Virginia (& WV)

To each their own but
Jensen36363 58 Reviews 414 reads

if I had all the bad dates you show in your reviews I'd probably quit wasting my money and go back to the civi-way of things. Third party verification services are not like getting a picture taken with the mayor. Being verified will almost certainly improve the quality of your hobby experience.

When you cannot be verified?  I usually do not see the same girl more than twice.  Whenever I see a girl who wants to verify  her client I almost always won't pass due to the fact I don't see them twice.  

Once a girl told me to get date check and she would be ok with that, but that really put yourself out if anything would go wrong. How's that like when you take pictures with the mayer and the next  day you are on the 6 O clock news.

is only that we saw you and you are real...sometimes we are ask and sometimes we offer more detail about likes and dislikes or your hygiene/behaviors.  There is no need to see a man more than once/twice to verify.  Of course, I am honest and say just that...I have only seen this gent once/twice-he was on time or not/ he was clean, respectful or not/ he asked me to let other providers know XYZ upon verification-X=he likes a strap on or Z= he loves to kiss and have his nipples stimulated orally. (something like that and maybe nothing at all about likes and dislikes depending on the get.)  He is who he says he is and is safe. If there are negative details further, it is usually in the No, will not see him again because AB and C.  

You have many reviews and it seems peculiar that not one lovely lady wants to verify you.  That would be a red flag of sorts for me and I assume other proividers as well.  Not saying I would not see you ut I would stop and ask more quiestions.  I try to remember that chemistry is a personal thing.  I have confidence in my ability to smoothe into most personalities and styles.  

As for date check, I have the same hesitencies...but I honestly have never heard of even one problem or indescretion with the service.  P411 is the other one.  Keep meaning to join one or the other and never get around to it.  It is about helping us all stay honest and is sexy!  For gents without reviews or references, I defintely suggest a verification site as a way to streamline seeing ladies and shortening the verification process.

Your journey to the hobby is long and rough sounding.  The last experience you start out saying that you negociated...that is the kiss of Good bye with or without references for many ladies.  Take care to pick reliable choices...glad to see you had some fun times too.  Use them for references...

There's many ways to verify/screen but definitely not posting all of my screening methods on such a public forum.
Btw I have heard of reviews being used in certain court cases (usually but not always against the provider).....and you've written 75.  
Date-Check or P411 aren't always screening cure-alls for some ladies but it's a good start.

if I had all the bad dates you show in your reviews I'd probably quit wasting my money and go back to the civi-way of things. Third party verification services are not like getting a picture taken with the mayor. Being verified will almost certainly improve the quality of your hobby experience.

that can provide a reference for you.  
Also... per your reviews it seems you having a hard time... babe try a civvie GF

If you're worried about verification, a little personal information goes a long way. As a provider, I'm only trying to ascertain whether or not you are who you really are.  If a client feels apprehensive in regards to submitting their personal information I'll usually accept P411.  

Additionally, if you're worried about a provider being LE I'd suggest the following:  
- be sure she has reviews  
- observe whether or not she's taking measures to protect herself (screening you, for example

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