Politics and Religion

Re: '' We Want To Exterminate The Negro Population”– Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Paren
LuckyIrishPrick 6 Reviews 2131 reads
2 / 43

because it's your choice to use your throat as a twinkie receptacle. But I do. People who don't drive don't want to pay for road construction. People with no kids don't vote for property tax hikes to fund the local schools. I don't wanna pay into social security when I know I'll never see a dime of it when I hit retirement age. So maybe our grandparents will just have to eat dog food and get their medicine from a guy named Pookie who has his own pharmacy in the trunk of his Caddilac, cause hey, it's all about what? ME ME ME.

Nobody wants to pay for anything but the shit THEY want. Everything else is evil and anti-American, like the people who want them, and plus those people hate us and think we're ugly...and probably have a bomb strapped to their waste. Terrosits, all of them. TOO FUCKING BAD.

Go bitch about the thousand dollar ash trays in the smoke free capital building, or is that something you wanted? In this country you pay for the greater good of everyone...or when that stops being fun, just spend it on useless bullshit, like clumps or rock and dust in Afghanistan...but either way, you pay, and you don't get to say shit about it, unless you're a fucking communist/socialist/anti-American/puppy killer.

It's not up to you or me where it goes, that's what special interest lobbyists are for, to make those choices for us. Get used to it or get a passport and learn to speak a new language. I hear Chinese is becoming popular. ?????    

TargetPractice 1748 reads
3 / 43

...That unwanted children turn into?

Yeah, you're alone on that one here.

Get off your soapbox and get informed.

scoed 8 Reviews 1637 reads
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I know I am likely alone in this but I stand against the murder of unborn babies except in case were the risk to the mother is extreme. Planned Parenthood preforms abortions in a wholesale manner. I want none of my tax money to go to the murder of the unborn. If I find a petition to remove such funding I will gladly sign it.

I do realize I am likely in the minority here but I am very pro life. I will do what I can with in the law to stop abortions.

P.S. Isn't this a political tread and shouldn't it be moved to the P&R board? Shouldn't TheLoveGoddess as a mod know better?

scoed 8 Reviews 2112 reads
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lilli 880 reads
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carlabrasil See my TER Reviews 1360 reads
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JustaNuisance 1439 reads
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"The U.S. House of Representatives has just voted to bar Planned Parenthood health centers from all federal funding for birth control, cancer screenings, HIV testing, and other lifesaving care. "

Planned Parenthood helps people under 25 get FREE help. Free STD screenings, birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy, free condoms, free advice. Why wouldn't you want them to be funded? FREE HELP!

I'm not saying I'm for or against abortion, but they help with miscarriages, pregnancies gone wrong, cervical cancer screening... Use your head and research before you knock a most helpful foundation.

danielle dubois 1385 reads
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....especially young and inexperienced ones. Would you deny them treatment for diseases that have to suffer and can then spread around?

no_email 3 Reviews 1426 reads
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scoed 8 Reviews 1779 reads
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The Nazi's built schools, roads and many other worth while thing in Germany but they still butchered millions. I do not deny that Planned Parenthood does some useful things such as STD tests and birth control but it does not justify the horrors they perform. And as for their advise, I think it is wrong to encourage abortions.

If it where possible I would have Planned Parenthood dismantled. Any organisation or person that encourages and performs abortions for healthy mothers with a healthy fetus is evil. Murder of Innocent life is not an answer it is a problem.

I did my research and I am using my head. I can not and will not support murder of anyone born or not. Planned Parenthood performers more abortion than any other organisation out there. I will fight them with all I got.

scoed 8 Reviews 1025 reads
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If you want to donate to them that is your choice I would not dream of stopping you but to force me trough my taxes to pay for something I find to be evil. That is very wrong. I find some of what Planned Parenthood does to be very evil.

By the way who said anything about denying your right to anything, just don't make me pay to keep the lights on.

ipeesittingdown 33 Reviews 1773 reads
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...Anti Children, they could give a rats ass about them afterwards when the pop out of the vag!
No support to the poor & unwanted, good food, education for them.

Tax cuts for the rich, let the children eat stale cake & save the fetus!


scoed 8 Reviews 1096 reads
15 / 43

Posted By: olivialv
I pay, in cash, for my testing and routine care. So you are not paying for my "choice". And if I were to ever get into an unplanned pregnancy situation, what ever I decided would be paid out of my pocket, not yours. Whether it's for 5 minutes or 18+ years. It's a fact of life that we can not completely control how our tax dollars are spent. There are a lot of things that I do not support that my tax dollars fund. Since you are comparing abortion to the Nazis, my question to you is what are you doing to educate your community in order to reduce abortions?

And by the way, you didn't directly state that you'd deny me a choice, but by your viewpoint, and correct me if I'm wrong, you'd rather no one have abortion as an option? If so, then yes, you are denying millions of others who just view things differently than yourself.

They are taking my money. Where do you think all the money the government has comes from? It comes from tax dollars. Some of those tax dollars are mine.

"My question to you is what are you doing to educate your community in order to reduce abortions?"

I give to give money to groups that support alternative to abortion like the Dave Thomas Foundation that encourages adoption. I support the teaching of birth control methods in schools. I talk to those I know who are facing a situation where some would consider abortion an option and give them information on alternatives. I even offered to pay for the heath care of the mother and child until the child could be given up for adoption. I do put my money where my mouth is on this issue.

"And by the way, you didn't directly state that you'd deny me a choice, but by your viewpoint, and correct me if I'm wrong, you'd rather no one have abortion as an option?"

In an ideal world, yes abortion would not be an option in most situations. I do believe in choice. I just think the choice is made when one engages in risky behavior. I do believe that a fetus is alive and has the right to stay that way. I do not think one has the right to end someone else's just because it is
inconvenient. That being said, I am under no delusions that abortions can be made illegal and they would stop. I am also under no delusions that abortions will be made illegal and I am not pushing for it to be illegal. This is not an ideal world.

I will tell you that there are others who's rights can be infringed on by an abortion. When my brother was 18 he got a girl pregnant. My brother was willing to take care of the child with or with out help of the mother. My parents was willing to help as well. The girl choose to kill the kid in her first trimester. My brother was denied the right to his child. The child was denied he/her right to life, just because it was inconvenient to carry the child to term. These right need to be respected.

There is options to other than abortion that would not doom the mother to 18+ years for a mistake in judgement.

edited do to bad typo. I accentually typed third trimester instead of first. The word trimester got me thinking three.

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 4:28:54 AM

scoed 8 Reviews 1395 reads
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But I honestly do not think Planned Parenthood is for the greater good. But I am very aware I don't really get to decide that nor am I listened to.

scoed 8 Reviews 1495 reads
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Posted By: olivialv
They are taking your money and taking my money and everyone else that pays taxes. It's not a newsflash.
And for, the record, I definitely do support providing information on all alternatives. Unbiasedly, which is what I feel PP does. And while you do support your viewpoint in your community, if is access to birth control or a decision as to abstinence, you would have to put your money where your mouth is. And with all due respect, it really does sound like you do not believe in choice. "I just think the choice is made when one engages in risky behavior." Well what would be your solution if the pregnancy was a result of failure of birth control, as it does happen. If a couple is using birth control, one would hardly consider that to be risky. In that situation, would abortion acceptable to you?

Now as far as your personal situation, I absolutely do not agree with termination after the first trimester. That's an awful and irresponsible situation for anyone to be in. Most occur before that, before the fetus has developed a brain, spinal cord and nervous system. So scientifically, it's not viable anyways. But we can justify it however we want.  And debate the differences until the end of time. You keep doing what you're doing to prevent abortion and I will support a woman having a choice, what ever that may be.

If a couple is using birth control, one would hardly consider that to be risky. In that situation, would abortion acceptable to you?

No because I do believe the fetus has rights. I believe the fetus has the right to live. Things in life happen. Some times the rights of two people collide. Like in a divorce both parents have the right to raise the child but in practice one parent often gets shafted. I do believe in the right to choose what happens to ones body, but I also believe in the right to life. When those two fundamental rights collide one must lose. I think the right to live is among the greatest rights out there so I will always side with that right.

You are right I do not think killing an innocent life is a valid choice.

It is plain that we do not agree. And we will not come to an agreement. We will just have to disagree. I doubt that there will be many that agree with me on this boards.

By the way, it was the folks at Planed Parenthood how talked my brothers ex-girlfriend into the abortion. They told her that as a mixed colored baby it would have a hard life. They told her horror stories about how hard it is to place mixed babies. They preached abortion. Planed Parenthood are not unbiased. I have heard there propaganda.

-JustAskin 1777 reads
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If gestation is 280 days then the first trimester ends on day 93. Tell me what happens in the unborn development between day 92 and day 94 that justifies the difference. Of course there is none you can point to. Even if you use 40 weeks, what happens during the 13th week to justify the difference?

All the developments you point to (brain, spinal cord and nervous system) are linear or gradual events. The only binary event (an event that is discernibly different before and after) is conception. I believe as scoed does that abortion is murder. It can be justified only when the life of the mother is at stake. I admit I am torn about the situation regarding rape (forcible or incest).

I believe there will eventually come a day, probably far into the future, when the vast majority of people’s attitude toward abortion will be different. Similar to how today we look at slavery, people will ask themselves in bewilderment, “How could any sane person have condoned the treatment of the unborn is such a way?”

scoed 8 Reviews 1163 reads
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moutoncadet 8 Reviews 1824 reads
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Because this action will have a direct effect on EVERYONE on this board. I'm sure many ladies on this board are not on The Hartford's Escort Health Insurance Plan - Planned Parenthood provides health screening services which are vital to many segments of the population, particularly OURS! In this context, the post is not a matter of politics, but of survival.

Theflamingrealist 1715 reads
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My thoughts exactly. But since the cat was let loose, this flaming realist will take a shot. There is only one thing I hate as much as a Bleeding Heart Liberal it is an Uncaring Conservative. So as a militant roaming the middle ground my credentials allow me to take my shot. Let's look at he facts, which neither side care to do. It was just learned the debt accumulated by this admin, exceeds ALL the prior debt Combined. Don't blame Bush. Since the Dems were in control of Congress during his last 2 years and it is Congress that controls the purse strings NOT the Pres, our troubles can easily be place at their feet.

When it is said the needed action will hurt, it doesn't mean it will hurt your neighbor and not you. IT MEANS YOU TOO. I am losing a program or two that helps me, but that is what each of us needs to do. Suck it up both sides. This only the beginning.

GaGambler 1249 reads
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Don't worry, if you don't like the current terms "African American" or "Asian American" as substitutes for Negro or Oriental, just wait a few years, someone else will decide those terms are offensive and come up with new ones.

Personally I have better things to do that get all upset and offended because someone didn't get the memo that "oriental" is offensive. Most of my black friends friends don't give a fuck either, they might laugh at you for calling them "negroes", but I doubt any of my friends at least are going to get too bent out of shape over something as innocuous as Negro, but most of my friends (of all colors) have pretty thick skins. Go figure. lol

Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1416 reads
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GaGambler 1449 reads
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It was just a term, nothing derogatory about it then or now, although the term is now considered "obsolete". In fact in the 2010 census, Negro was still a racial category as many people still alive, but raised before that civil rights era of the sixties, still identified themselves as "negro".

Why the big fucking deal about a word that is obsolete. are you turning into a PC putz on me?

joleneineugene 1786 reads
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Snowman39 1598 reads
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I support a Woman's right to choose.


I don't think we should pay for it. Defund Plan Parenthood!!

If you like their work, donate to them, great, but it isn't the taxpayer's job to do this. It should be privately funded, and if it can't get enough through private donations, then it kind of backs up the fact that not enough people support it and so the genral public should not be paying for it.

scoed 8 Reviews 1683 reads
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with out going to Planned Parenthood. That is less than a session. Even for a streetwalker that is only a good BJ away. There are other ways to get everything planned parenthood offers on the cheap without Planned Parenthood.

Timbow 2107 reads
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Posted By: scoed
The Nazi's built schools, roads and many other worth while thing in Germany but they still butchered millions. I do not deny that Planned Parenthood does some useful things such as STD tests and birth control but it does not justify the horrors they perform. And as for their advise, I think it is wrong to encourage abortions.

If it where possible I would have Planned Parenthood dismantled. Any organisation or person that encourages and performs abortions for healthy mothers with a healthy fetus is evil. Murder of Innocent life is not an answer it is a problem.

I did my research and I am using my head. I can not and will not support murder of anyone born or not. Planned Parenthood performers more abortion than any other organisation out there. I will fight them with all I got.
Now that sounds Nazi like don't it !

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 10:10:50 AM

scoed 8 Reviews 1814 reads
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You read that to? The founder was big into eugenics just like some others I could mention but won't.

scoed 8 Reviews 775 reads
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scoed 8 Reviews 1478 reads
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At the local STD clinic it is only $100 for a STD screening and pap smears are even cheaper. Most cities have such places for little or no cost that do not preform abortions. There are other choices for such treatments.

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 11:31:35 AM

Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1605 reads
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I support a woman's right to choose too.  If a fetus is female, she should have rights just like the male.  I like to call these human rights.

Posted By: Snowman39
I support a Woman's right to choose.


I don't think we should pay for it. Defund Plan Parenthood!!

If you like their work, donate to them, great, but it isn't the taxpayer's job to do this. It should be privately funded, and if it can't get enough through private donations, then it kind of backs up the fact that not enough people support it and so the genral public should not be paying for it.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1002 reads
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so unless you personally are going to adopt all unwanted fetuses, STFU.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1844 reads
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scoed 8 Reviews 1708 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 2257 reads
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scoed 8 Reviews 2103 reads
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But it does not really mater as the goal of Planned Parenthood no longer is about reducing the population of certain groups that its founders found undesirable.

scoed 8 Reviews 1787 reads
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charlie445, asked what it meant so I replied. I looked it up and you are correct. It was only offensive in Italy where my grandpa is from. That is where my confusion comes from.

This is the quote charlie445 asked about.
'' We Want To Exterminate The Negro Population”– Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.

Not a big deal as Planned Parenthood is no longer targeting just certain groups for depopulation instead there now advocating zero population growth for all.

SteveO5711 2339 reads
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On this site, this really bothers me....

If a guy on this site gets a provider pregnant, how the hell does he expect the provider to find the customer to take responsibility for his child?
Do you think that your her only client?  Are you willing to give contact info to be tracked down?

What right does that customer have to dictate what the provider does after the session is over?

To truly believe in the anti abortion side of the argument, you have to be fully on the side of the right.
Full out family values, no unmarried sex, what so ever.  
You also can't condone seeing a provider that  offers services that can result in pregnancy or a site that condones the behavior.

Tusayan 1180 reads
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If you were better informed you would know that none of your taxes go to fund abortions.  Federal law prohibits it.

scoed 8 Reviews 1981 reads
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See my reply to your other post. I know about H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act; H.R. 358, the Protect Life Act; and H.R. 217, and the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act. I am better informed than you think.

charlie445 3 Reviews 2702 reads
43 / 43

Why did you mention the negro extermination issue?

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