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Then I guess I am living on the edge too..teeth_smile
WildTurkey-101 141 Reviews 2020 reads

I love to DATY and have always done it unprotected.

A.Dent422590 reads

So I now have the answer to one thing I always wondered about: what do providers do when they have their period? The answer in this case was "carry on like it wasn't happening." Which is fine, and, in fact, she cleaned up well enough before I got there that I couldn't notice anything during DATY, which smelled and tasted clean as a whistle. But after I stuck my fingers deep inside her and then licked them, there was definitely something more there than just pussy juice. So my stupid newbieish question du jour is, forgetting about whether or not it is gross, is there any greater health risk in ingesting menstrual blood than there is in ingesting regular vaginal fluids?

WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?! Ingesting Menstual Blood! You need to Google Sexually Transmitted Deseases and compare the ones which are transmitted through blood versus the ones transmitted through vaginal fluids.But either way, its dangerous for unprotected DATY, especially with a provider! You are living on the edge man!!!

If you like your red wings that much, buy a V8.  It's safer.

I'm pretty honest .  When on my cycle I use a natural sponge and some guys sitll want to Dine at the Y others don't but during the date rarely have i ever seen a trace of nature.  I put it in my ads that week that it's my nature time and i try to push for more "backdoor" adventures , providers that don't let  people know are being childish.

I love to DATY and have always done it unprotected.

A.Dent421510 reads

Right. I've never done protected DATY ever, and I'm guessing that this wasn't the first time I saw a provider who was "on the rag," just the first time I noticed it.

-- Modified on 7/19/2008 8:45:47 AM

All providers do not work through their period. In fact, most don't. I'd be a little concerned about the fact that you may have ingested some of her blood.

April Showers1985 reads

They use sponges, and caps to conceal that fact. This is MUCH more common than any of you know. Most hobbyists are ignorant of this fact.  Then again, most hobbyists are just plain ignorant. :-)

I was born at night, but not last night. While it is true that some girls work through their period it is also true that many don't.  In 20 years of hobbying I have had enough appointments cancel at the last minute because "mom called" early to know better.

I guess now someone is supposed to chime in and talk about how ignorant most providers are...LMAO!

I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt here, and assume that perhaps (emphasis on perhaps) she was just starting her flow when you saw her, hence being clean as a whistle as you state followed later by your unhappy discovery.

Not all providers work through their periods. I certainly don't. When its that time the only thing I feel like doing is wrapping myself around a heating pad and chewing on advil like its candy - and don't even LOOK at me, let alone think about touching me buddy! But that is just me.

Regarding your concerns about health risks, your question isn't stupid at all. The good news is that you are at no greater risk for contracting an STD than you would be simply from uncovered DATY at any other time of the month. HIV, and all other STDs are considered to be STDs BECAUSE the pathogens are found in semen and vaginal fluids. Adding mentstrual blood into the mix does not create STDs where they did not exist before, nor does it increase the likelihood of contracting any of these diseases. If she has an infection, you are just as likely to contract the illness whether she is on her period or not.

The bad news though, is that any bloodborne pathogen, Hep C being the main one, is now a risk where it would otherwise not be. However, Hep C is transferred only by blood to blood contact. It is not sufficient to be exposed to the blood of a Hep C positive person, their blood must be exposed to an open soreon you in order for you to contract the illness. So unless you have an open sore in your mouth, your risk of contracting a bloodborne illness is like Hep C is slight.

A.Dent421748 reads

"I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt here, and assume that perhaps (emphasis on perhaps) she was just starting her flow when you saw her, hence being clean as a whistle as you state followed later by your unhappy discovery."

I'm guessing that it was probably the end rather than the beginning, because we originally had a date on Tuesday, but Monday night she cancelled saying that she wasn't feeling well, and we rescheduled for Friday (though I have no idea how long this stuff normally lasts).

"Adding mentstrual blood into the mix does not create STDs where they did not exist before, nor does it increase the likelihood of contracting any of these diseases. If she has an infection, you are just as likely to contract the illness whether she is on her period or not."

That was what I imagined to be the case, as it makes sense.

"The bad news though, is that any bloodborne pathogen, Hep C being the main one, is now a risk where it would otherwise not be."

Right, and I don't think that she has either HIV or Hep C. I will get tested, though.

fletchsod121093 reads

Thank you for this kind information!  I haven't thought about that, that part on lady having period cuz some guys like us seem to have a tendency to think about STD, HIV, Herpes.  At least, it make me more understanding and respectful of them women.

johnhuntback1647 reads

Let's see, we've had posts on barebacking, rimming, felching, CIM/facials, and now this. What's next, flatulence sniffing?


The farting topic DID get discussed on the GD board - - -

Chances are if you think about  - it's been asked somwhere on the TER boards!

LMAO   :-D

-- Modified on 7/19/2008 9:27:25 AM

johnhuntback1933 reads

Yeah, you're right. I guess EVERYTHING has been asked on at least one of these boards at least once.

DoctorFollowmeMD1829 reads

While you are waiting for your doctors appointment, (which I hope you have made for early next week) I suggest you post this question on the erotic highway and see what LG has to say.
She always has good information,suggestions, and advice.

Thank You

-- Modified on 7/19/2008 9:09:45 AM

What a stir up on such a disgusting topic! Well I’ll ad to the mix by asking if (Two girls, One cup) has been discussed? Anyone had an experience like that?  HAHAHA

actually its a vacation oppertunity when mother nature calls. I have had to cancel some fav clients because of this many times. And its never a fun vacation.

Well my first hobby experience was with 2 ladies in Vegas - but it was 3 cups and not one - so I guess that doesn't count!


Now if you were asking about 2 ladies exchanging the product from a cup - No, I have not experienced that...


-- Modified on 7/19/2008 10:17:10 AM

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