
Re: I agree with a lot of what you said here…
ToriParker See my TER Reviews 84 reads

My point being that even after she extorted money from him, he still continued to do the same behavior. If he does the same behavior with another unscrupulous provider, she might take him to the cleaners, again. Use common sense. Don’t stupidly set yourself up for this type of situation, USE CONDOMS, period….. I’m referring to this specific situation with this specific person, not other situations.

-- Modified on 11/29/2023 4:50:34 PM

First and foremost pretty obvious this account is a fake/scammer from the first review posted. Why is TER allowing another obvious fake review in hopes to scam more gents out of money? Very disheartening and adds another layer of bull shit to industry.

Anom88 reads

I've noticed that some providers are now adopting a no review policy.    
In their ads they mention how they are de-platforming from review websites.  
Others say they do not want their clients to post reviews of them.
I gotta wonder how useful review sites are anymore.
Verifying if a review is real and accurate seems to be an issue.
Having to sift through the layers of bull shit in the reviews.
Something is broken here.
Can it be fixed?

There have always been ladies who don't want reviews, particularity those who are UTR or are in the hobby for a very short time or has a job or part of their life that is high-profile. Others feel they could lead to getting busted.  Some ladies just like to keep what they do private.  

I'm hearing there are some busts going on in Wisconsin. It's getting close to an election year...I would expect things to stay sticky for while longer, judging from past observations. This could be the reason for requesting no reviews.

Some ladies...myself included (but I keep my reviews up) have reviews that are exaggerated or claim that services that are not available were offered.  This can be aggravating when the next guy see a lady based on a review that was exaggerated. The provider is now in a position to explain that she does not offer those services and have to admit that a client lied.  I have a strict policy of not talking bad about anyone, I avoid gossip and do not put my nose where it doesn't belong.  I don't like being in this position.  

A few years back there were some people who were offering a service in which they write fake reviews on TER for a fee.  They had multiple TER handles.  I was so disgusted by this dangerous act that I did tell TER and gave them all the info I had.  Reviews are not solid and their not all real.  My reviews are pretty good and go back to 2007-ish.  Not one was asked for, bought or traded services for.  I take pride in that.  Even though some are exaggerated, they are all organically written as I never ask a client to write a review. If these people were offering their fake review services to someone like me, their offering them to everyone.  I don't know if this is still going on however, who knows how many fake reviews they got out there, even if their not in operation now?

Reviews are just one tool...I use them as one screening tool.  If a gentleman's reviews are all nasty, graphic and obviously written from the ego or obviously fake or dishonest, I don't see him.   I also use them as one tool to screen ladies I don't know before contacting them for a reference. They should never be used alone, always with other screening methods.  I don't offer them as a way of screening to clients, just one of the things I do when I screen.

Reviews are what they are. Some people utilize them, others don't .

Yes the fake review factories are still at peak production. There was a thread about it on GD recently.  

The other thing that’s happening is guys will write many many reviews, hundreds, to build up a reputation as a reviewer. Most of them fake. Then they try to extort free services from women; telling them “if you don’t fuck me I’ll write a bad review, you’ll be blackballed, everyone in town reads my reviews”. This happened to my current favorite in another state before she came to AZ. She told him to fuck off completely! So then the guy and a couple of his buddies wrote reviews about terrible experiences with her. She never met any of them.  

She came out of it okay but you have to wonder how many other women caved to the extortion.  

I know a lot of providers have to deal with incorrect expectations quite a lot because of all the truth-bending in the reviews. I’m sure that sucks.  

For whatever it’s worth, there are a lot of us here with common sense who understand a great deal of the reviews are exaggerated, if not outright fake BS. We’re not looking for guarantees for specific acts, we just use this place to see if a woman is safe, sane & real. We understand that after that it’s mostly YMMV. As far as that goes, show up squeaky clean & on time and don’t be a jerk, and even an ugly oaf like me can get some darn good mileage.  

I enjoy reading your posts. It’s obvious you are intelligent and mindful. Especially liked your thoughts about honesty, referrals, and safety. I’ve met a couple women recently who said they will not participate in referrals; won’t accept or give them. I don’t really understand why but that is their choice.

Extortion...That's been tried on me before.  The way I handle is to tell the guy to go ahead, write all the lies he wants to.  A bad review amongst many years of good organic and well-earned  reviews isn't going to hurt me.  I then contact the review sites and give them a head's up about the threat. I'll e mail every provider I can with his information so they can avoid extortion too. I then black list them. I don't black list often, I do every time I feel they cause a safety issue. I have never looked at how many reviews a guys writes because I simply don't care. It means nothing to me.  Someone who writes a lot of reviews has no special meaning to me and is not seen as some kind of desirable client for it. My requirements for desirable are much higher than that.  I see through the game and put guys who think their review writing should make them more valuable to me on my no list.  I have no time or will to deal with that kind of man-less ego.  

A few years back, I actually had one guy come back at me after doing all of what is mentioned above. He left disappointed, I'm not going to be bullied.  He was upset because I ruined his income (he was trying to charge me for reviews written under numerous handles as well as using his ability to write a review to get me to render services I do not offer).  He complained that no one else would see him and It's my fault for letting ladies that contacted me for a reference know what he pulled on me.  Someone told him he was blacklisted and he threw a bunch of threats at me.  Why would he use me for a reference when he was an ass in the session?  I don't lie to providers, no matter how intimidating a guy has himself convinced he is.  

Extortion happens all the time, mostly with new ladies or those who don't have their heads on straight. Getting involved in drugs and the guys that do them brings a lot of it.  

Extortion goes both ways. I had a family member extorted by a well-know Milwaukee provider many years ago.  He came to me, told me her BS story, the same BS story she fed to other clients that blessed her with their patronage. This happens a lot and this particular provider has a reputation for it. This was the first time and only time I was put between the hobby and my family.

I sent her an e mail and told her if she goes through with her game and gets any money out of him I would out her on TER. She was warned.  He was going through hell because her consistent harassment and threats were wearing on him. She had her then girlfriend pick up the money for an abortion then drove the opposite direction of the abortion clinic to bring it to her at the abortion clinic. He gave her the money to make her go away for his own mental health. The amount of money could have paid for over 20 abortions.

2 weeks later during a meeting another client confessed he just went through the same thing with her but he actually believed her story. This poor guy was going through the same emotional hell my family member was during the same time period.  How was she pregnant twice in a 2 week period with 2 men's offspring and needing an abortion?  

At this point I put a post on TER but couldn't get myself to post her name so I had people contact me who wanted to know who she is. Many contacted me, a few shared their horrible experiences with her.  

The best thing anyone can do with extortion is stand up to it, face it, dare it to mess with you then knock it on it's ass.  No one in this hobby has the power to completely destroy someone without themselves getting destroyed too.  Reviews are not that powerful and neither are the little boys who use them weapons.

Awesome post. And I agree with you. Glad someone is here speaking this.  

Abortion extortion. “You knocked me up now gimme money”, that’s low. Lower than whale crap.

I only have a couple comments regarding your post Becca.  You know I have the utmost respect for you, and we have been good friends for the last 13 years . But I must make a  comment. Guy’s you’re setting yourself up for extortion if you’re having sex without a condom. It doesn’t take a brain scientist to figure that one out. The reason I know this, is this particular person, you were referring to, was having sex without using a condom,  is because twice during two different sessions with me several years ago, he pressured and begged me to do BB with him. I declined and after the second, obnoxious session with him, he was put on my “ No See list”. He obviously, doesn’t respect his own health or that of anyone else to continually see multiple providers and not use condoms.  He obviously didn’t learn his lesson if he was extorted by her and then continued to pressure me and probably others to go bare. And if he’s reading this post, he’ll figure out why I didn’t respond to his appointment request a few weeks back.  He was just as much at fault as that  particular provider for creating the whole mess.

Posted By: ToriParker
 He was just as much at fault as that  particular provider for creating the whole mess.
But this part is bologna.  

Yes, BB is stupid and dangerous and selfish and tremendously foolish. It demonstrates a total lack of respect for yourself and whomever you have sex with. I agree completely. Since nobody here has hinted otherwise, I’m assuming the BB was consensual. So all of THAT stupidity is on both of them equally.  

After that, SHE took it to a different place with emotional manipulation and extortion. Petty theft with a cruel psychological twist. She’s a thief. Period. All that after she almost certainly up charged for the BB.  

Your victim blaming is off base. Next you’ll be saying date rape victims have only themselves to blame.  

Yeah there’s a case to be made that if they hadn’t BB’d she couldn’t have done it, but that’s still blaming the victim for someone else’s abhorrent, greedy behavior. If they’d used a condom, she probably would’ve put it on and taken it off. She could have just told him it broke or it slipped. Hell she could’ve told him she poked holes in it! The way the laws are, he’d still be  on the hook for 18 years if he ignored her and she wasn’t bluffing.  

If it’s true this guy is going around begging many providers for BB and sometimes getting it, I agree with you he’s a moron. And I like your decision to put him on your personal DNS list. I don’t go see any provider who seems like she ever might do BB.  

If one of them caught something or if she actually had gotten pregnant, I’d blame it on the stupidity of both of them. The extortion wasn’t stupidly, it was malice; and most likely premeditated. And it’s 100% on her.  Saying they are equally to blame for the extortion is ludicrous.

My point being that even after she extorted money from him, he still continued to do the same behavior. If he does the same behavior with another unscrupulous provider, she might take him to the cleaners, again. Use common sense. Don’t stupidly set yourself up for this type of situation, USE CONDOMS, period….. I’m referring to this specific situation with this specific person, not other situations.

-- Modified on 11/29/2023 4:50:34 PM

Both of you have a good point here.  For me personally when there's a dilemma I go straight to personal responsibility.  Also, to me this is a family member, to Tori he's a client, to Lt_FrankDrebin, he's another guy in the hobby.  3 different lenses here. All are valid.  I admit being a bit bias by default...I'm protective of my own, even if I need to protect them from themselves.

BB with a provider is stupid, yes.  No one should do it. It can set you up for all sorts or unwanted issues. Does it mean he deserves extortion?  No.  Did he open himself up to extortion?  Absolutely.  It was a risk he took. Did he deserve any of it?  No.  He's a great guy that took a risk and ended up paying for it. I don' t believe asking for BB, although annoying and gets a guy on my "NO" list, should result in extortion. I believe it shouldn't be a thing in the hobby.  Our loved ones do not always act as we think they should.

She should not have done what she did either. Not good for the Karma.

Tori, I absolutely love and respect you. I totally see your side here.

My thought exactly Becca. No one deserves extortion., ever. But don’t open yourself up for it and become an easy target for it , by partaking in careless, selfish and dangerous practices.  The situation could have been far worse for him. Yes, he’s out a great deal of $$$,  but he could  have fared far worse, possibly contracting herpes or HIV.  

I can verify that Becca never asked me to post a review.  She was an ATF in the Milwaukee area for several years prior to her break from the biz.  

Anom95 reads

Thank you Scarlet and Becca  
for sharing your thoughts.
I'm still feeling like a newbie on this site and this general culture.
I find what you shared so helpful in many ways.

You're welcome.  It's important to share to keep everyone informed and safe, at least that's how I've always felt.

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