Politics and Religion

happens all the time when shows suck.:D
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 218 reads


First of all, here's the story if you haven't heard:


"Each year truck crashes kill over 5,000 people and injure almost 150,000 more on our nation's roads and highways. Nearly one in four passenger vehicle deaths in multiple-vehicle collisions involve a large truck"
                                                                       -Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety

In Goliad, Texas the latest replay in an ongoing national American tragedy has occured: 11 people were killed and 12 more were injured when a pick-up truck crashed.  I hope that this senseless loss of life will provide the motivating factor for Mitt Bot and Obama to speak out in favor of reform of pick-up truck laws.

If I had my way, they would be totally outlawed-you couln't buy, sell own or drive them in my perfect dream world.  But, given the lack of the proper political will in our politicians to vote against the America Automobile Association lobby, I realize it will be an uphill battle.

Here is my list of various steps that could be taken to alleviate this ever-present menace to the lives of children who travel the highways.  Call it a "Sappybullfighter's Ultimate Control Kard of Motoring Evaluation," or "S.U.C.K. M.E."  if you happen to like acronyms:

1.  Equip all new pick-up trucks with gas tanks no larger than 5 gallons. (it will increase highway safety if those death-traps aren't able to travel as far)
2.  Increase the registration requirement of pickups.  It's not enough that they are registered with the DMV of every state.  It should also be a "renewable" Federal license.  Every 2 months, every pick-up should receive a bumper to bumper safety inspection to ensure the roadability of each unit.
3.  Random highway drug testing and DNA sample collection should be allowed at movable highway checkpoints for all those driving or riding in pickup trucks.
4.  Progressively larger fines for anyone caught having one or more passenge in a pickup truck.  The fines would be automatically tripled if the passenger is under 18 years of age.

Something needs to be done, and it needs to be done quickly to prevent any more repeats of the Goliad trajedy.  Call, write or e-mail your Congressperson or Senator to express your concern about this, now!

-- Modified on 7/23/2012 6:09:43 AM

you ignore the vast utility social utility of truck use as compared with the almost non-existent social utility of automatic gun use, as I explained to you in the last post.

       Even dipping into your extensive  portfolio of NRA excuses, the most you could come up with was that we need automatic guns so cowboys in remote parts of Texas could shoot snakes and fend off immigrant lettuce growers. If there was some valid use for auto weapons we might accept the occasional crazy shootings.

      Come back when your satire is not so easily deflated.

Guns have great social utility. Why the hell do you think cops carry them? Guns save lives every day, to say that isn't a useful social utility is perverse and absurd.

Secondly, you seen to think that there is a great proliferation of automatic weapons. There simply isn't. The forms and taxes required to purchase a fully automatic weapon is so prohibitive, that few people own any automatics at all.

Furthermore, automatics are almost never used in crimes, and in this case in Aurora, no automatic weapon was used.

of automatic or semi automatic guns for non-military or law enforcement use.

    I'm not opposed to your having one of those old western six shooters in your home to defend yourself. But that's all the firepower you need to defend the homestead.

so why should you have any say at all in what firearm I own? Should I have a say in what books you're allowed to consult when practicing law?

If someone breaks into my home, I'm going to have to stop the guy from harming me. I will have to do this without harming others. Now, who do you think is a better expert at getting this done? Me or you?

to discourage burglars, you are not going to complain right because you don't know anything about poisonous snakes (I hope).    It's always a question of comparative knowledge, right?

Mari, have you now assigned yourself the position of "deflator in chief?"  Why, in my day if a women pulled a stunt like that we'd simply call her a "cockblocker" and try another tactic.

Is this something you came up with to put words in my mouth?  And please mari, could you share with us "non-truckers" exactly what you mean when you cite "the vast social utility of truck use?"  From what I've seen, that would consist of a bunch of rednecks huddled around their tailgates discussing last night's rerun of the Dukes of Hazard, and complimenting each other on their new moustache growth.

I may be wrong, but don't recall saying that Texas cowboys needed AUTOMATIC weapons (they keep shooting bullets as long as you keep pulling the trigger), but I'm not about to go back and look it up at this late hour.  I do believe that I hinted at the utility of those objects that fire lead projectiles from a muzzle to certain people who aren't able to surround themselves with a cadre of bow-tie wearing bodyguards like Louis Farrakhan and yourself.  If you take away the right to own firearms from those who don't live your trendy, urban metrosexual existence how will people defend themselves from the likes of you and your truck-driving minions?

you.    Try to stay focused. I can’t help you with your love life anyway.

       As for “I may be wrong, but don't recall saying that Texas cowboys needed AUTOMATIC weapons” that was the topic of your post, unless you are making a distinction between semi automatic and automatic. Actually, I think I am not alone in understanding the practical distinction so maybe that might be a worthwhile topic for you.

      The Dukes of Hazard was never fully appreciated. But even the most obtuse critics observed the complete absence of any pick up trucks in that show. My guess is you still own one of those plastic Daisy Duke dolls and it’s just all running together in your mind.

Now may I suggest that you get out the pump and see if you make it up to her/it?

Posted By: sappybullfighter

Mari, have you now assigned yourself the position of "deflator in chief?"  Why, in my day if a women pulled a stunt like that we'd simply call her a "cockblocker" and try another tactic.

Is this something you came up with to put words in my mouth?  And please mari, could you share with us "non-truckers" exactly what you mean when you cite "the vast social utility of truck use?"  From what I've seen, that would consist of a bunch of rednecks huddled around their tailgates discussing last night's rerun of the Dukes of Hazard, and complimenting each other on their new moustache growth.

I may be wrong, but don't recall saying that Texas cowboys needed AUTOMATIC weapons (they keep shooting bullets as long as you keep pulling the trigger), but I'm not about to go back and look it up at this late hour.  I do believe that I hinted at the utility of those objects that fire lead projectiles from a muzzle to certain people who aren't able to surround themselves with a cadre of bow-tie wearing bodyguards like Louis Farrakhan and yourself.  If you take away the right to own firearms from those who don't live your trendy, urban metrosexual existence how will people defend themselves from the likes of you and your truck-driving minions?
-- Modified on 7/23/2012 5:32:59 AM

There was a Ford F-100 in the Duke boys. We are entitled to the truth Mari.

I would think in your position of metrosexual, "deflator in chief" that you would know much more about the subject of the proper care and treatment of your inflatible...er, "friends" than I ever will.  I shall bow to your superior knowledge of the subject.  

The subject of fully-automatic versus semi automatic, versus this, that and every other variation of the tired theme has been covered already by other, more conversant board mavens.  A couple of the more coherent examples are to be found here:


and here:


I suggest you read them.

"The Dukes of Hazard was never fully appreciated."  Amen to that, Nutty-Ass!  I quite agree with you.  Isn't that a surprise?  Upon researching the subject further, I found a scholarly discussion on that subject within the archives of this very board, which you may not have already seen.  It is written by someone who is obviously both a gentlemen and a scholar.  Hard to find around here, sometimes.


Now, I leave you to rest on your laurels, and with hearty warm wishes that you return to that which makes you the happiest.  I wonder if you could possibly make a guide to this photo taken within your basement rumpus room giving the names of all your "airhead" friends?

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