Politics and Religion

'' We Want To Exterminate The Negro Population”– Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood
Timbow 2106 reads

Posted By: scoed
The Nazi's built schools, roads and many other worth while thing in Germany but they still butchered millions. I do not deny that Planned Parenthood does some useful things such as STD tests and birth control but it does not justify the horrors they perform. And as for their advise, I think it is wrong to encourage abortions.

If it where possible I would have Planned Parenthood dismantled. Any organisation or person that encourages and performs abortions for healthy mothers with a healthy fetus is evil. Murder of Innocent life is not an answer it is a problem.

I did my research and I am using my head. I can not and will not support murder of anyone born or not. Planned Parenthood performers more abortion than any other organisation out there. I will fight them with all I got.
Now that sounds Nazi like don't it !

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 10:10:50 AM

I know I am likely alone in this but I stand against the murder of unborn babies except in case were the risk to the mother is extreme. Planned Parenthood preforms abortions in a wholesale manner. I want none of my tax money to go to the murder of the unborn. If I find a petition to remove such funding I will gladly sign it.

I do realize I am likely in the minority here but I am very pro life. I will do what I can with in the law to stop abortions.

P.S. Isn't this a political tread and shouldn't it be moved to the P&R board? Shouldn't TheLoveGoddess as a mod know better?

JustaNuisance1439 reads

"The U.S. House of Representatives has just voted to bar Planned Parenthood health centers from all federal funding for birth control, cancer screenings, HIV testing, and other lifesaving care. "

Planned Parenthood helps people under 25 get FREE help. Free STD screenings, birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy, free condoms, free advice. Why wouldn't you want them to be funded? FREE HELP!

I'm not saying I'm for or against abortion, but they help with miscarriages, pregnancies gone wrong, cervical cancer screening... Use your head and research before you knock a most helpful foundation.

The Nazi's built schools, roads and many other worth while thing in Germany but they still butchered millions. I do not deny that Planned Parenthood does some useful things such as STD tests and birth control but it does not justify the horrors they perform. And as for their advise, I think it is wrong to encourage abortions.

If it where possible I would have Planned Parenthood dismantled. Any organisation or person that encourages and performs abortions for healthy mothers with a healthy fetus is evil. Murder of Innocent life is not an answer it is a problem.

I did my research and I am using my head. I can not and will not support murder of anyone born or not. Planned Parenthood performers more abortion than any other organisation out there. I will fight them with all I got.

Timbow2107 reads

Posted By: scoed
The Nazi's built schools, roads and many other worth while thing in Germany but they still butchered millions. I do not deny that Planned Parenthood does some useful things such as STD tests and birth control but it does not justify the horrors they perform. And as for their advise, I think it is wrong to encourage abortions.

If it where possible I would have Planned Parenthood dismantled. Any organisation or person that encourages and performs abortions for healthy mothers with a healthy fetus is evil. Murder of Innocent life is not an answer it is a problem.

I did my research and I am using my head. I can not and will not support murder of anyone born or not. Planned Parenthood performers more abortion than any other organisation out there. I will fight them with all I got.
Now that sounds Nazi like don't it !

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 10:10:50 AM

You read that to? The founder was big into eugenics just like some others I could mention but won't.

GaGambler1249 reads

Don't worry, if you don't like the current terms "African American" or "Asian American" as substitutes for Negro or Oriental, just wait a few years, someone else will decide those terms are offensive and come up with new ones.

Personally I have better things to do that get all upset and offended because someone didn't get the memo that "oriental" is offensive. Most of my black friends friends don't give a fuck either, they might laugh at you for calling them "negroes", but I doubt any of my friends at least are going to get too bent out of shape over something as innocuous as Negro, but most of my friends (of all colors) have pretty thick skins. Go figure. lol

But it does not really mater as the goal of Planned Parenthood no longer is about reducing the population of certain groups that its founders found undesirable.

GaGambler1449 reads

It was just a term, nothing derogatory about it then or now, although the term is now considered "obsolete". In fact in the 2010 census, Negro was still a racial category as many people still alive, but raised before that civil rights era of the sixties, still identified themselves as "negro".

Why the big fucking deal about a word that is obsolete. are you turning into a PC putz on me?

charlie445, asked what it meant so I replied. I looked it up and you are correct. It was only offensive in Italy where my grandpa is from. That is where my confusion comes from.

This is the quote charlie445 asked about.
'' We Want To Exterminate The Negro Population”– Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.

Not a big deal as Planned Parenthood is no longer targeting just certain groups for depopulation instead there now advocating zero population growth for all.

Why did you mention the negro extermination issue?

....especially young and inexperienced ones. Would you deny them treatment for diseases that have to suffer and can then spread around?

At the local STD clinic it is only $100 for a STD screening and pap smears are even cheaper. Most cities have such places for little or no cost that do not preform abortions. There are other choices for such treatments.

-- Modified on 2/20/2011 11:31:35 AM

TargetPractice1748 reads

...That unwanted children turn into?

Yeah, you're alone on that one here.

Get off your soapbox and get informed.

...Anti Children, they could give a rats ass about them afterwards when the pop out of the vag!
No support to the poor & unwanted, good food, education for them.

Tax cuts for the rich, let the children eat stale cake & save the fetus!


Tusayan1180 reads

If you were better informed you would know that none of your taxes go to fund abortions.  Federal law prohibits it.

See my reply to your other post. I know about H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act; H.R. 358, the Protect Life Act; and H.R. 217, and the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act. I am better informed than you think.

Because this action will have a direct effect on EVERYONE on this board. I'm sure many ladies on this board are not on The Hartford's Escort Health Insurance Plan - Planned Parenthood provides health screening services which are vital to many segments of the population, particularly OURS! In this context, the post is not a matter of politics, but of survival.

with out going to Planned Parenthood. That is less than a session. Even for a streetwalker that is only a good BJ away. There are other ways to get everything planned parenthood offers on the cheap without Planned Parenthood.

Theflamingrealist1715 reads

My thoughts exactly. But since the cat was let loose, this flaming realist will take a shot. There is only one thing I hate as much as a Bleeding Heart Liberal it is an Uncaring Conservative. So as a militant roaming the middle ground my credentials allow me to take my shot. Let's look at he facts, which neither side care to do. It was just learned the debt accumulated by this admin, exceeds ALL the prior debt Combined. Don't blame Bush. Since the Dems were in control of Congress during his last 2 years and it is Congress that controls the purse strings NOT the Pres, our troubles can easily be place at their feet.

When it is said the needed action will hurt, it doesn't mean it will hurt your neighbor and not you. IT MEANS YOU TOO. I am losing a program or two that helps me, but that is what each of us needs to do. Suck it up both sides. This only the beginning.

Snowman391598 reads

I support a Woman's right to choose.


I don't think we should pay for it. Defund Plan Parenthood!!

If you like their work, donate to them, great, but it isn't the taxpayer's job to do this. It should be privately funded, and if it can't get enough through private donations, then it kind of backs up the fact that not enough people support it and so the genral public should not be paying for it.

I support a woman's right to choose too.  If a fetus is female, she should have rights just like the male.  I like to call these human rights.

Posted By: Snowman39
I support a Woman's right to choose.


I don't think we should pay for it. Defund Plan Parenthood!!

If you like their work, donate to them, great, but it isn't the taxpayer's job to do this. It should be privately funded, and if it can't get enough through private donations, then it kind of backs up the fact that not enough people support it and so the genral public should not be paying for it.

SteveO57112338 reads

On this site, this really bothers me....

If a guy on this site gets a provider pregnant, how the hell does he expect the provider to find the customer to take responsibility for his child?
Do you think that your her only client?  Are you willing to give contact info to be tracked down?

What right does that customer have to dictate what the provider does after the session is over?

To truly believe in the anti abortion side of the argument, you have to be fully on the side of the right.
Full out family values, no unmarried sex, what so ever.  
You also can't condone seeing a provider that  offers services that can result in pregnancy or a site that condones the behavior.

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