solution to the underlying ethics is the same —honesty. I don’t agree with you on some of the rest, but I respect that.

Yes, I was just stating my opinion and I guess here I agree with all these people on a fundamental level.

If I am going to demand trust and honesty from providers, I should be honest myself too.  

With that said, there could be edge cases where I could understand a client being very frustrated and perhaps justified in lying to the provider. Let's say the provider never says anything about no review policy until the very meeting, and when you're ready for a hot steamy sex session and go to her incall after possibly driving for hours, she (or he, I don't discriminate) hits you with "no review or you walk". Like that would be kinda low.  

Me, I am so principle based, I would walk and make sure the whole world knows about it later on... but I could see mongers who already got there and have a sunk cost, just saying whatever to get the sesh started.  

Not saying this is a common scenario, more like describing my thought process haha.

“Let's say the provider never says anything about no review policy until the very meeting, and when you're ready for a hot steamy sex session and go to her incall after possibly driving for hours, she (or he, I don't discriminate) hits you with "no review or you walk". Like that would be kinda low.”

That would be VERY low. Snake’s belly in a wagon rut kind of low. The words shady and scam spring to mind as well.

PorkPies50 reads

If you have no intentions of ever seeing her again and have enough other references for future appointments, I wouldn't care what she says. I'd agree, fuck her, then decide whether I want to or not...

brownjack43 reads

I've had one provider in particular ask me to post a review.  Then, after our session, she sent an email asking me not to post a review.  Then, she immediately sent another email asking that I post a review, but leave out some details, because she claimed that she may not offer some services to every client.  Then, I received another email stating that I should just post my review.

I posted a complete review of the session.

That said, I would have respected her earlier request to omit details, so that she could maintain the right to provide or withhold certain activities based on her comfort level with a particular client.

UnnamedOne39 reads

vet their guys. Reviews are for the guys to vet their gals.  

Yes, we really do need to know about services to inform choices when we are spending thousands.

Yes, we need to know if she hides poor service behind a "no review" policy.

Reviews are as necessary for the men as screening is for the women.

Anonymous, alias reviews are called for - simply because the women (in general) are trying to power play them away by blacklisting, doxxing and otherwise harming or threatening harm to those who review.  

Sure, make it a "Yelp" review and not "Penthouse Forum" review. Whatever.  

Guys should NOT be reduced to guessing about providers and risking thousands.

Seeing a provider without reviews is like a provider seeing a client with no references. It's a huge gamble. It's how we screen to see if we're a good match, she's not LE, crazy, a bait and switch artist, and so on and so on. Don't know why this is such a difficult concept for some ladies to wrap their heads around. When they're looking to spend their hard earned money on any given service they look for reviews, recommendations, etc so that they are comfortable moving forward with said service... but when it comes to them potential clients are just suppose to take them at their word...?

RespectfulRobert40 reads

It's just that many don't need reviews. Thats the part you are missing. I know that may be had to believe. It was hard for me to believe at first and yet the changes over the last 3-4 years have allowed many women the luxury of no longer needing them.  
In addition, many that use to be here, have gone on to other review sites that they deem less intrusive and gave them more control. You or I would do the same if the stitch were reversed. Anybody would, again, if they could.

RespectfulRobert43 reads

OF is another. As for other sites, I cant name them here. Thanks for your response. You are always a class act Mr Fisher.

Ack! Please get mrfisher started talking about class! We might end up back here:

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: You must be aware women left TER and went to social media.
OF is another. As for other sites, I cant name them here. Thanks for your response. You are always a class act Mr Fisher.

who left TER did so during the 20 months that TER was dark in the US from April 2018 to December 2019 after FOSTA/SESTA was signed into law, and social media was the only other place to land.  You could not even access TER from a US location, and we had to use a VPN service during those many months.  TER also would not accept reviews for US providers and the photo and ad boards were down for the US.  However, the Discussion boards were kept alive by a small group of providers and mongers, mostly from the US.  

Many of the "newer" ladies here are really past providers who were here before (sometimes under a different name) who are discovering belatedly that TER is back in operation in the US.  It's the same with returning mongers, with some of those also using new usernames.  

I will agree with you about Mr. Fisher.  I don't think I have ever had a disagreement on any subject with him, and for me, that's quite an accomplishment.  Lol

If anything, that just highlights the attitude of some sellers.  

"Oh, reviews are used by customers for customers ?  But we don't need reviews therefore no one should review us"  

TER is just a platform, a delivery mechanism to aggregate reviews in one big place. There are other mechanisms.  

Why does the seller gets to decide who reviews them if at all? They shouldn't.  

If I make a business transaction, any form of buying a product or service, I have a right to review the product or service online. Regardless of legality of the product/service, regardless of business etc etc. I paid money for something and I want to evaluate it for all others to see. Whether good or bad.  

In two way businesses I'd hope the seller also understands the buyers rights and scope of evaluating  

If the scope of caring about customers and their feedback is only as big as the sellers profit margin - ie, if sellers don't need reviews anymore to make $, then they somehow should disable customers abilities to evaluate them fairly - then what does it tell one about the seller?

on your part.  If they don't have reviews, they probably don't know how much HAVING reviews will drive new business to them.  Be leery of ANY provider who claims that she is doing so well she doesn't need new customers.  It's complete bullshit. It's an old marketing ploy . . . . you want to float the impression that something is hard to get, even if it's not really, but when the time comes, it's remarkably easy to buy because, voila!, you are "approved."  This is part of the psychology behind intrusive screening.  They want you to get to a point where you are completely invested in trying to see them, and that you feel lucky that you are "accepted."  

Doesn't TER delist a provider if they find out she has a "no review" policy?

John_Laroche35 reads

Well maybe,  but I recently saw an ad on a local TER board where the provider specifically said  'no reviews.'
As a good citizen,  I reported it and TER's official response was 'meh.'

RespectfulRobert35 reads

I think the provider has to request it by contacting TER and showing them the proof that she now has a no review policy which is clearly stated on her website and/or ad.

Dmbs140 reads

I no longer know what it is -but thought when I started if you saw a provider that had an add you were entitled to write the review.
I she retired or and wanted a no review policy she had to remove all adds.
That was before Fosta /Sesta and lawyers getting involved .
Then if she had a no review policy her profile was removed by TER.

If a provider kindly requests no reviews respect her as long as she respects your privacy. Don't book with a no review provider if you have a problem with her policy.  You’re welcome Smile for me! Xo 💋

Be a man.  See who you want and don't let them tell you what to do.  If you review her and she doesn't like it, what the fuck are they going to do about it?  If I review a provider and get any flack back, she loses my future business, but that doesn't mean I won't see her and write a review initially irrespective of whether she has a no-review policy or not.  Sometimes I'm just curious about what a no-review provider is hiding that she doesn't want reviewed.  

Well with that attitude no wonder a lot of men think we will give up their personal info. I ask for it but in doing so I am promising to keep it private. So don't see someone who has a no review policy. If you think it's hinky why would you see her. But don't agree to it and then write one any ways. I thought in another post you said you had integrity oh maybe that was your alias. Integrity is not like a jacket. Taking off and putting it on. You have it or you don't.

How exactly do you secure PII? Because if you're promising to keep it safe, I'd expect at least ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standards. You just read that and have no idea what it is, and that is *exactly* why nobody should expect you to keep their PII safe, you literally do not know how to and shouldn't promise that you will.

  And even if you did, somehow conform to an actual security standard in your operations, this isn't exactly an industry where the legal system is of much use. You could royally screw someone, and the most they could do is tell your mom you're a hooker, that's hardly mutually assured destruction, in fact I'd call that impunity. You, at any point, are a dye job, some new photos, a new phone number, and maybe at the very most a relocation, away from any reputational damage you could ever suffer by failing to keep your promises. You really think someone could get the DA to pick up a case after getting doxxed and harassed by a hooker you saw? You'd get laughed out of court, zero chance of success, and still worse, now there's actual government documentation to back up what happened to them.  

  All that to say, you need to realize your position here, and understand your customers would prefer you not hold all of the leverage over them. Some of them realize that, and some of them do not. It's not virtue to take advantage of the ignorant, and you probably do it all the time without a second thought.

Well u sure have sum negative opinions of me. Is this an alias of CDL? And my 10 pages of pretty good reviews say I would never use peoples info to harm them. Sheez even my less than stellar reviews did not question my integrity. Which I have. And that is why I can be trusted. Ur a dick.

See, I don't think you would try to harm your customers intentionally, nor did I ever say that. I said you are incapable of preventing your customers from being harmed when they send you personal identifying information. That's objectively true.

That's not something that's unique to you, it goes for almost everyone, myself included. Or put another way, if you were to send me your real name and address, unless I can control the means in which you use to transmit that to me, I can't keep it safe.
I'm more than happy to explain to you, or anyone, how they might do so safely, it's just something that's best kept to DM's.  

Also no, I'm not an alias, nor am I CDL, I've never even met CDL, I think he's vaguely in my area last I checked, but, well, lets just say we go to different churches. I'd gladly have a beer with the guy though, I bet he's a hoot.

First of all I'm quite sure he's not a CDL alias. But if he were, and you outed him you would have violated TER's terms of service, just the way Bia tried to do with me a few weeks ago. She was, as usual, wrong. But in either case if you actually do it you can get banned here.

Okay, but serious questions. Obviously you’re right about anyone saying hey everyone this alias name goes with this handle. Straight to banned jail.  

However, the word alias wasn’t used in the strictest TER sense here. The meaning was more along the lines of just one person making it look as though they’re two people. Not handle vs alias as we know those terms to specifically mean here.  

Hypothetically, if CDL and sauce were the same person and got “outed”, that wouldn’t be a handle and an alias getting linked publicly. That would be a person with multiple accounts. Given that, my questions are

A) is outing that even possible? I mean could it even be proven?  If admin hasn’t caught them, could anyone?

2) if so, who would get thumped by the ban hammer? The outed or the outee? Or both?

iii) Is having multiple accounts like that against the rules? I’d think so but I shouldn’t ass ume. I should’ve put this one first because it determines if I should say outed or caught above. Oh well.

on another thread will quickly answer your questions.  

PS: I think "outed" and "outee" are the same thing. The banned person would be the "outer."
And, yes, it has been caught and people punished. Just not that often. Because few people are as dumb and arrogant as QB.

I am an open sex worker so I have no leverage to hold over anyone. Your argument holds no water for providers like me.

They usually have something to hide with a "no review policy".

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