Los Angeles

Re: Why rely on my definitions ?
Harpman60 759 reads

All I did was suggest you define "dominant" and do your own research because as I suspected you know too little about the KDs to really give an opinion on KDs.

5% market (appointments) share ?  As a  TER moderator  didn't you notice the volumes of KDs reviews TER between 2007 and the end of 2012 when TER severed relations with its old Ads site? Throughout 2014 TER has been steadily posting more and more KD reviews,

 At the septic tank the top most reviewed providers are K-dolls , I stopped counting at 60 . While I suspect a good number of the septic tank reviews are fake , that would apply to all providers and not just KDs. I would say the volume of reviews is a good indicator of dominance.  

Reading your post I surprised about your misconceptions of KDs and I am not sure of who are the sources of the misinformation you get.  

You think that screening is time consuming I see it as life saving and , irrespective of what ethnicity they are, all provided must have an effective screening process in place . I wish the KD bookers are even more stringent in their screening.  

KD do multi hour appointments . I have them on a weekly basis because I enjoy the company of  my ATFs since language is not a barrier the conversation is often interesting and intellectually stimulating .  

KDs maintain the same hourly rate irrespective of the hours you book. As the hours increase their donation rate is  often higher than that advertised by independents for same number of hours.

 In LA I would rather see a KD than any other providers , on the other hand when I  I travel I enjoy local talent.

Establish your own criteria to what constitutes dominance in the LA Hobby scene and you may be surprised by what you'll discover.  

Posted By: bond007
U just described type of service.  Dominant is I would venture to say a minimum 40-50% of all appointments.  Maybe they have that, maybe they don't.  I don't have any way of knowing.  If I was to venture a guess, it would probably be 5% of the appointments.  
 Personally for me, I would never see a K-girl.  For several reasons.  I like longer appointments which to my knowledge very few k-girls provide.  From everything I have heard and read, screening is far from easy.  I would dare say that someone like myself would have a hard time getting an appointment.  I just don't have the time to go through that type of screening.  Nor do I want to.  
 The only thing that stands out from what I can see is cost.  And I will give you that.  Its significantly lower.  But that isn't enough for me.  
 The ladies I see provide as good or better than a typical K-Girl.  How do I know that?  Well, I do know guys who regularly see K-Girls and have seen ladies that I see.  And they say the same thing.  
 I am glad there is a niche for K-girls.  But to say they are dominant, that's a stretch to my way of thinking.  

What kind of thoughts are out there to bring the K-Ggirl post back to the main LA board, It is the most relevant part of the LA scene and the most vibrant it should be on the main board not relegated to a sub-board. Disagreements or not this is important.

RaymondDonovan925 reads

That's why they have their own board...I hate to hear all the BS about them and the drama that follows.

BobaBear883 reads

3-4 years ago this place was civil and reason no kgirl board.  Then handful of the newbie fanatic shillers like the stalker comes along and infects this board and attacks anyone they disagree with or has more knowledge then them and turns the board toxic and forces ter to create a separate board.

Get rid of them and this board will be better and maybe ter will bring kgirl discussion back to the general section.

Harpman60987 reads

It seems you are back now that even that  septic tank adult fraud could no longer put up with you and banned you  after you registered my TER handle and tried to steal my ID and pass yourself as me to providers and bookers,  .  

Save the tears and tissue for yourself given your pathetic existence , your vicious heinous staking or predatory life. How does it feel to smash up a woman  car just because you felt jilted after she rejected you ?  She would not even open the door when you tried to sneak in under a different handle.  

Bobostalker , ohmytuvok or should I call you Hyori , Myboo etc or just combine them by calling you the BBQ predator ?

Your pathetic effort to insult Mufftime by  trashing min  Min on that septic tank backfired. Even the despicable de Nero came to the defense of his arch enemy to expose you for the stalker you are. Or given that on TER you wanted $35k to help elbeaner818 pass screening is it pimp that you are.  

Hyori "Being anonymous protects me from being beaten"

You may run but can't hide from your past and there is more to come.

Reason for using an alias :  
To avoid drama! Kindustry people know my real ID. Being anonymous  
protects me from being beaten up
Posted 4/11/2012 at 12:51:24 PM

How much he would charge for pimping  
sure. give me $35,000 and i will get you in. im serious.
Posted 4/3/2012 at 7:58:57 PM



Posted By: BobaBear
3-4 years ago this place was civil and reason no kgirl board.  Then handful of the newbie fanatic shillers like the stalker comes along and infects this board and attacks anyone they disagree with or has more knowledge then them and turns the board toxic and forces ter to create a separate board.  
 Get rid of them and this board will be better and maybe ter will bring kgirl discussion back to the general section.

...while the L.A. board is merely a REGIONAL board.  The posts on the K-board receive many more reads than the posts on the L.A. board.  Why do you have an inferiority complex?

The K-board is the Garden of Eden for K-fanboys.  There is never anything negative said about K-girls.  Dissent is not tolerated there.

OTOH, non K-girls ("indies") are maligned by your leader.  He described non K-girls as:

"overage, overpriced, overweight , bad attitude second rate so called home grown indies."  


Do you really want to bring that back here?

Harpman601349 reads

the KDs on a national level , that is why the blog is so popular. The LA forum is home of the K-dolls.
Your OP has marked the return from the asylum bubba hate . He has been away for so long so lest people have forgotten here is a reminder how he earned the title bubbahate  




We have an outcast  who is recognized as a racist hater of K-dolls  now claims  to be experts on K-dolls.  Check his defintion of K-dolls

 "Choco is a K-girl in L.A.  In D.C., Sira is a Korean provider but she is not a K-girl." What a pathetic twisted mind.  
 Posted 9/28/2013 at 9:02:14 PM  

For the benefit of the newbies please note how former TER moderator and respected veteran aptly describes bubba aka Beemers bitch .

So is this really why you have been a pissy little bitch for all these years?        
Posted 1/10/2014 at 3:25:25 PM        

Now in his own words an example of bringing balance:

left to his own devises he will come  can't help but show himself for what he is  
hate mongering backstabbing loser.  
Petition to remove controversial "comfort women" statue...    
Posted 1/5/2014 at 11:53:46 PM 1 of 6    
Reviews: 1    
Petition to remove controversial "comfort women" statue...    
Based on the adoring posts of the K-boys, it's surprising no one has built a statue to honor the K-girls. Jerry West is used for the logo of the NBA; maybe Sexy Lohan can be the model for the K-girl statue.    
I'd be willing to donate a parcel of land in Mid-Wilshire for the statue. I'll even install some benches for K-boys to wait there for their appointment instead of milling around in front of the building. And some trash cans to recycle their water bottles.    
Related Link: Comfort woman statue in Glendale    
Quote Report this post    
Posted 1/6/2014 at 8:36:45 AM 2 of 6    
Reviews: 31    
Wow! You really do have a hair up your ass!    
There is so much, on so many levels, that is wrong with linking your apparent disdain for and prejudice against K-girls and the guys who see them, with that story. I don't usually comment on your posts in these matters, however, I think this time you've hit a new low!    
Quote Report this post    
Posted 1/6/2014 at 11:32:48 AM 3 of 6    
That guy obviously need help, pity him...    
He'll keep upping the sensational level to satisfy his crave for attention. Some guy previously had the best description of this kind of behavior:    
[It reminds me of a pervert exhibitionist. Typically this is the scenario. He had some childhood trauma. (We should pity him.) Growing up, his only playmate was his thing. Then he thought, “Why not exhibit my beautiful thing. It sure will attract some friends.” ]    
Be prepared, at next level he'll link K to KKK, Kim Jong Un & Kaiser Hitler.    
Quote Report this post    
Posted 1/6/2014 at 12:20:35 PM 4 of 6    
Reviews: 21    
Remember, concerning Trolls: NO READ, NO RESPOND -eom-    
Quote Report this post    
Posted 1/6/2014 at 10:52:05 PM 5 of 6    
Reviews: 50    
Pretty sad dude.    
These are all people you are insulting.    
Quote Report this post    
Posted 1/6/2014 at 11:17:30 PM 6 of 6    
A seriously morally bankrupt sicko with not a ounce    
of decency , self respect or integrity . As someone pointed out elsewhere he is trying to equate the K-dolls who travel here now their own free will to work here where the successful ones can achieve lifelong financial security with the victims of one of the most heinous crimes recorded in the twentieth century. This depraved viciousness knows no bounds , next he will be amusing evil mind with Holocaust & lynching jokes.    
It is time this ethically challenged ,intellectually disabled outcast paper clown is banned .    
Posted By: EasyGoing4U    
These are all people you are insulting.    
Quote Edit  
"It's against TER discussion board guidelines to make posts which are rude, name-calling or slanderous. .........bullies thought it would be a good idea to start calling all providers "hookers" because they wanted to "keep it real."  Yet they still called guys "hobbyists" until I called them out."  
BigPapasan Posted 9/19/2013 at 1:54:26 PM

 But facts can be a bitch when they come home to stew you.

 'Or they could object to hookers who fuck up to 11 guys a day......being called "dolls" and "divas." '
BigPapasan Posted 8/25/2013 at 5:32:21 PM

Re: "...K-dolls can service 9 , 10 or even 11 guys over a 13hr day..." Yuck...  
Posted 8/2/2014 at 8:53:29 PM  
Reviews: 1  
"...K-dolls can service 9 , 10 or even 11 guys over a 13hr day..." These are...  
Posted 8/3/2014 at 1:36:19 PM  
Reviews: 1  
 " I'll stop saying K-ho when I no longer see Johns saying K-doll."    
BigPapasan, Posted 7/13/2012 at 8:00:18 PM    
The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two. "  
 BigPapasan Posted 7/8/2012 at 1:39:38 PM    

"K-booker" - a euphemism for panderer, procurer or pimp..."    
BigPapasan Posted 7/13/2012 at 1:58:13 PM    



Posted By: oceanpacific9
What kind of thoughts are out there to bring the K-Ggirl post back to the main LA board, It is the most relevant part of the LA scene and the most vibrant it should be on the main board not relegated to a sub-board. Disagreements or not this is important.

...You attribute this quote to me.  However these words are YOURS, HARPMAN60, not mine.  Read the link and own them!

...the trite, banal, jejune posts of someone else.  Why don't you try to come up with an original thought of your own?  You can't, can you?

Do you deny that "...K-dolls can service 9 , 10 or even 11 guys over a 13hr day...?"  Did I not bring out the truth according to Harpman?

MyphonyTERalias784 reads

The LA board has been generally free of acrimony and puerile behavior since the separation of the boards. I neither blame nor side with any one poster or any particular faction. I have no interest in your fight. I simply don't want to see this board cluttered with such nonsense. It serves only to satisfy the bizarre need some have to engage in internet warfare, as well as to drive away more interesting people, including providers.  

And yes, I'm posting under an alias. I have no desire to be perceived as aligned with any particular faction. My real hope is that this thread will be moderated so those of us with no interest in this foolishness won't be subjected to it again.

BobaBear874 reads

till they are always ignored and ter moderates them out of this board it will continue to be a toxic forum due to their infection.

Harpman60856 reads

tell us how after a K-diva rejected your predatory behavior and black listed you you started using aliases and how it took 2 years to get a new handle on the septic tank to get an appointment with her only to have the door shut in your face when she realized it was you . Why do the KD say you harass them with your constant unsuccessful pestering to take them out. Why are accused of not understanding it a fantasy . What about " we are only acting " you find difficult to understand .  

Why does fellow predator vanilla lice want to beat you up.  

Why are you hiding behind the skirt of an alias instead of using your username so others can see who you really are . Why don't you enjoy your fantasies that are nothing more than a figment of your morbid imagination without attempting to act on them . I can say more but you are not worth it .  

Posted By: BobaBear
till they are always ignored and ter moderates them out of this board it will continue to be a toxic forum due to their infection.
-- Modified on 12/11/2014 8:28:46 PM

here in LA. I agree with the others here that they are fine just where they are, on the national board.

Harpman601062 reads

For several years the LA K-dolls have had a dominant presence in LA . It has not diminished They reside and work in LA . Their clients are in LA and the LA Board is their natural home . Many of us have been urging KD reviewers to boycott the septic tank and post their reviews in the LA review forum.  

We are past the era of segregation . The LA Board does not have a sign saying KDs and dogs not allowed.  

The K-girl forum is a testament to how dominant and popular the KD are a cross the country . The site is useful for networking with KD aficionados in other regions but is not a substitute for the regional forums which local use .  

You are neither a guy nor a provider would you wish to be segregated into site for those with similar preference rather than be on the LA board ?  


Posted By: lopaw
here in LA. I agree with the others here that they are fine just where they are, on the national board.

Harpman60910 reads

Why don't you define "dominant"  then do your own research on the K-doll scene and reach your own conclusions .  

As benchmarks evaluate  everything from reviews to arrests, quality of service to attitude , safety and peace of mind , value for money and hygiene , cancellation and dependability , easy for screened to set up appointments and flaking, customer satisfaction and repeat business ,  K-girl exclusive websites to inclusive forum. From TER to the septic tank which owes its existence to KD reviews .

 I doubt if your conclusion would be any different than mine .

Posted By: bond007
Harpman, define dominant when it comes to a K-Doll.  

U just described type of service.  Dominant is I would venture to say a minimum 40-50% of all appointments.  Maybe they have that, maybe they don't.  I don't have any way of knowing.  If I was to venture a guess, it would probably be 5% of the appointments.

Personally for me, I would never see a K-girl.  For several reasons.  I like longer appointments which to my knowledge very few k-girls provide.  From everything I have heard and read, screening is far from easy.  I would dare say that someone like myself would have a hard time getting an appointment.  I just don't have the time to go through that type of screening.  Nor do I want to.

The only thing that stands out from what I can see is cost.  And I will give you that.  Its significantly lower.  But that isn't enough for me.

The ladies I see provide as good or better than a typical K-Girl.  How do I know that?  Well, I do know guys who regularly see K-Girls and have seen ladies that I see.  And they say the same thing.

I am glad there is a niche for K-girls.  But to say they are dominant, that's a stretch to my way of thinking

Harpman60760 reads

All I did was suggest you define "dominant" and do your own research because as I suspected you know too little about the KDs to really give an opinion on KDs.

5% market (appointments) share ?  As a  TER moderator  didn't you notice the volumes of KDs reviews TER between 2007 and the end of 2012 when TER severed relations with its old Ads site? Throughout 2014 TER has been steadily posting more and more KD reviews,

 At the septic tank the top most reviewed providers are K-dolls , I stopped counting at 60 . While I suspect a good number of the septic tank reviews are fake , that would apply to all providers and not just KDs. I would say the volume of reviews is a good indicator of dominance.  

Reading your post I surprised about your misconceptions of KDs and I am not sure of who are the sources of the misinformation you get.  

You think that screening is time consuming I see it as life saving and , irrespective of what ethnicity they are, all provided must have an effective screening process in place . I wish the KD bookers are even more stringent in their screening.  

KD do multi hour appointments . I have them on a weekly basis because I enjoy the company of  my ATFs since language is not a barrier the conversation is often interesting and intellectually stimulating .  

KDs maintain the same hourly rate irrespective of the hours you book. As the hours increase their donation rate is  often higher than that advertised by independents for same number of hours.

 In LA I would rather see a KD than any other providers , on the other hand when I  I travel I enjoy local talent.

Establish your own criteria to what constitutes dominance in the LA Hobby scene and you may be surprised by what you'll discover.  


Posted By: bond007
U just described type of service.  Dominant is I would venture to say a minimum 40-50% of all appointments.  Maybe they have that, maybe they don't.  I don't have any way of knowing.  If I was to venture a guess, it would probably be 5% of the appointments.  
 Personally for me, I would never see a K-girl.  For several reasons.  I like longer appointments which to my knowledge very few k-girls provide.  From everything I have heard and read, screening is far from easy.  I would dare say that someone like myself would have a hard time getting an appointment.  I just don't have the time to go through that type of screening.  Nor do I want to.  
 The only thing that stands out from what I can see is cost.  And I will give you that.  Its significantly lower.  But that isn't enough for me.  
 The ladies I see provide as good or better than a typical K-Girl.  How do I know that?  Well, I do know guys who regularly see K-Girls and have seen ladies that I see.  And they say the same thing.  
 I am glad there is a niche for K-girls.  But to say they are dominant, that's a stretch to my way of thinking.  

I  knew I shouldn't gotten in the middle of this.

And BTW Harpman, I was a TER moderator for maybe a year.  And contrary to what you think, we aren't going on the review board to see who is getting reviewed and who is not.  We have better things to do.

I am done with this.  You see who you want to see, I will see who I want to see.  Done deal.

On that one. I haven't heard back from 4 calls I've made last week. I gave them what they wanted so in my book, fuck them. I use to enjoy the K-scene awhile ago. It was easy and never had no issues. But now....????????
What's the world coming to???

Harpman60977 reads

but bookers no longer respond to you it has to be because of something you have done or did not do . This is a business where like any business need and seek good clients and refuse bad clients . I am told some top reviewers take advantage of newer girls with with the promise of a favorable review .  

You typically need two references of KD's who are currently active whose booker confirm you are a " can see " client if your re fences pan out you are in until do something to disqualify you . So maybe the problem is with you or the references you gave and not with the bookers whose top responsibility is the safety of the KDs.  

Posted By: hpygolky
On that one. I haven't heard back from 4 calls I've made last week. I gave them what they wanted so in my book, fuck them. I use to enjoy the K-scene awhile ago. It was easy and never had no issues. But now....????????  
 What's the world coming to???

I gave the bookers everything thing they want and my P411 list. Still no dice. And I have never promise a good review for any favors, that's not my style. And I wouldn't get "Okay's" from someone I saw on P411 and have then screw me.The bookers are over careful and are afraid of anything that wiggles. So my feeling is screw them and maybe that's why they get the rap that they do, like shit/bogus reviews and otherwise. Nah Harpo, it's just screwed up now and I'll never deal with that group again. And if someone ask me, I'll tell them the same thing.

Harpman60932 reads

nearly all your reviews in the last year are in Las Vegas . So it's not surprising that the bookers do not follow up with you  LA KDs booker require local references from the bookers of currently active local KDs. P411 is not acceptable .  

I have recently been exchanging pms with TER members from other cities regarding the  
KD screening process and I am happy to see at least 2 get verification.  

Posted By: hpygolky
I gave the bookers everything thing they want and my P411 list. Still no dice. And I have never promise a good review for any favors, that's not my style. And I wouldn't get "Okay's" from someone I saw on P411 and have then screw me.The bookers are over careful and are afraid of anything that wiggles. So my feeling is screw them and maybe that's why they get the rap that they do, like shit/bogus reviews and otherwise. Nah Harpo, it's just screwed up now and I'll never deal with that group again. And if someone ask me, I'll tell them the same thing.

And if it's not acceptable with them while it's cool with non k-chicks, then so be it. It's their business procedurel. But I'll continue to bad mouth their screening process whenever given the chance. What gets me in that I didn't even get a "So sorry sir but you no good"....lol
By the way, who are you to them? You seem to support/back them in all of this, what's in it for you?


I said that I disagreed with the statement that " It is the most relevant part of the LA scene". I, and many others, don't believe that it is. There are many factions that comprise this industry here in LA and the K-girls are but one of them. Why not continue to maintain a board central to them that encompasses the whole country? Perhaps "the septic tank" needs an overhaul, and to be cleaned up rather than have sub divisions for the k-girls in each city or region. Personally, i like the k-girls. I have seen 2 and might see another one in the future...who knows. But if the problem is housing their forum on a board infested with vermin....then clean out the vermin.

"You are neither a guy nor a provider would you wish to be segregated into site for those with similar preference rather than be on the LA board ?  "

Abso-fucking-lutely! I'd LOVE to have a board all my own. Who wouldn't? Where do I sign up

Chauncey Gardner681 reads

That this guy's only purpose on this board seems to be to go on these rants and to try to drag the rest of us to crazytown with him.

the pornstars and 1k hour are dominant..the kgirls are "relevant" cuz they are cheap..I pass on them but to each its own

BobaBear781 reads

why bother asking people who are insignificant?  

ask me or others who have more knowledge of the kgirls..

im posting outside his thread as the stalker has a cowardly habit of deleting his own thread when i call him out on his hypocrisy....

Harpman601096 reads

Hyori or should call you bobaliar to add to bobapredator ,bobapervert or bobo-ID-thief . Even the septic tanks had expell and ban for trying to steal my TER handle , tell us why , according to you, your follow predator vanilla lice wants to beat you or why you tried to trick a K-diva , who had blacklisted you 3 years ago , into you only to have the door slammed into your face. You are one of the reason why some KDs refuse to see Korean men.  

Sonny boy , just as I am not in the habit of giving you designer duds I do not self delete my posts so why don't you back up your lies with evidence. Self deleting to save embarrassment is your and your twin bubbahater's MO not mine .  

How much he would charge for pimping  
sure. give me $35,000 and i will get you in. im serious.
Posted 4/3/2012 at 7:58:57 PM

Reason for using an alias :  
To avoid drama! Kindustry people know my real ID. Being anonymous  
protects me from being beaten up
Posted 4/11/2012 at 12:51:24 PM

Posted By: BobaBear
why bother asking people who are insignificant?  
 ask me or others who have more knowledge of the kgirls..  
 im posting outside his thread as the stalker has a cowardly habit of deleting his own thread when i call him out on his hypocrisy....


This is the kind of stupid shit that proves your filters are wacked.  

Shall I look up your post where you said it was OK to post incall addresses on an open board because "who knows if the info I posted was real?" or something to that affect?

If this crap doesn't seem messed up to you, there's something wrong in your head.

Chauncey Gardner696 reads

Hell you can't even get the bookers to return your calls and messages.  I gave up on that whole scene after trying to reach 10 different girls over the course of a month.  Who needs that kind of hassle.

-- Modified on 12/15/2014 7:33:21 AM

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