
Cape Basher 2979 reads

Here yee...Here yeee...The Governing board of the powers most high wish to make a announcement...

Let it be known that today...this 20th day of May in the year 2005 will hereby be declared "BASH CAPEDUDE DAY"

Come on...come all....All are welcome!!!!

Go easy on the Dude

We all know he is too easy a target

Three busloads of VIP members just left LA heading east.


I LOVE my sister2974 reads

We gotta head up ther to Bahston and wip us a Capedooooooood...I'll miss me home in Wist Virginny but I'ma gonna skin me a DOOOOOD...

and make capedude and landman_1966 co-moderators (as well as co-other things! ;)


I think we scared them all away.....aaahhhhhhh :-(

is a real pain in the ass, he's always giving me shit.  Oh why don't you go back to the cape and crawl back into the dune you came from and don't step on any Piping Plovers either.  

Oh wait I am me and he makes three.

Who am I and what am I doing here?

(does anyone recognize that quote?)

Paul Pierce3211 reads

"Who am I and what am I doing here?

(does anyone recognize that quote?)"

a hint, he ran for vice president with Ross Perot.  Admiral __________________ said it in a vice presidential debate.  He was the only guy speaking the truth but the press bashed him.

He had his hearing aids turned off at the time. I do that a lot around here.


Aerlie Bloome3564 reads

I think it was sometime around December 2004.


-- Modified on 5/20/2005 9:41:23 AM

Very good.  ;-)  I remember a very interesting converstaion, but, not those exact words.  Perhaps it crossed your mind but you were to polite to actually say it.  ;-)

Thank you for being polite :) and come back soon!

I can't do this to you Capedude.  You seem very nice.

That was just a joke I posted under an alias.  :)

I released that alias back and now you can use it and write a comment back to yourself.  It's not as much fun as masturbation, but it can be pretty amusing if you're in the mood.

And while I like Boston and would like to come back again soon, I can;t promise you'd have the same experience with me as you did with Ms. Bloome!

(I figured you might know it was just a joke when I added the Lakers link after all the Boston/LA stuff.)

Well, party on beantown.

Crap, you knew I have a soft spot for Aerlie.

Dirty tricks, Richard Nixon is a amateur compared to you.  As it was said in the Wiz, "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!"

Wilbur Poster2570 reads

and it was mr.ed?

Of course, of course!!! ;)

As a reward, I will speak to my friend thirsty and get you tickets on the 37 yard line for the Whore College homecoming game. (These are great seats! The field is only 74 yards long.)

Me and Marcella and Karrie are gonna walk the Freedom Trail - with them riding me naked!

We love Boston!

capedude breaks into song at the drop of a hat!!!


Irving Berlin? Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers?

Fred says to his friend:
"I've just got an invitation through the mail.
Your presence requested this evening is formal
Top hat, white tie, and tails."

and then breaks into the song:

Oh I'm puttin' on my top hat
Tyin' up my white tie
Brushin' off my tails...
I'm steppin' out, my dear
To breathe an atmosphere
That simply reeks with class
And I trust
That you'll excuse my dust
When I step on the gas

That song is later followed by that old romantic Thirsty's favorite, Cheek to Cheek: (no not those cheeks T)

Heaven, I'm in Heaven.
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.
And I seem to find the happiness I seek.
When we're out together dancing, Cheek to Cheek...

So, you were saying, Thirsty?  ;-)

It's a good thing that the TER software upgrade didn't include audio.


Then I'd have hire a singer.

mr.ed GFE4001 reads


edited after further review; this word was really just directed at my friend, Willllburrr

-- Modified on 5/21/2005 6:35:50 PM

-- Modified on 5/21/2005 8:07:18 PM

Actually, when a horse is involved, isn't more appropriate to call him a glue swallower? ;)


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