TER General Board

Re:what about... Actually, from what:
The Good Twin 3118 reads

 Mom told me, his middle name is Xavier, ergo, if he used Xander, then his monogram would be XXL and that would satisfy the requirements for "Truth In Advertising" !

junior4573315 reads

And probably for the same reason you are. If they have something to say they don't want to run the risk of pissing someone off and potentially lose business because of it, or even worse if there are any psycho's out there.

Kind of a "NoBrainer" huh...........

If you have something to say, then you should be prepared to put your name to it and wear the consequences.  If you're not, then you should shut the fuck up.  As for the idea that posting under your own name may encourage attacks by 'psychos', what an absurdly specious argument to justify that which is nothing more than simple cowardice.

"Emma Bond" and "Coochmeister" ARE, in fact, aliases.  "Lex Luethor," however, is the guy's real name!

I mean, Lex?  ewkk.

Seriously, I would argue that the women's working names are not aliases but simply 'stage names'.

It's short "Alexander", thank you. Yeah, sure I could have gone with "Alex" or "Al"... but by going with "Lex" I only had to worry about one initial...saves on monogramming.

-- Modified on 6/11/2005 3:03:12 AM

WebTerrorist3088 reads

"Xander"  you could always use "Xander"  as your first name.  

Now, granted it will defeat the single monogram purpose  but it will make your initials "XL"  and from what I've heard that actually would be a bit of truth in advertising.  *grin*

The Good Twin3119 reads

 Mom told me, his middle name is Xavier, ergo, if he used Xander, then his monogram would be XXL and that would satisfy the requirements for "Truth In Advertising" !

I'm new here. I must say, however, that Emma's posts are the only ones that make any sense to me.  I have no idea what aliases are.  Can someone clue me in? Tell me what they are, and what they are used for?

Wank_Sergant3360 reads

an alias is a pretend name that you can use to post stuff when you don't wanna use your real fake name.  

You go to Account Manager.

Then you go to edit alias.

Then you make up some alias.

Then, when you make a post, you click that blue arrow pointing down and choose whatever fake name you just made.

Usually, you can go to the newbie board and ask something like that and some dude named Mr. Info comes and tells you pretty fast without giving you shit about it. Usually, if you do this on this board, some asshole like me will give you shit about it.  So, if you don't want anyone to know who you are and remember that you're a dumb ass, you can ask it under an alias and no one but the board moderator knows who is the dumb ass that posted the dumb ass question.  But I think the board moderators are sworn to secrecy and live in a foreign country where they get laid and fed grapes all the time, so you're probably safe from them.

That's why I like using an alias!

[Also, you can really screw with people when you feel like it!]   :)

One Wank to Another:

Actually, I tend to prefer assholes like you.  I also like it when people remember what a dumbass I am. It makes me feel important.

ps:  why would you want to screw with someone who thought you were someone else? that would not be a very good fuck, would it?

Wank_Sergant4403 reads

but this was my favorite use of an alias I ever used.

If you read thru the thread you'll get it...the only subtlety you may not notice is the key to the joke.  Capedude is a very funny frequent poster on the Boston board.  His reviews include one very, very positive review of a provider named Arielle Bloome.  Now that you know that, if you follow this thread...you'll get the joke.  It might also help to know that the Celitcs are not nearly as good as they used to be and Paul Pierce is the best player on their team now.  

There are millions of funny examples of using an alias around here.  Some people post mean things cuz they don't want to post mean things under their real fake name because people might dislike them and get even.  But, to me, using an alias is a really easy way to make a joke.  Here's my example:


Spank_Commander2572 reads

Is there a Spank_Sergeant too? I may need to enlist an enlisted man!!

almost real2210 reads

I break out in hives at forbidden. Your an exceptional psycho that need to leave us simple cowards alone. Consequences can be unpleasant. As far as tags and what to wear: I've got my trout outfit on and I'll be damned b4 Fish & Game tags my ass. Upstream calls.

Bond, Emma Bond3706 reads

My cousin Emma is usually - well, always, except for now - 100% right.  But she's wrong on this one.

Using an alias can be fun and allows us to lighten up the Boards a little sometimes.

It's usually no big deal and often very funny.

If a post is improper the moderators can handle it.  Just using a silly alias can be fun.  This place is way too serious way too often...it's easier to make a joke this way.

Now, stop stealing my name!

WebTerrorist3292 reads

Perhaps "fun"  is both what she does and her last name.
Like Blacksmiths and Silversmiths, etc carrying the surname "Smith", perhaps due to a legacy of "fun"  it is now her moniker...

Just a thought.

NoBrainer2843 reads

with the "inane" post. I didn't see you ranting about the umteenth Viagra post. Me thinks you have not an original thought in your head so you have to gum up the works with your trivial nature.

Squirtboodles2971 reads

This is my goofy, kinky, sometimes controversial, provacative, evil twin, way past naughty,and a few other sides

œ3960 reads

why not?

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