Politics and Religion

True but Nut Jobs do
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2109 reads

and that's all we got these days. What did we do to deserve these nuts one after another?

This is a hooker website so obviously most of us aren't very religious.  But I'm getting a serious anti-religion vibe from this board.  How many of you would disqualify supporting a candidate if he/she was a very vocal Christian regardless of experience and qualifications?

I'm not voting for anyone who's campaign is focused on religion.  Now, I don't give a flip about his religion outside of politics, except that I'm not voting for anyone who believes in the Koran because those folks can't separate religion and politics.

Try and take religion out of the early days of the Civil Rights movement.  Or the birth of anti-slavery.

Likewise, the various religious groups are very big in anti-capital punishment, arguing only God (or god in charlie's case) has the right to decide when people should die.

There is a group of environmentalists who justify their views on stewardship of the earth that we got from God.

There are many leftists who have always shaped politics.  

Historically, it wasn't until Roe v. Wade that people started objecting to religion mixing with politics, and funny thing. that's when the right got involved.

SteveO57111714 reads

Are you referring to all Muslims?
Bar all Muslims from office, regardless of their work?

I don't really care for those statements, It seems to me most people that have that kind of opinion are people that get most of their information on Muslims from news reports from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran ect.  Those are not American Muslims, and there is a difference.  There are Millions of Muslims in this country, there have been for generations.  Their problem is they don't get any press because they're not blowing shit up.

The real problem, and this is going to happen...  If people keep putting all Muslims under the "Radical Terrorist" category, keep going after all of them regardless of their individual actions, they are all going to fight back.  

They are not going to have a choice.  
What their other option?  Denounce their religion so they can stay in a country that offers religious freedom?

If you feel a need to judge people by their religion, make sure you actually have the information.  Read the Koran, go to your local Mosque or Muslim Center.  Meet them, talk to them before you pass judgment.

I don't want any Holy Book wavers in our government, I expect everyone to follow their own beliefs and morals but I don't want anyone to shove them down my thought.
To be honest with you, in this country, I'm allot more concerned with Christians then Muslims in our government.

and that's all we got these days. What did we do to deserve these nuts one after another?

about me lol

Interested to see the hipocrisy come forth. I was chastised for not voting for a black man because of my suppossed Christian white bias. WHATEVER! I'd have voted for Alan Keyes. I would have voted for Michael Steele.

OK check my spelling lol

Priapus531881 reads

------Karl Marx

Marx was a motherfucker, but he got THAT right.

Let the theocratic pols smoke opium,but NOT govern. This country has a seperation of Church & State & it should remain that way.

Can't you state a position without theatrics? I am well aware of your position on anything faith-based. Like it or not it ISN'T going away. Learn to deal with it. Much like I have come to grips with Left-winged self-absorbed drivel. Interesting role model though lol

Priapus533205 reads

Family business---that's what SEPARATES me from you---------;)

-- Modified on 8/13/2011 12:10:44 PM

Well, and least opiate derivatives like morphine and codeine. Just think of where we would be without them. And, what's your beef about people being hopped up on drugs. Most everyone in this country is self medicating with alcohol, weed, caffeine, street drugs, and prescription drugs. Thank God for those who can kick in their own brain opiates, even if it's through religion.

Besides, Marx had probably downed a couple of gallons of vodka when he wrote that! ;)

I'm relieved you would have voted for two complete idiots despite the fact they're black. Dog bless you!

Now I have to stretch my definition of "religious nut job" lest I disqualify everyone running in every election as most candidates identify themselves as Christians, to do otherwise is to commit political suicide.

I would consider Huckabee, Perry, Palin, and Bachman to be "religious nut jobs" and would never cast a vote for any of them to hold a job as dogcatcher. OTOH, I did vote for GWB, Clinton GHWB, and Reagan. every one of these people are, or at least claim to be Christians. I think I draw the line at fundamentalists, those that truly believe the world is only 6,000 years old, and the like. Can you really trust someone with our nuclear codes that believes we are all going to a "better place" in the event of Armageddon?

So yes, being a "vocal" christian disqualifies me supporting a candidate. Being a christian does not.

One other reason for my bias, "Vocal Christians" are also much more likely to be social conservatives who want to put issues like Gay Marriage, Right to life, and School Prayer the front burner, when IMO we have much more important issues to address.

...so long as their religious view points don't lead them to a place that makes even more batshit then they would otherwise be.

For instance, if someone runs for POTUS says he's a Christian, and based on that, says that we ought to take care of the least among us, care for the poor, feed the hungry, etc, then I would have no problem voting for them.

But if they somehow think that being a Christian means unfettered breeding, having as many snot nosed brats and ankle biters that your poor beleaqured wife can pump out, that it's okay to shit where you eat on a global scale because Jesus will come back to make it better, and if they think that the rapture is a desirable thing, then no way in hell would I vote for them.

Regardless, I would prefer someone who can think rationally over someone who is delusional any day of the week.

it's hard to tell how much of it is really OTT versus what the Obama media want to display. I know MSLSD is staying the hell away from any kind of mathmatical analysis of issues and instead dwelling on the "millionaire, billionare, corp jets, Jesus Freaks are coming to take away your vagina, grandama's gonna eat dogfood" type demogagery (did i spell it right Pri?).

my priorities, getting the budget under control, getting the private sector moving again in a way that benefits MAin Street.

im not worried about jesus freaks taking over. the constitution and the majority of people wont tolerate it.

HalfHour1627 reads

There is a wise spectrum of beliefs that can be called Christian.

Jimmy Carter might not be considered to have been an effective president, but I don't think his Christian beliefs dangerously affected his capabilities, however one views them.

Someone like Michele Bachman, however, is a different story. Being in state government or congress is not the same as being President of The United States Of America. Her bizarre religious beliefs are one of the strong factors that makes her unfit for the office.

We certainly don't need to see The Peter Principle at work the the presidency.

to impose his or her religious values on the whole country. Period!

If I agree with them in enough other areas I'll vote for them.  To prove how dumb that position is, I'll admit to having voted for Jimmy Carter, whom I now acknowledge is a complete wimp.  But seriously, I dislike people who wear their religion on their sleeve.  So if someone were "very vocal" about it, I'd shy away from them.  But in the end it would depend on who the other candidate was.  I always vote (so far, at least) so I'd end up choosing the lesser of two weevils.
For example, let's say the choice for President was between mrnogood (with meinarsche as vp) and priapus (with willy as vp).  I would choose.....Wow! This is worse than Humphrey vs. Nixon!  Shit! I'm moving to Canada!

Posted By: Officer Cartman
This is a hooker website so obviously most of us aren't very religious.  But I'm getting a serious anti-religion vibe from this board.  How many of you would disqualify supporting a candidate if he/she was a very vocal Christian regardless of experience and qualifications?

Behind most ardent GOD haters there are severe childhood issues.

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