Politics and Religion

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Welcome to our forum for discussions on politics and religion.
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  • Spats and quarrels should be isolated to only this board.
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  • Avoid deliberate misinformation; No trolling.
  • All Message Board Policies apply.
Basically, Have fun but don't be a total ass.

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mattradd1660 reads
dncphil155 reads
dncphil148 reads
mattradd178 reads
munchinmuffin1562 reads
AMPALLANG212 reads
parvenu211 reads
SinCitySinner202 reads
rainbowCPA144 reads
RRO26101619 reads
St. Croix241 reads
Robertini1431 reads
Makwa246 reads
BigPapasan207 reads
no_email197 reads
no_email485 reads
no_email385 reads
amytai1886 reads
RRO2610332 reads
Snowman39248 reads
OSP285 reads
RRO26101815 reads
mattradd1836 reads
NeedleDicktheBugFucker2211 reads
NeedleDicktheBugFucker338 reads
Makwa363 reads
BizzaroSuperdude298 reads
St. Croix384 reads
anonymousfun334 reads
dncphil371 reads
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