TER General Board

Re: fuck off
ElTorro 15 Reviews 5169 reads
1 / 64

With the recent revelation that many hobbyists on these discussion boards are white knights, I'm just kind of curious as to whether I'm a voice in the wilderness, or if there are other red pill men here as well. It'd be good if you would share your story as to how you discovered the red pill although it's not really a requirement, I just want you to check in so I can do a headcount. Also, did the red pill lead you to the hobby as an alternative to civvie dating, or were you already here only to discover you had it right all along? Do you find that providers differ from civvie women, and how so? And what are some of the reactions you get from women (civvie and providers alike) when you reveal to them that you are a red piller? This last one is specifically for the providers; do you thank civvie women for inadvertently sending more business your way? (MGTOW)

GaGambler 96 reads
2 / 64

I love sex, and I view the "hobby" as a way to get more of a good thing.

You OTOH have proven yourself time and time again to be the quintessential "red pill man" it's obvious that you don't like women, and more importantly that by and large, women don't like you. All I can say is "it must suck to be you"

I don't have a "story to tell" I have always liked women, I have always loved sex, and I hope I can keep doing this forever.

I will say one thing positive about you red pill men, you make even an admitted asshole like myself look good by comparison, so keep up the good work, you've lowered the bar so low that even someone like me can manage to trip right over it, even drunk off my ass. So thank you for that.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 72 reads
3 / 64

And I don't take a blue pill either.  I eat fruit, vegetables, and granola.  Maybe also a steak, potato, or beer along the way.

JakeFromStateFarm 70 reads
4 / 64

None of your business, ElTurdo.  Either way, you're still a douche.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 58 reads
5 / 64

In a blue pill state, I think I have no choice but to embrace fantasy while everything around me goes to hell.  

lopaw 29 Reviews 60 reads
6 / 64
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 58 reads
7 / 64

Paid professionals, not civvie dating. Nothing ever free in life.End up paying for the free thing in the end.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 80 reads
8 / 64

Love the response.

I am not even sure why anyone would be a red pill sort and then continue to call up women or date (or in the case of some  women, continue to provide). If I hate something or someone, why would I spend my money on them? Why would i do something I absolutely hate? This is suppose to be about a good time and fun.  

Sure there are assholes on both sides of the fence, but just move on to those that are not BSC, mean, holier than thou, or angry and enjoy them. There are plenty of nice sweethearts (men and women) out there.  

I easily can see how guys feel about how some ladies treat them or the stuff they pull.... I also can see how girls feel about the crap some guys pull or their attitude. It is much easier to be respectful to each other or ignore.

micktoz 41 Reviews 111 reads
9 / 64

....... I've always known that there are really 2 types of mongers, when it comes to male mongers. There are the arseholes who hate women but need to fuck. Then there are the men who love women and love to fuck.  

The OP is clearly one of the first group and would call the men of the other group white knights, no matter what their reaction.

I am a member of the second group and scratch my head at the mean, self righteously indignant  attitude that the members of the first group exhibit towards women, no matter what their life choices.  
And I don't care what I get labeled. I treat women with the respect that I hope to be treated with.  

I am single now , but I have been married to two exceptional women in my lifetime. I am happily single and have platonic women friends, I have women friends that I have NSA sexual relationships with and I have  women friends that I have P4P sex with. All of them are amazing ladies that I do not want to live with. I am very selective about my friendships, not everyone (men or women) fit with me, or I them.

Today , I seem to have a very short tolerance for bigots, racists and sexists.  And I also recognize that some trolls are just that . They could have this big persona on the internet and be totally opposite in the rest of the world, but I doubt that is really the case.  

Damn, you arseholes get me angry.

GaGambler 69 reads
10 / 64

I love women and I love to fuck, but that doesn't mean I give "ALL WOMEN" a pass for stupidity, sloth, greed or any other character flaws they might have as individual, the same as I would for a man.

Women have been asking for "equal" treatment for decades, well that's EXACTLY what they get from me.  

The OP plainly falls into your first group and is almost universally derided by both the guys and the girls alike.  It does seem like most of the people who have responded so far have no idea what he even meant by "red pill man" I think you will agree that "red pill man" is simply a synonymous term for misogynist.

John_Laroche 72 reads
11 / 64

about why you resent women and have such low self esteem.

-- Modified on 10/9/2017 9:04:50 AM

micktoz 41 Reviews 85 reads
12 / 64

I agree, absolutely. That's why i said " treated with the respect that I would like to be treated". There are plenty of mean , dishonest and shitty people in this world, male and female.

snaporaz 61 reads
13 / 64
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 83 reads
15 / 64

Had no clue what MGTOW was either. I googled both and then felt no need or desire to respond to this idiot.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 66 reads
16 / 64


ToniLove See my TER Reviews 62 reads
17 / 64
AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 81 reads
18 / 64

More comfortable ranting on a blog about why he can't score pussy than actually trying to go out there and get some.

micktoz 41 Reviews 67 reads
19 / 64

Basically misogynists.  And MGTOW is also a group of misogynists.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 78 reads
20 / 64

Yeah, I'm good.  No red pill guys for me lol

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 62 reads
21 / 64
scb19 10 Reviews 114 reads
22 / 64

with this post. So, I checked it out....briefly.  I don't hate women, I adore them.  However, I would agree that in TODAY's society they hold the cards...In my profession, institutional pharmacy, if you are a woman under 40 you seldom have to work past 5pm, but if you are a man over 40 you get almost all of the evening and night shifts and most of the weekends.  
So, not only do they have that advantage, they are literally in control of all the PUSSY.

Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 89 reads
23 / 64
starstuff 16 Reviews 70 reads
24 / 64

Red pill? MGTOW?

Fuck off

Calioutdoors 26 Reviews 31 reads
25 / 64

Mick, you hit the nail on the head for me. I love women, and I love to fuck. Further, my general life philosophy is as you state, "treat women with the respect that I hope to be treated with," extended to all people, male or female.

When I show up to a session, I show up with the attitude that I want to have fun, but not at the expense of the other person's sense of safety or dignity. In fact, part of what makes it fun for me is the sense that she is having fun as well. Those are the absolute best sessions, and I think they can only be achieved by being open, kind, and respectful of another person. That does not preclude getting nasty, dirty, and animalistic. It just means that client and provider must go there together.

I think it is sad that men who follow the "red pill" think they see the world so clearly, but, in fact, they are blinded by a strict ideology.

ElTorro 15 Reviews 50 reads
26 / 64

but nevertheless, you really shouldn't be on my thread if you don't have a story to tell. But by all means, thank you for confirming what I already know about you being a blue pill simp.

ElTorro 15 Reviews 45 reads
29 / 64

"What you don't know can't hurt you" is a myth, and you'll find out just how much of a myth it is when you feel the fire under your ass.

ElTorro 15 Reviews 53 reads
30 / 64

It's not like you would rely on me for my money anyways. Besides, wouldn't my exit leave you with more dating options to choose from?

EzekielKarl 35 reads
33 / 64

About a girl that I once knew. She took my love and ran around with every single guy in town.  Yeah, I should have known it from the very start: this girl will leave me with a broken heart.  Now listen people what I'm telling you...keep away from Runaround Sue!

I might miss her lips and the smile on her face, the touch of her hair and this girl's warm embrace. So if you don't want to cry like I do...keep away from Runaround Sue!

Ah, She likes to travel around; she'll love you and she'll put you down.  Now people, let me put you wise...Sue goes out with other guys.  

Here's the moral and the story from the guy who knows; I fell in love and my love still grows.  Ask any fool that she ever knew, they'll say keep away from Runaround Sue!

daviss 5 Reviews 64 reads
34 / 64

I am surprised at the anger toward the OP.  I think it's pretty obvious that society has changed and is much more feminist (less masculine)--certainly in my lifetime (now fairly long).  Women have long held a distinct advantage in the court room--or just about any room.  It's like any other group--once they attain power--they consolidate it.  
It's okay to have this view--it doesn't mean one hates women.  It doesn't equate to being an "a-hole".  It's just a simple recognition that this country (most of western civilization) has been feminized.  I think the whole MTGOW "movement" is just a natural reaction to that reality.  Men re discovering (perhaps a better concept might be facing head on )their biological societal role---and not denying it/trying to change it.  Embracing nature--as it were.

2648667 31 Reviews 49 reads
35 / 64

That society has been feminized and women have too much control in a lot of ways, I'd agree with that. I did just a little reading about this red pill business and there's stuff there I agree with. But like most any group, they take it too far, to a place I won't follow. Their diagnosis of the problem (at least where I was reading) was pretty spot on, but as I continued to read, their attitudes toward women were, for the most part, stuff I just can't get down with.

Another thing is they claim there is no way for a man to have heterosexual sex without giving up his power to the woman, so they're all supposed to swear off sex. That makes the OP itself seem rather bizarre to me.  

As far as the anger towards the OP, his post was pretty angry, insulting, and condescending. I can't begin to fathom why you're surprised he got the same back. That's generally what happens in life. Has nothing to do with the tenets of the movement. Hell, I've seen people who agree on something be angry at each other because one of them came out of nowhere with an angry attitude.

GaGambler 53 reads
36 / 64

He mainly commented on the fact that you are douche, but he's got your name wrong, it should be "ElMierdadetoro""

I do have a suggestion for you though, If you hate hookers, and you can't stand women who are non hookers as well, have you ever considered just fucking your fellow "red pill men" buddies for sexual gratification proving once in for all that you don't need women? That way you could "have your cock, and eat it too" lmao

daviss 5 Reviews 62 reads
37 / 64

That's not the credo that I've picked up (having heterosexual sex gives up one's power).  Here is a you tube video I watched after reading about this concept yesterday (for the first time)


this guy has posted 50 videos on this subject.  I found the analysis kind of interesting and true in many respects--amusing too.  He poses a good justification of hobbying.  
Perhaps this guy has gotten burned (who hasn't?) and has over reacted.  

This who MGTOW "thing" is something I have never heard of until I read about it in this thread yesterday.  
I think I'm glad to see younger guys taking this approach---and think it's just the pendulum swinging back--which is a good thing-me thinks

2648667 31 Reviews 60 reads
38 / 64

Okay. Like any movement, a lot of people with very different views are going to attach themselves to it. Ask ten people what feminism means. You'll probably get at least twelve answers. I'm just telling you one of the things I found when, like you, I looked around a bit after this thread came up. One of several places I saw the no sex idea was on MGTOWdotcom, it said to give up all relationships, one night stands, and friendships with women. It didn't specifically say no prostitutes, but to me "no one night stands" is pretty much synonymous with no casual sex. Also, something I saw everywhere I looked was that all women treat men like ATM simps. Given that, paying a provider seems like quite a non sequitur.

None of that matters worth a damn right now though. I'm really not here to debate the pros and cons of MGTOW. Again, there's a lot of really sensible thought in the material I've found about it, and a lot of ridiculous stuff, so there's no such thing as a blanket statement or a general I agree/disagree with "them" position.

The first thing you said in this thread was that you didn't understand the posters who were angry towards the OP. I'm trying to answer your question. He showed up with an everyone who isn't me can fuck themselves to death and go to hell attitude. Is it that hard to understand?

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 63 reads
39 / 64

You read the whole thing? I quit less than half the way in and skipped to the answers, which I didn’t read either ...

ElTorro 15 Reviews 50 reads
40 / 64
ElTorro 15 Reviews 45 reads
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I choose to apply the ideas that are relevant to my current situation, and listen to the rest with an open mind without really applying it. After all, I'd never know if I may feel differently at a later date, and may need to apply it at that time. Everyone brings their own perspective to an ideology based on experience and desire. I would say that monk mode is an extreme side of MGTOW that I don't subscribe to. Some people can live without sex, and others can't. For those who can't, prostitutes are a better alternative to exploring sex while maintaining their freedom, and it enables them to reject the traditional option of civvie dating without rejecting sex on a whole. Prostitutes may seem expensive in the short term, but cheaper and more beneficial in the long term. There's no free lunch, you still have to pay for it regardless. So when weighing the cost benefit ratio, wouldn't you select the one where you get more bang (literally) for your buck? A prostitute can only use you as an ATM simp as often as you need them, unlike a wife whom you keep paying, and paying, and paying, and at any given time, she can still choose not to put out regardless of me paying. So why the fuck am I paying the bitch? But at least a prostitute is honest about her intentions so you know what you're getting into, unlike civvie dating. If anything, I'm paying for honesty! The youtube video I've attached sums it up best. Finally, MGTOW can only be used as a temporary thing as you build wealth, and then you can choose to start a family later on in life after you've retired. The good thing about men is that we don't experience menopause, so that means we can still father a child at 100 if we're still alive, case in point Mr. Ramajit Raghav.

souls_harbor 44 reads
42 / 64

As a general rule, lesbians hate  men.

GaGambler 64 reads
43 / 64

I have had many lesbian friends, just because they don't want to fuck me doesn't mean they hate me.

I don't want to fuck "fat broads" it doesn't mean I hate them.

You are  sounding almost as narrow minded and judgmental as ElMierdadetoro.

souls_harbor 51 reads
44 / 64

Oh yeah, I believe you have lots and lots of friends.  You're a friend magnet.  I also believe in the tooth fairy.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 27 reads
45 / 64

obviously not known many Lesbians.  I have worked along side one for 25 years.  She DOESN'T hate me, she just doesn't want to have sex with me.  In face, we have been drinking buddies after work for many years.  My male friends don't want to have sex with me either, but that doesn't make them "man-haters."

You do yourself a disservice credibility-wise when you make generalizations like this with no personal experience on the subject.

souls_harbor 35 reads
46 / 64

I don't know any lesbians.  That is, no one has ever told me they are a lesbian.  In the same way I don't know any homosexual males.  I don't pry into their lives.  Now people tell me such and such and so and so is gay.  But I have no way of knowing for sure and I don't go bother them to find out if it is true.

Thus my knowledge of lesbian attitudes toward males is from their voluminous postings on the web -- which are exclusively anti-male (and usually Marxist -- for some odd reason.)

Like Rick from Casablanca, I may have been misinformed.  But that is the evidence I have.  If someone can find a lesbian's web posting (website, twitter, whatever) that says nice things about males, white males for that matter, just shoot me a link.

ElTorro 15 Reviews 47 reads
47 / 64

I actually meant to say, "Finally, MGTOW can also be used as a temporary thing as you build wealth, and then you can choose to start a family later on in life"

Posted By: ElTorro
Re: MGTOW means different things for different people
Finally, MGTOW can only be used as a temporary thing as you build wealth, and then you can choose to start a family later on in life

ElTorro 15 Reviews 40 reads
48 / 64

People tend to hate you when they can't get their greedy little kleptomaniac paws on your money. You're all so quick to say how much I hate women (Oh sure, because protecting my hard earned money from a wasteful spender means I must really hate them, right), but no one is willing to hold women accountable for hating me, talk about double standards. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I wasn't the one who fired the first shot? MGTOW was born out of a necessity to retaliate against the ills of feminism. How the fuck you expect me to love such a vain, selfish, entitled creature who doesn't want to reciprocate? There has to be reciprocity in order for it to be called love, otherwise, it's just slavery. Ain't no loyalty out here in these streets bro, just a bunch of snakes and vampires out to get you, that's why more men are waking up from the matrix and going their own way. It's literally the only option left to save yourselves in this gynocentric world, and I'm trying to wake people up, but if y'all want to stay sleep, then I don't know what more to tell you. The love I save may be my own!

Rickshaw17 28 Reviews 31 reads
49 / 64

I’m not sure what “red pill” means, but my story is:  My marriage was sexless.  After several years of frustration, I ventured into the hobby.  Once I started, and discovered that some providers are really good a the “girlfriend experience” I could not stop.  The hobby is addicting, especially when it’s the only avenue through which your needs are met.  

I like women. More specifically, I genuinely like many of the women I meet in the hobby.  Some guys seem to look down on providers.  I don’t understand that.  I appreciate them being here and don’t think less of them because they’ve chosen to do this.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 47 reads
51 / 64

a man-hater, souls is an idiot, but does this mean there's still a chance you could be lured to the other side?  NOT holding my breath, just curious.  

souls_harbor 56 reads
52 / 64

Surely you can post one website link of an admitted lesbian that says something nice about males, white males in particular.   Just one.  One tiny link. I'm not greedy.  Just an itty bitty one.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 32 reads
54 / 64

has worked for me for 25 years is a Lesbian (I tried to convert her too, Lopaw, 20 years ago, but gave up on her.   I'm incorrigible.  We still do happy hour one day a week after work.  She has some great stories, as I'm sure you do.  Lol), so Souls, my man, I don't need a link, I have lived it and if there was any hint that she hated men, I wouldn't be spending social time with her for all these years.  

Modified to correct typo

-- Modified on 10/19/2017 10:09:43 PM

lopaw 29 Reviews 58 reads
55 / 64

Here's your itty bitty link to match your itty bitty comprehension skills.  It took about 10 seconds to find it.  There are also others out there if you took a minute to look. You are also obviously very lazy. But more likely you would just like to continue maintaining your inaccurate and narrow minded views by not bothering to look for yourself.  


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 34 reads
56 / 64

If gay men or Lesbians are not comfortable telling you they are one or the other, then perhaps its because they can see your prejudices coming a mile away, and know you would be judging them with your narrow mind rather than accepting them.  

GaGambler 57 reads
57 / 64

Perhaps it's because even though I am admittedly an asshole, I am not a "narrow minded, judgmental asshole" like you.

What would give you the idea that all lesbians hate men? I am not attracted to fat broads, but I don't hate them. lopaw is a pretty good example of a non man-hating lesbian. I mean honestly, she is a lot more "one of the guys" than you are. I'd hang with her any day, she sounds like a LOT more fun than you.

and just why wouldn't a straight guy have lesbian friends? Haven't you noticed how many straight women have gay guy friends. Why shouldn't lesbians have straight guy friends?

You really need to get out more. You have a very narrow outlook about the world.

scoed 8 Reviews 56 reads
58 / 64

Disenfranchised people often very vocal because they're the ones who have something to complain about or so they think so they speak out and act more than others. If you look at the internet you would think most men hate women most women hate men and most people hate everybody that has any difference is whatsoever but most people aren't like that.  

Take a look at these red pill idiots discussed  this thread.  They have literally hundreds if not thousands  of anti-women sites out there, yet most men don't share the red pill train of thought. Take a look at most feminist sites. Plenty of man hate there, yet most women do not hate men.

Look at black lives matter. They saying "All lives matter" is hate speech. Yet every black person I knows agrees with "All lives matter."

Yes there are tons and tons of man-hating anti-male lesbians on the web. But they are a minority. I do have lesbian friends and none of them have issues with men as a rule. One of them seems to have issues with their own gender though. She is constantly griping about her partners and women in general.

GaGambler 43 reads
59 / 64

Once again you prove you are "one of the guys" a lot more than many of the so-called men on this board.

I don't have many gay male friends, mainly because one of my favorite topics is to talk about pussy, and just like I don't want to hear gay guys talk about chasing cock, I doubt any of them are interested in joining me in talking about pussy. Now lesbians are another thing altogether, we share a mutual interest in chasing (and catching) pussy. Why shouldn't lesbians and straight guys be friends? Unless they are like ElTurdo and they can't handle the thought of losing out to another woman. I am sure I've told you the story of my lesbian friend who "stole" my "fuck buddy". The joke was on her though, I lost an NSA fuck buddy, she ended up with a needy, clingy GF. lol

souls_harbor 75 reads
60 / 64

I posted a counter example link but it was rejected by TER because it "didn't meet the criteria for an ad"  ???  Not sure what that means -- possibly the moderator hit the wrong reject reason.

Anyhow I suspect the mods don't want evidence posted of man hating lesbians.  So I guess that ends the conversation.

souls_harbor 58 reads
61 / 64

I think you have said that as a general rule, web posting lesbians tend to be man haters.  

I'll accept that as a friendly amendment.

lopaw 29 Reviews 67 reads
62 / 64

You are so obtuse it is comical. Of course there is gonna be lesbian generated man hating literature out there just as there is lesbian dialogue quoting the opposite. But in your narrow closed minded little world only the man hating stuff counts, huh. Of course that's what you'd claim since it fits your weak and homophobic agenda.  
No one claimed there weren't women out there  (both gay and straight) who hate men. And there are plenty more who don't. But people like you love to deny the obvious. You just keep stereotyping and generalizing your lame as fuck argument to try and support your bigoted views. Nobody's buying it.

scoed 8 Reviews 56 reads
63 / 64

People on social warrior sites tend to be haters lesbian or no. As a rule the lesbians on this site tend not to be man haters. Lowpaw for instance is really cool unless you say something stupid and bigoted.  She gets testy then.

Most if not all the women that hate men on this site are straight or so they claim. Just sayong.

-- Modified on 10/20/2017 5:52:00 PM

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 38 reads
64 / 64

Heard of blue but never the red...guess I learned something....In about twenty years I may have to start learning about the different colors......right now am here because am  just a guy with a big appetite for 'FUN.

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