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Re: Agree. Too many no's, dislikes, and don't s will be a turn off,
floyd1039 10 Reviews 761 reads

Thanks for clarifying for me. I do not advocate large set or rules just something like " no calls after 10 pm, screening required. " that eliminates late, not screened, spur of the moment. And a hobby phone keeps the home quiet at night. People like you understand, and people like me need to be gently trained. Thank you and the ladies who have patience with both sides of the newbie equation. be safe and have fun

When is too late in the evening to call a provider for a reference? This isn't supposed to be like a 24hr job, right? Of course, a provider can call me any time of night because we need to keep each other safe. But, do most providers feel that way?

I keep getting calls from gentlemen in the middle of the night, and I'm wondering if that's rude, or if that's normal. I might be a lady of the night, but only until like 11pm, know what I mean jelly bean? lol

Also, how to deal with the annoying guys that pester about swift visits and hh after you tell them no quickies or hh. Is it OK to just ignore them after that? I hate being rude, but my tolerance level for bullshit varies by the day. I would like to put something in my website that says I don't do that, but ads that have too many NO's and DON'Ts are off-putting, imo.

And, a question for gentlemen. I don't know why I feel embarrassed to ask this. So, you all realize that the lady you are going to see might have seen another gentleman a while before you in the same day. But, it doesn't bother you because that's just how it is, right? As long as she showers, makes the bed, hides his towel and disposes of wrappers, tidies the room, etc, then it's fine? But, what about the wrinkles in the blanket. Last week I ironed the blanket because it was wrinkled compared to the other bed. I could really tell a difference between the two beds even though I was doing everything I could to make the used bed look like the unused bed by stretching it, turning it over, pulling on it, etc. I even tried to arrange electric tea lights and rose petals on it in such a way that would cover up the wrinkles.  But, I had to iron it. Is that really necessary? Would it bother you to see a neat and tidy bed that might have been used earlier in the day?

Thank you for your insight!

VOO-doo1183 reads

I'm a provider. I usually email other providers for a reference, unless a phone number is the only way to contact them. I personally would prefer to be contacted only during reasonable hours (8ish-10ish for me...I'd have my phone off or on silent during other times). I get back to a lady as quickly as I can, but I don't think it's reasonable to expect an immediate reply (within 24-36 hours is reasonable).  

It's not exactly rude for guys to call in the middle of the night - for some guys - those who party, get drunk, etc. (in other words, not-so-desirable clients) that's prime time, and some girls are completely game for that type of thing. But if those are not the clients you want, just turn off your phone and don't bother calling them back the next morning.

For guys who pester you for quickies etc. - just refer them to your site, and if they email you again after that, don't feel badly about sending them to spam or trash. If your email provider supports them, labels are also super-helpful for this type of thing. They probably won't read anything you put on your site (those clients rarely read a girl's site, or even the text in her ad, before contacting her), but your legitimate clients WILL read it...and you're right, you don't want to turn off a legitimate client with a crabby tone.

Wrinkles in the long as candles are lit etc. and you are showered and lovely...can't see that any guy would notice wrinkles in the sheet. Besides, you could've just been sitting on it or something. And if they complain...well, then they should pay you enough, so that you're the only client they see that day!!!

I am new here and have ben very lucky to have had some very patient ladies work with me. I expect to have to wait 48 hours or more to see someone. Like Voo-doo said just turn off the Phone and send them to spam. I do trust that you have a hobby only phone. I have not looked for your web site but spell out your expectations and politely (to start with )stick to them. Gently train the men you want to see, or maybe not so gently, but set your standards and stick to it. be safe and have fun.

I use my real phone, but I have Google Voice forwarding into it.  

And, it's super nice when a gentleman does advanced booking like you. When I post on BP, I bump my ad 3 days before I have decided I am going to do my incall. It's worked well so far, but I get the stragglers asking for last minute swift visits.  

See, I'm afraid if I start writing rules on my site, that men will be put off by that. I don't want to scare off my target market because they think I'm a bitch. LOL  I might do it on my Google+ since that's kind of more of a social site and it's linked to my website since that's a blogspot. Yeah, I think I'll do that. Thanks for the idea. :)

Posted By: floyd1039
I am new here and have ben very lucky to have had some very patient ladies work with me. I expect to have to wait 48 hours or more to see someone. Like Voo-doo said just turn off the Phone and send them to spam. I do trust that you have a hobby only phone. I have not looked for your web site but spell out your expectations and politely (to start with )stick to them. Gently train the men you want to see, or maybe not so gently, but set your standards and stick to it. be safe and have fun.

OK, I kinda figured I was being weird about the used bed. LOL

And, voo-doo, you're so right about those middle of the night callers. They sound drunk! Definitely, not the kind of guys I like. I'm more of an after-work-rendezvous-with-a-middle-age-gentleman kind of girl.

PS Not sure if someone tried to PM me, but I can't read PMs

She was considered high end ($1k+/hr) so naturally she claimed to have higher expectations from clients and really tried to meet that. IMO, she was probably one of the cleanest ones I've met in terms of hygiene and the way she kept her incall very tidy, clean, no mess, all personal stuff hidden from view.  Always smelled like she just came out of the shower and every part of her was clean.  

While she's touring NYC, she invited me to stay with her during her 7 day tour (I'd sneak out when clients arrive, sneak back in, lol) and got to see how she made the sheets & cloths look so fresh as if she just ironed them out.  Answer was Downy!  No need to constantly iron.   Also, she was always getting fresh towels too and had the maid redo the bed whenever we went out to eat. I guess being lower volume stays under hotel management radar so she can afford to ask for more towels and pester the maid to clean up

OMG I didn't even know that existed, and I have been taking in laundry for years! Thank you! I'm going to get it tomorrow when I go to get my incall stuff for Monday.

I worry about asking to change the bed and towels, so I get two beds. I hide the first gentleman's towel in the drawer and neatly arrange the remaining towels.

Your friend you visited in NYC, did she tip the staff to keep them quiet? Or, hotel staff doesn't care about escorts as long as she is low volume with classy clients? What is low-volume? 2-3/day?

Posted By: Drunken Asian
She was considered high end ($1k+/hr) so naturally she claimed to have higher expectations from clients and really tried to meet that. IMO, she was probably one of the cleanest ones I've met in terms of hygiene and the way she kept her incall very tidy, clean, no mess, all personal stuff hidden from view.  Always smelled like she just came out of the shower and every part of her was clean.  
 While she's touring NYC, she invited me to stay with her during her 7 day tour (I'd sneak out when clients arrive, sneak back in, lol) and got to see how she made the sheets & cloths look so fresh as if she just ironed them out.  Answer was Downy!  No need to constantly iron.   Also, she was always getting fresh towels too and had the maid redo the bed whenever we went out to eat. I guess being lower volume stays under hotel management radar so she can afford to ask for more towels and pester the maid to clean up.  

I always take care of the maids and people who bring me towels... (I rarely your but when I do rather be safe). I think being low volume or high volume really depends on your business model/your financial goals etc.. Nobody can actually tell you that for example, you can see one person a day at 1k, cover your expenses and be happy with the net profit staying at a 3-4 stars hotel or you can see 3 people at 350 per hour totaling almost 1k. I think it depends on the provider. Although seeing extremely few people a day would be best specially if you stay in hotels who are rather small and not with a lot of activity going on so nobody can question what you are doing.

TalkToTrees824 reads

You asked what is low volume?

Trust me... you'll get many different answers from the providers themselves.

Some will say 2 times a day... once a day, once a week and so on. You get the idea.

Only you can define what does low volume means for your business. If you're content with 2 visits a day, then stick with that. Maybe you'll change over time and reduce it to once a day. Again, it goes back to the provider deciding what low volume is.

The Forest Waits

I was seeing a provider close to my house.. I walked in.. laid on the bed.. felt something on my back.. it was a vibrator under the bed spread left from the last date.. turned me off.. That plus she smoked during the session.. so we do need our illusions.. so,  cleaning up  between dates is a good idea.. but wrinkles in the bed are not a big deal..

Also, get some reviews here.. that will help..

TER should have a category on the provider profiles that says:  blanket was wrinkle free: yes/no?

But I'm not, so I won't.  8o)

Honestly, the condition of the room is not the biggest thing to fret about as long as it is half way decent.

A big hug, kiss, and smile when we open the door goes a lot further in cementing a favorable impression.

How about a link to your website?  (Provided you have the TER logo on it, of course.)

You sound like a real doll.

And if you don't want bothersome phone calls past a certain hour, make sure you say so on your site,, and  just shut off the ringer

Hahaha I'm still going to get that Downy though.

Thank you! I'm not sure if I can post a link to my website? I don't have a TER badge on there because I don't have any reviews yet. Hopefully soon though. :)

Posted By: mrfisher
TER should have a category on the provider profiles that says:  blanket was wrinkle free: yes/no?  
 But I'm not, so I won't.  8o)  
 Honestly, the condition of the room is not the biggest thing to fret about as long as it is half way decent.  
 A big hug, kiss, and smile when we open the door goes a lot further in cementing a favorable impression.  
 How about a link to your website?  (Provided you have the TER logo on it, of course.)  
 You sound like a real doll.  
 And if you don't want bothersome phone calls past a certain hour, make sure you say so on your site,, and  just shut off the ringer.  

...go ahead and do it. Then put ads on the ad board and put your link in it.

I've looked around in the Self Help section and Site Map trying to find the TER Seal html to put in my blogspot. Having a hard time finding it though. I remember seeing it once, but I can't remember where I was on the site when I saw it.

Posted By: xyz23
...go ahead and do it. Then put ads on the ad board and put your link in it. the Provider Ad Posting Guidelines. It's in the Self-Help Center.

Click the link and scroll down to the bottom to find: TER banners can be found HERE. "HERE" (it's in teal colored font) is the link to the banners.

Thanks. I decided on the hot blond with curly hair. :)

Posted By: xyz23 the Provider Ad Posting Guidelines. It's in the Self-Help Center.  
 Click the link and scroll down to the bottom to find: TER banners can be found HERE. "HERE" (it's in teal colored font) is the link to the banners.

...some such, you can simply put your phone hours on your site then don't answer when someone calls outside of those stated hours. You are correct that a lot of no and don't on a website is a turn off. It's better to define the limits in a positive way and stick to them. This would apply to any limits you want to set.

Putting phone hours and stating the rules nicely are fine with me though.  I hardly read what's on the website anymore though because after being in the hobby for a bit i can kinda guess what ladies like and don't like in terms of etiquette.

Another one I've seen that was effective,  the girl puts her rules/ likes in her email signature lol Very hard to miss that.  One girl had a "no texts please". I guess by the third time I saw that in our email correspondence it sank in my head and I actually remembered not to text her but instead to call.   Maybe some guys might take it as a turn off but works for me

Thanks for clarifying for me. I do not advocate large set or rules just something like " no calls after 10 pm, screening required. " that eliminates late, not screened, spur of the moment. And a hobby phone keeps the home quiet at night. People like you understand, and people like me need to be gently trained. Thank you and the ladies who have patience with both sides of the newbie equation. be safe and have fun

TalkToTrees859 reads

What stuff you put on your website.  

I mean, I am a website designer and people give me feedback on what they want on their websites, ok, I do it, then they either love it or hate it.  

Rarely, I've had anyone say it's perfect the first time.

Having said that, the rules that you put on your website are your rules and everyone is to abide by them. Now, granted, putting up a set of 100 rules is a major turnoff, but let's say 10 rules should be sufficient for your needs. If the guys can't or won't or just plain lazy to read those rules, then the joke is on them!  

Regarding those morons who call you in the middle of the night, are just that... morons! Some have suggested that they are drunk, probably, but what if they weren't? They should know better, but then... when the little head is doing all of the thinking for them, it's time to turn that phone off so that you can get a good night sleep.  

I highly recommend you get a dirt cheap "business" phone. Get a Samsung Tracfone with a QWERTY keypad and you can get a year's worth of voice and texting for about $125. Trust me, that will be your BEST investment you'll make and you get to keep your sanity as well. You can advertise the "business" phone and keep your personal phone out of the business.  

As for the bed, don't get too obsessed over the wrinkles. I've seen them, but I justify to myself that she had a good night sleep and that's the reason for the wrinkles.  

Now, it's a totally different story if the sheets are wet from the previous encounter, then you'd better get them changed ASAP! I HATE setting my butt on wet bed sheets regardless of the reason. I'm sure the other guys will agree.  

I don't know where you are located or what your website is, but I am sure that if you are that conscientious about doing the best job you can do, you will do very well in this business!

The Forest Waits

Some good Qs you have.  

I don't think anyone posting here clings to the fantasy that we're the only one.  I, for one, worry a little bit about how closely things are scheduled and I appreciate the appearance (or better, the reality) of a clean fresh start, just for me.  

I have entered some real messy rooms and it does send a negative message to me.  (If you have VIP, see my Carlee review from Aug 2013.  Whew!)  

I'd notice a messy bed, for sure.  I've been in rooms and asked about using the 'other' (neat) bed.  Sometimes it's OK, sometimes I get a negative that sends a "Are you kidding? I fuck in this bed with the filthy stained sheets but I SLEEP in THAT bed!" message.  

That you try to neaten things up is a big plus, to me.  Keep in mind that some people are sensitive to perfume, cologne AND DOWNY fragrance ingredients.  I'm just thinking that I wouldn't notice a few wrinkles if part of the routine was to welcome me into the room and then immediately plop down (sit or lay) on the bed, thus wrinkling it.  New wrinkle or old wrinkle?  Who cares and who's going to know?  Nope ... changed my mind ... pillow cases, wrinkles near the headboard ... I'd know, but it's not a big issue if the place is generally clean and neat.

I think you mentioned BackPage but did you say in your posts where you are located?  I haven't found it anyplace.

Good luck!

after hours.  That's just nuts.  All you'll get is drunk pervs getting their jollies by calling random providers to talk & BS with no intention of seeing.  
Yes, please clean up between clients.  If your concerned about a wrinkled quilt...  leave an open book on it...  we'll think you were laying there "just waiting for us" reading.  LOL!!

I think she said her phone is her REAL phone but she uses Google Voice number for 'business'.  I think she needs her REAL phone for 24/7 real life.

Does anyone know: Is there a way to program Google Voice to have different actions depending on the time of day?  Can you set GV to send to voice mail between 11PM and 9AM?  Can you set it up manually each day or make it a standard setting?  Just wondering

You have to manually go in to your settings and activate it each time.  Just don't forget to de-activate it when you want your phone to ring.  :)

on the GV app...... it's in the Settings

I agree about the issue of too many nos.  When I see them I usually move on, as it is a turnoff precisely as you say.
Also, being considerate enough to think about something like ironing a sheet or blanket, many would not think that way.
Some like to say they are classy, you meanwhile demonstrate it with your attitude of respect for your clients.

That's a really nice thing to say. Thank you.  

Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
I agree about the issue of too many nos.  When I see them I usually move on, as it is a turnoff precisely as you say.  
 Also, being considerate enough to think about something like ironing a sheet or blanket, many would not think that way.  
 Some like to say they are classy, you meanwhile demonstrate it with your attitude of respect for your clients.
DrunkenAsian, I was not able to find the downy at Walmart or publix. I'm still going to look around for it though. I did try to iron again but the outlet closest to the bed was not working. Lol Oh well. The gentleman I saw apparently has been following this thread and made a reference to the bed, so that was good for a laugh after initially being taken aback by it.

don't list a phone number period. Done deal. I learned that in 3 months of asinine calls, to simply remove a number and use email only. Listing a phone number leads to drunken calls, last minute calls, and nonsense calls. Though you will still get a few idiots via email, they are more inclined to simply go away vs. having a phone a guy can stalk you on.

do providers put their phone number out for all to see?  Email gives you the option of replying when you want to, day or night.  Phone calls at all hours, like 2am when the bars close, are not from guys you want to meet (at least not at that time of night when they are all drunked up).

Many ladies only give their phone number once they have screened a guy and he passed the screening.  This reduces the pest factor.

Wrinkles on a bed are not a big deal to me.  Used condoms or condom wrappers on the floor--different story.

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