
Re: Well, if you read this, or the general board...
Atouk 122 reads

Glad I’m not the only one that saw the irony in the traffic law comment.

Twice in the last week I have had a request for me to email a copy of my Driver's License to book an appointment. That is insane!

"I require photo ID. Let me know if that is a problem for you. " I offered to show it to her when we meet and she said no.

I have bankers and accountants that work with our financial info and they would NEVER request that I email them a copy of my driver's License. Email is too easily hacked and there is so much info on your DL for scammers.

They also use secure portals for any email with sensitive data.  If I do have to send them a CC#, we text the CVV number separately. Yet another reason this is a cash business.

I get ladies want to be safe, but I will not be sending them data that I wouldn't email my accountant.

icyblu114 reads

There are many quality providers out there that don't require DL information. You never know when it'll come back to bite you. Guilt by association can derail your personal and professional life.

There's no point in wasting my time or theirs when there's an obvious impasse like that.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. You are the outlier for someone who would see someone like me.  

The accountant/provider analogy is flawed for obvious reasons. Namely, the *ahem* activity and "contact".

I have zero interest in someone who wanted to "show me when we met" unless.... you'd like to pay my full rate so we can lounge at a coffee shop, sip lattes, and discuss your profit and loss statement for the entirety of our allotted time. However, I suspect this situation would be unsatisfactory to you.

I request ID and do not receive complaints. In fact, it is often offered without my direct request.

Hope you have 2 solid references and have not burned bridges. This is a legitimate alternative that is often accepted.

Some men are just different....


...those differences are pretty clear.   There are clients who are concerned about losing everything they have and those that have little or nothing to lose.  Then there are those that are in the camp of being willing to risk it all for what they cannot attain without paying.

It's a risk/reward deal.  I'd say that there are some guys out there that are in such desperate need for female companionship that they are willing to risk everything they have and have no concern about future liabilities.  

You did write something that I find very intriguing however.  You might have been kidding but stating that you'd spend a considerable amount of time discussing the clients P&L during a paid civvie date as opposed to regular screening....did you just say the quiet part out loud??

I thought screening was to weed out LEO, abusive types with criminal records, traffic law violators, rapists and other undesirable types but it appears there's possibly some financial investigation going on?  If the transaction is done via prepaid deposit combined with cash up front, what possible reason would you have for establishing financial stamina???

Perhaps you're referring to the multiple homeless men who were picked up in the local Bloomington bust? If you fall into that camp  of "nothing to lose" you need to get back to work and leave ladies alone....  

Someone who has little to no barrier to entry is higher risk on many fronts, as evidenced by the Bloomington situation...

The most successful gents I encounter are the most comfortable screening. They recognize that the most effective way to manage risk is to select reputable, upscale providers and treat them with respect. We just want to have fun....

Eliot Spitzer excluded, I'd be curious to see just one specific case study that outlines the horrific conditions that are feared.  

Sure, let's sit down and look at your finances over coffee, for my full rate of course. ;) It's going to be fun!

Financial stamina? Traffic law violators?  Seems like there's a lot of misinformation out there.

...there's been 3 posts in the last month about providers either threatening or actually releasing their identities online.  One guy (who was/is an idiot) requested his money back after a bad performance on HER part.  Yeah, he should have written it off but he didn't so she put his info all over twitter...just because he asked for a refund.

Reputable??? Doesn't appear so after the fact but I bet she was thought to be so prior to her becoming unreputable.  Not sure about the homeless thing, no clue what you're talking about.  Scratching my head on someone having "no barrier to entry" being higher risk though.   Wouldn't this mean someone that checks all your boxes (plenty of cash and a plethora of verifiable PII) easily gets the green light because they would have little or no barrier in being granted an appointment?  I do not think you really understand what that phrase means.

FWIW, the traffic violators are screened out by another local provider who seems to be relatively reputable...her words, not mine.  The logic being if a monger can't respect traffic laws then she won't permit them to join her in breaking other laws, lol.  A successful client handing out PII in order to manage risk is either client with nothing to lose...or a naïve, ignorant or just a horny idiot with an oxymoron hat.

It is not a flawed analogy. We have met in the past.  I have great referrals and lots of Okay's on P411 and TER.

No one should ever email a picture of their DL to ANYONE, not even your priest.  Email is hacked daily, and the people doing the hacking are looking for things like DL#'s, SS#'s, DOB, address, etc. Your DL has lots of info that can be used to commit identity theft.

I am not saying I don't trust people in the biz with this info, I am saying I don't really trust ANYONE with this info.

Now my banker and accountant have rules and procedures for sensitive info, they have secure email servers and they have insurance if they get hacked.  We all work together to minimize the risk of my info getting hacked. And it still happens to people every single day.

My point is for ladies to stop asking for me to send them info by an unsecured channel that I wouldn't send to my accountant that way.

And yes, we are all concerned on how this info is stored.  Even if you do delete the email, it probably still exists on the cloud server. If you opened the picture, it is probably somewhere in your computer's download folder and maybe elsewhere.

Yes, I think you are right!  Someone may discover you have logged into *gasp* this website! The swat team may be minutes away from your residence!

Also, your web cam is likely infiltrated by the CIA recording every time you choke the chicken. (smile and wave next time) You ought to toss your entire computer into the Mississippi.  

If someone can give me one legitimate example of data misuse by a reputable provider instead of fear mongering hypotheses I will back off.

In this case, a provider retired but didn’t delete the PII, including pics of DLs (subject of this thread) she’s received from clients over the years.  I’d call that a clear misuse of personal data. Then she made another mistake in her choice of boyfriend.  See the linked thread (already linked in a post not far below).

There’s other examples of data misuse on the General Discussion board.  So yes… it happens.  

That is so unfortunate. We all just want to have fun!

bluenorthMN106 reads

Jennie, so Are you backing off now that you've one legitimate example?

Posted By: jenniekennedymn
Re: Flawed analogy
Yes, I think you are right!  Someone may discover you have logged into *gasp* this website! The swat team may be minutes away from your residence!  
 Also, your web cam is likely infiltrated by the CIA recording every time you choke the chicken. (smile and wave next time) You ought to toss your entire computer into the Mississippi.  
 If someone can give me one legitimate example of data misuse by a reputable provider instead of fear mongering hypotheses I will back off.

Cokeandasmile118 reads

I’ve never paid a deposit and never will. If they don’t trust us, based on our references, then why should we trust them with our info or deposit?

In general, I don't ask for deposits or full pre-payment.  

The cases where I do:
-gents under 30
-guys who send copious, unnecessary emails trying to 'set an appt'

If someone makes me feel uncomfortable, I ask for more in terms screening/deposit. This filters out the time wasters/boundary pushers from legit clients.  

Guys under 30 do send full deposits. The 'email blasters' usually fall off, but not after sending one more lengthy message that I don't bother my eyes with.

A bit of trust is required on both ends to initiate anything. To what degree is trust required? We are asking you to verify your identity, not for your routing and account info so we can wire you $1,000,000. ;)

Perhaps the root cause is the initial selection of untrustworthy individuals? It's a stretch to suggest that ALL providers are untrustworthy for the role they are in.

IJMiggs114 reads

Just get verified and if it means showing your DL then do it if you can’t verify with references or other normal measures.

… to a provider. It’s about a provider demanding that a picture of a DL be emailed to her.  Do you understand the difference?

I won’t email a photo of my DL to any private party. With P411 I’ve agreed to show my DL to the provider, with some info obscured, if she requests to see it during a session, but no provider has asked for it yet.  

...have been exposed & destroyed, blackmailed, extorted etc, more people will realize no pussy is worth a lifetime of infinite liability...not even if it belongs to a "reputable" provider.  

At the onset of meetings, I've shown my ID, opened active social media and talked openly about myself divulging many details that would allow a person to actually connect me with my private life.  I do not hide these things.  I can give up plenty of info that provides ample info that I am a real person, not LE.  Forever, this was supposedly what it was all about.  That said, none of that EVER goes beyond that moment in time.

But when I see a pro mock this and state she'll gladly review my net worth during a public meeting at full fee, it really makes me wonder wtf.  

Now, the mantra has become about safety of the provider.  While I truly believe safety for both parties is very important and I'd wish that there was never a threat of harm to any working woman, I also believe the safety factor is nothing but a strawman.  Sure, bring up the killer in Jersey as a clear example of the dangers.  Prior to his arrest, I'd bet he screened just fine.  The only caveat being that it created a paper trail that allowed LE to trace him to other violence and murder but I have yet to see any provider make the argument that upon demise, it would help catch the perp.

I'm absolutely fine knowing that there will be many women that I will never get a chance to meet.  That's life.  There are plenty of wonderful women that I will get a chance to see again or meet that don't require the info needed to pull a credit check or wealth evaluation.  

rochmn94 reads

In my opinion,  two words describe guys who give providers personal Information and/or deposits as a requirement for meeting.  Those two words are desperate and stupid.

Looks like that Long Island killer would have come up clean on any screening.  Screening doesn't stop serial killers -- because there is no registry of serial killers.  They kind of work UTR.  

IJMiggs125 reads

What evidence was there that he screened?  If these dozen girls that were killed had any record of the killer’s real name then it wouldn’t have taken 13 years and an FBI investigation to solve the case.  

A couple of my regulars see new men often for and they get the photo of the DL to insure their safety in the event there was an incident.  If I were a provider, I would absolutely require proof of identity before meeting with someone.

I have seen many providers who screen clients by ID, social media, business profile etc. I have never had a problem with it in the last 10+ years of my time hobbying. I’m finding it more common for providers to ask me for my ID versus references, 411 or other screening platforms.  I have asked a few of them about their methods of screening and their responses were all similar.

- 411 states somewhere that providers should screen additionally at their own discretion and there has been instances where LE gains access to a 411 account.  

-References can be extremely inaccurate. I had a women tell me she had a local provider tell her a client was okay only to find out the client was clearly under the influence and was indeed NOT a good client. Others have said that when they used to take references for screening clients didn’t show or some even shorted them. Everyone’s perception is different which is why references aren’t always the safest way to screen.  

When you really think about it .. I think anyone would feel safer making their own judgment screening a client themselves and looking over their information rather than taking someone else’s word for it. At least I would if I was on the opposite end.  

I personally would like that the provider I’m seeing screen their clients thoroughly. It makes me feel safer seeing them and let’s me know that they are an established provider that has standards.  

All of our names, addresses and personal information is on the web somewhere.. During covid when I purchased a warranty for my car it was all over the phone and the financial department required me to text them a photo of my license. It’s not unheard of for legitimate businesses to ask for license or personal information digitally.  

 I find it to be more risky seeing someone who doesn’t accurately screen their clients than to go with a provider who accepts bare minimum for screening. Of course I make sure the provider has reviews and is established before sending any personal information. I also use a secure link to send any of my information which automatically deletes. A previous provider who I had met showed me how to do that. It’s been really helpful when seeing new people.  

So .. to each their own but during this day and age it’s hard enough to get a response and appointments from providers at times. I’m not going to let screening stop me from spending time with the lovely ladies here in the metro.

....once a person has your info, they've got it for as long as they want to have it regardless if what YOU sent them automatically deletes.  When done, they still have your credit report and background check.

I truly believe the chance to get this used against you is minimal if a guy is very selective re who is doing the vetting however the more this is done, the greater the odds are that it will bite you in the ass down the road, especially if other players get involved.

Unless you are concerned about being outed as a guy who likes to buy extended warranties, being exposed by a legitimate business is not a thing.

Not a big deal?  Giving out copies of your drivers license, real name, personal info for this illegal activity is equivalent to having BBFS with those who have hundreds or thousands of sex partners.  The risk multiplies and is compounded with each exposure.  Sooner or later you are going to get caught up in something out of your control.  How do you know anything about who your are meeting other than maybe they are a good fuck?  They are not going to share their personal information.  They will give you a stage name, website and reviews, some have removed all their reviews or never allowed them.   They could be involved in other criminal activity or have a husband, boyfriend, handler who has a rap sheet longer than your arm.  There are 20+ years of examples on TER discussion boards where it ended badly.  There are many more examples in life showing reasons why never to send an electronic copy of an ID to anyone. Identity theft is real and can turn your life upside down.

The question is, what will you say to your family, friends, boss, coworkers, employees when you are caught up in an investigation because your info was found as part of a sensational crime, murder, drugs or human trafficking investigation? Why was your info involved and what were you doing?  You have to come clean, you cannot lie or your goose is cooked. If it was because you bought an extended warranty, easy to explain.  If you were buying sex from a person who was part of the bigger crime, your life is going to get very complicated....unless you have nothing to lose and don't care.

I'm not saying I expect a lady to meet me without no info at all.  Pretty much everyone except newbies have references or some other form that has worked for years or decades.  Everyone needs to make their own choices, for me giving out my personal info or sending copies of ID's is never going to happen.

-- Modified on 7/20/2023 11:28:03 AM

As I stated, I have emailed CC info and then texted the CVV.  This is a safer way to transfer CC info.  Still, my banker says to NEVER email CC info. Also, never email a picture of your DL.  A text is safer, but you really need to be 100% sure of who is getting that text. BTW, the banks miss the security of fax machines, seriously.

My bank gives regular security seminars. They advise using a dedicated laptop for online banking, used for nothing else. They hate hotel WiFi and advise using your phone's hotspot when traveling, especially abroad.

Yes, this is extra work, but if you ever get your identity stolen you will wish you had done the work upfront. Then you have years of work to try and recover your credit rating and identity.

Again, this is good advice in general, not specific to this industry.

BTW, you do know that Google and Microsoft are the biggest targets for hackers, right? Proton mail is probably safer because it is smaller.

bluenorthMN127 reads

See how much dirt they were able to dig up on Hunter

Seeing escorts is still illegal and also has serious consequences for most people if knowledge of this becomes public.  Why would you feel safer about handing over PII under those circumstances?

And in the 10+ years that I have been working in this industry, I have met some amazing friends, that I am still friends with and always will be.  
Not 1, I REPEAT, Not 1 client of mine that has screened fully, has EVER had an issue out of me.
I have never shared a photo of a DL with ANYONE!!
its also deleted and trashed after he is verified.  
There is NO WAY, I am meeting a COMPLETE stranger at my location
where we are in a place alone, and I have No clue who he is!!! absolutely NOT.
How dangerous is that? I have been in some VERY dangerous situations, and thankfully, I had to give that client a nice reminder of, I KNOW EXACTLY who you are and were you live and where you work and how to contact your family, if you harm me, and that has always changed the situation.  
Ladies, Please stay safe and always, always, always screen and do whats best for you!!
No donation is worth your life.
hope you all have a great rest of your week!!

After verification all info is "trashed and deleted" but you still have all this info on hand to remind the client that you can put a bead on him.  You must have a terrific memory to keep all these info bubbles rolling through your head as you work your way through your appointments!  Would you like to correct your post and now try to tell us next that the info is trashed and deleted after the session has occurred without incident?

Certainly, you don't set up appointments only to verify immediately (or an hour or two) prior to the session but rather at least a day or two ahead or perhaps weeks ahead.  If a provider is truly being prudent regarding her safety, she has also given this information to a third party who can react immediately if something has happened during or by the end of the session.  

Lastly, perhaps Karley can finally be the one to tell us how she keeps her devices secure so we know that our family info, employer contact etc can never fall into the hands of a hacker/pimp/IRS/scheduler/ex boyfriend et al?

Snafu pretty much makes very valid points.

I don't see how you can argue any of them.
Nice job snafu!

So I am guessing me and you emailed the same girl. Emailed her last week and not only did she want copy of drivers license but a 50% deposit (yes she wanted as much of a deposit as some girls are total). She is somewhat new and has a handful of reviews and all very good. She does not do incall (maybe the massive deposit is to book a hotel)???  
 She tends to tweet about her dates weekly and it doesn't sound like she is too busy, alot of lunch dates and with the same guys it seems.
  I am guessing the 50% deposits scares most of her suitors away if not the drivers license already have.  But for some of the guys who may have seen her early on and didn't have to go through this congratulations you found a good lady right away.

Would ever send DL, LinkIn profile.  How fucking stupid do you have to be????????? Ask the hoe to share similar ID.

Posted By: Riley007

Twice in the last week I have had a request for me to email a copy of my Driver's License to book an appointment. That is insane!  
 "I require photo ID. Let me know if that is a problem for you. " I offered to show it to her when we meet and she said no.  
 I have bankers and accountants that work with our financial info and they would NEVER request that I email them a copy of my driver's License. Email is too easily hacked and there is so much info on your DL for scammers.  
 They also use secure portals for any email with sensitive data.  If I do have to send them a CC#, we text the CVV number separately. Yet another reason this is a cash business.  
 I get ladies want to be safe, but I will not be sending them data that I wouldn't email my accountant.

P411, referrals is all I do and have met several amazing ladies.
Or doing deposits and not sending my ID or personal info ahead of time.

The other provider is well known but apparently she didn't screen as we later found out , which is the reason I no longer take provider referrals  

Some providers know about this man and he's been holding both guns and knives to gurls after sessions were complete and robs them .

I've been doing this for 18 years,  with only one ther former alias, I  too sometimes ask for a photo iD and the address is allowed to be crossed , how ever I require the photo , age and name to match doccuments , and NEVER once given out a
That Info or other sensitive Info.  

Once the date is completed i remove it for everyone's saftey  
And I would be willing to show it's no longer in my possession upon arrival.

For anyone not comfortable I would suggest moving on or going with someone with ample positive reviews.

A provider wouldn't have fun with folks who are closed off to them anyways and I wouldn't want someone walking Into my door who wants to run .

And we would never be upset if you have old feet as long as you don't cancel the same day and give us a heads up in advance , we are alot more understanding than most realize  

Cum with Confidence

a guy that is known for doing this, his description or ANY info on him would be all over the boards.  Worth noting though, as you said on another thread, a prominent ad platform based in Minnesota is NOT safe or secure, stolen photos can be uploaded and nobody verifies the content of the ads.

This should be a giant red flag to never share info with anyone in any of those ads.

Thanks for your input and i don't ask to simply argue but what actual steps (other than the delete button) do you take to remove a clients info once the session is over?  What steps do you take to keep your device(s) secure?

I just checked my "Deleted Items" folder and it contains over 2,000 emails. I will purge that, but I know ALL of my emails are achieved.

There is also a button in Outlook "Recover Deleted Items from Server"

The point is, completely deleting digital data is often much harder than people realize. It often still exists in some form somewhere.

There's also the reality that it is ridiculously easy to copy information these days.  Lots of software includes automatic backup options that can be activated simply with one setting when it is originally installed or at a later date.  Information can be copied to another location or even to the Cloud with the user scarcely being aware of it.

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