Washington DC

Re: Only a few indies I've see and only one recently
36363jensen 4 Reviews 34 reads

I stopped seeing Lixa before she went to 450.

ickylib1140 reads

Any long timers noticing that indys have either slowed or virtually disappeared; save the $1k per hour gals.

A few Asian agencies have filled the void nicely and kept pricing doable.

Hey, not a post bitching about pricing.  I get it, things cost more.......  as to why and if you need an explanation about how this govt helped that; we'll save for another chat.   I'm in an industry that has gotten decimated by people doing their own investments online.  Heck after going indy after spending 20 years with major firms, I have had to discount myself below rates from way back in 2000, when I first got in.  I'm only able to continue, as my indy firm let's me keep 90% vs the shitty employee firm, which as 25%.  

I refuse to believe that a gal who charged $250-350 a year or so ago now thinks she's worth $500-750.  The ones I've asked if they were cutting back on the # of gents they're seeing...all said no.  They are still seeing the same number...  So, that argument doesn't work.

I guess there is no happy medium, but generally speaking, I'm seeing these agencies go with $300-360, which is quite doable in my book.  

The excuse I hear most often is that hotels are more expensive. Yes they are but not enough to justify huge rate increases, especially if their volume is the same.

Josephine and she is still very affordable -- but also Korean.

I think what the current pricing indicates is that there are a lot of people willing to pay up for that they are getting. Not sure why, I definitely have an upper limit on just what I would pay for sex -- even with some of the GFE add on that comes with much of it.

I'm sure that some of the increase is explained by both the long period that rates were largely fixed and the increase in general expenses -- hotel, travel, gas, food, rent where they live . . . . But that doubling has a large component of just providers learning that have (at least temporarily) some significant pricing power.

Lixa raised her rates from 375 (IIRC) to 800 after she returned from a hiatus.

She's an awesome Korean provider but I won't go that high.

Overshare56 reads

If you were a lawyer and saw no drop off in your hourly rate if you doubled it, of course you'd do that. Why would we expect anything less. If anything that shows me rates were artificially low. At 1k an hour I'm guessing these girls aren't getting many regulars or repeat clients.

Personally I've never used an agency, I don't like feeling like mine is the 7th dick she's sucked that day (obviously this can happen with indies too, it just makes it easier to suspend disbelief). Agencies are also a bigger target for stings. I see 4 or 5 indies per year, so I don't mind paying 500 or 600. The most I've paid is 700. I saw one chick who had a two hour minimum at 1200... That's a waste for me but she was one of my best experiences so I don't regret it. If I did this once a month or more I might be more concerned with costs.  

I just searched tryst for under $399... Not great options, a lot of fbsm, a lot of bigger girls and chicks who look rough. Maybe 2 I'd even consider in 5 pages of ads.

The reason certain ladies can increase their price is because they have clients who are paying that price.  I know several girls who were with agencies and went indy and they are 100% booked 2-3 days ahead.  They don't need the $300-400/hour price because they have clients willing to pay $500/hour.

I get that prices some people out of their range, but it's the market.  If there are clients willing to pay a higher rate then they should charge more.  It's basic business.

I use both agency and indy and there are pros and cons to both.  

Yes, basic supply and demand.

Obviously if they raise their rate and don't lower it again then it is working for them.

You're seeing the same thing that is hurting dating for guys in the civilian (non-working girls) world in DC area:

Too much dumb money floating around. All these overpaid government contractors and tech workers throwing money around and don't think these girls don't see that. Just too much dumb money guys throwing money around.

Luckily, I have a huge fetish for Korean women. So I'm good, lmao. Couldn't pay me to fuck a white woman, LOL!!!

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