
One and the same, Piqued! No worries. He should have said "younger" and
LAtenfour 48 Reviews 8234 reads

"just as beautiful", right? But your "sapphire" (stage/working name) is his "michelle" (off-stage/email name).  She is definitely thinner now, a FEW years older and her hair color seems to change like the weather, so the "more" or "less" in front of beautiful is totally in the eye (or some other body part) of the beholder.  For me, no need of "more/less" -- she's just beautiful. Impossible. And almost always in a hurry. But I've decided that's just part of her allure.  ;-) Do try not to fall too hard! Just ask Hangman!
So, play safe and have fun out there.
Next month at 7969 it is.

Let me start by saying that the beginning of this past week had my heart, mind, and body beset by the palpitations brought on by the fear and inhibition of taking a step -- a BIG step in my opinion --  into a piece of a world I've been so enthralled by for the past few years, but yet unwilling to venture into anything beyond my monitor or DVD player.
Well, that "big" first step has come and gone, and my only question now is: WHY DIDN'T I DO IT SOONER, I HAD A GREAT TIME !!! Not only was I in the great company and tutelage of Outlook and TS Star the majority of the evening, who not only answered any question I had, but often offered timely observations of those in our mileau. By the way, guys, this TS Star is a looker -- great looking and great company. It was a pleasant surprise to have her come over to me and ask,"Do you participate in any forum ?Are you Piqued?"And I can't say enough about Outlook except to say that this is one cool and generous guy. I might not have gone through it had he not offered to go with me. Intelligent, witty, and very knowledgable of this beautiful world. :)


The Club: Cover is $10.00, with valet parking available. On the outside, the club has a flat black exterior ( Could double as an adult bookstore on steroids), and there really is nothing particularly special or unique about the interior as well, but who's going there to critique the interior design, right ? One walks in and is greeted by a cavernous high ceiling room with a stage in front of a decent sized dance floor on one end, and then enveloped on the other end by a full length rectangular bar. On the other end are two doors which provide access to a bar in the back away from the sounds of loud music. There is another room further down for those private moments, but I do wonder what the poles in that tiny room were for ? :) The drinks are overpriced ($4.50 for Bud Light?), but what's new about clubs, right ?

Parking: It is -- or isn't -- everything TS Star said it was -- THERE ISN'T ANY !!! ANYWHERE! This club is located in an area of Los Angeles where businesses, housing, clubs, eateries and shopping somehow coexist in a very dense area.  The lack of parking is exacerbated on Friday nights when Sunset and Santa Monica boulevards respectively come to life, There is so much shit going on for blocks and blocks on Fridays. The best thing to do is probably what Outlook did: Park at the Yukon and catch a cab to Peanuts six blocks away. Where the Yukons sits, there is parking.:)

Lodging: There isn't any, at least, not at a reasonble price in the area. I paid close to $240.00 last night for one night's stay at the nearby Ramada Inn. If you're from out of town, I don't know where one could find moderately safe, clean rooms within a reasonable distance from the club. This is a stickler with me right now. Hmmmm.

The following are faces I recognized (Outlook or TS Star could chime in and embellish this list if they'd like) at the club Friday night TS Star knows many of them:

The Girls: As far as what the girls who frequent Peanuts goes ( This is base on THIS one Friday night's observations mind y'all ), they range from Claude Akins or Ray Nitzke in drag, to beauties you wouldn't mind taking home for keeps. A few in there were stunning, simply stunning. It runs the gamut in other words. I don't know what the ratio of women to men is there, but it's pretty good . :)

The Men: They really should dress to impress. Most there (to me) looked like they had been dressed by three gay blind men. I think it displays a lack of respect. If you are there to possibly hook up with someone, why dress as if you're going to wash the car ??? I wouldn't blame any girl there if they were turned off by how a man dresses and presents himself. Anywhere.

Faces sighted from the LA Eros escort page, and/or porn world last night:

Kyla ( Who spent most of the evening with a beautiful leggy oriental TS lady )
Kirsten ( I'm not 100% certain on this one, but I'm 95% it was )
Prue (Yum-yum! She was at the Yukon also)
Ruby ( No longer advertisizes in the Eros page, but what a gorgeous woman ... I can't take my mind off her incredible voluptous figure )
Saigon Lee ( Definitely one of the most beautiful and passable women on the scene )
Lisa Lawrence ( I didn't know I had been standing behind her for a period of time until she turned. Yep, that was her! )
Shana/Jennifer (What a body! She loves to dance and play around the club)
Lauren De Carlo ("Lady Lauren" She looked just like she looks in her videos of 10 years ago)
Bob ( The "Bob" from Bob's T-Girls. Nice guy. He sat next to us at Yukon afterward )

Finally, I unexpectedly met my dream woman there last night. A young woman who has launched a thousand wet dreams to say the least. Low and behold, guess who I noticed dancing in one corner of the dance floor during the waning hours of the evening. Yep, the one and only Sapphire. Hangman says she's skinny, but to me she was just right. Just right! She's far more beautiful in person. What wrinkles ? She does look 23. I spoke to her for only a minute or two as she hurridly walked out the club to meet someone, and told her I would love to hook up with her at some point in the future. We'll see if our broker can make that happen ? :)

Did I leave anything out ? Oh, yeah, Outlook. "Okolona"

Thank you TS Star and Outlook! It wouldn't have been fun without either of you.Thank you booth so much. So who's joining us the next time ? There WILL be a next time. Count on it! :)

What if my future girlfriend is reading this exchange ? Whatever will she think of me ??? ;)

Great post - wish I got to LA more often and could check it out.  

REminded me of the first time I went to a TS bar in Boston - I was so scared that someone would see me going in I kept my head down for the first 10 minutes I was inside...The fact that I had been drinking at a Celts game and had a few more let my inhibitions the night wore on I went from being in awe of the beauties around me to realizing that normal conversations was willingly had.  If I had a buddy who enjoyed the hobby it would have been an even better time...Any way, saw what you saw on a different coast (minus the superstars!) have gone back once more with less trepidation and just hung out...good times.

Would love suggestions on TS bars in Rhode Island as I think I could be a bit more comfortable in that setting.

Keep up the posts!

Hee-hee! Although there was scarcely anyone in the place when we went in, I was glued to the wall for the first 10 minutes. I think Outlook sensed that, and tried to loosen me up by offering to buy me a drink. By the end of the evening, though, I was on the dance floor trying to gyrate to the music that was on, something I literally haven't done in years ... although I must admit, my dance moves showed their rustiness.

The girls at peanuts for the most part seem much more approachable than one might find in most GG clubs, but like GGs, the hot prima donnas know they're hot and play off that. Nothing changes in that respect I guess. The whole place has more of a bacchanal atmosphere to it than most clubs I've been privy to in the past. It's like anything can go -- at any time. :)

Where I blew it Friday night was not approaching girls such as Saigon Lee, Ruby, or Alyssa to let them know I would be interested in a date with them sometime in the near future. Kyla, in retrospect, looked awesome also. :)

Yes, I wonder what "superstars" I'll see there the next time ???

...Oh, well, there's always next time. :)

TS Star9204 reads

Glad you guys had fun.  I had a fun time too.  It was nice to meet you both, especially since you are not at ALL what I thought you'd look like or be like.  You both could talk in complete sentences and looked great.  LOL

And you both had great manners and were well dressed!  Awesome!

See ya next time.


-- Modified on 5/9/2004 2:49:03 PM

TS Star,

Like an eight year old kid on his first visit to Disneyland, I was literally overwhelmed by everything and every girl in there, so please forgive me if at times it appeared that my mind would wander off into fantasyland, TS. I must give props to Outlook for his restraint and chivalry -- he's the consummate gentleman. I must remember that I owe him breakfast the next time also.

I had a lot of fun too thanks to you two. I can't wait until next time, in about a month or so, huh ?

Thank you once again for a memorable evening! :)

Ton ami, Piqued.

and perhaps a larger troupe of well-dressed gentlemen might represent.  Even split the cab from the Yukon... Could make for further interesting trip reports here...So long as no tie is required! ;-)

And, just WHAT is wrong with wearing a tie ( He says sternly with one eyebrow furrowed, foot tapping, and arms akimbo ) my good man ?! ;)


I'm looking at maybe a month, or month-and-a-half from today.Would that be cool ? Yeah, sure, the more the merrier. I'd love to match a face with a sobriquet. A key factor will be lodging for me. I need to find a cluster of motels and inns which are relatively close to that area, yet don't charge an arm and a leg for one night's stay. I'm not gonna pay $240.00 for one night anymore. At that price the room fixtures better be gold plated.

... What I realized after a short time at Peanuts, is that each guy there is in to his own thing, and is just as transfixed by his immediate surroundings (girls) and happenings as everyone else is. Outlook and I were probably the only ones there that came in together. The vast majority of men there were there by themselves. They, like Outlook and I, are there to check out the girls, not worried about who might see them or what another might think. I mean, it's a well lit dance floor and I was on the floor at one point without any concern ... Besides, as I mentioned in a previous post, having a friend such as Outlook with one offers a convenient alibi should someone approach you with a threat to expose you for being there.

Let's take the level of sartorial splendor to sights unseen there before, like how 'bout we all wear the same type of Sears overalls the next time ? Hee-hee! ;)

LOL! Why did you expect us to not have the ability to complete a sentence ? We might not have always waxed eloquence, but I think we were pretty articulate for two oakies, and what did you think I would look like again ? Nope, sorry.I never said I was George Clooney. :)

By the way, who was that well tanned Oriental girl dancing next to us that I asked you about while dancing at one point ? The one with the long black hair and white mini-skirt ? I believe she too once advertized on Eros. Was it "Katiana" or something like that ? Who was the first dancer also ? Was it "Maya" ? She was cute. :)

... Another thing I should have mentioned in the first post is that one can connect with a girl face to face without having to go through a date far more personal than one can through a phone call or e-mail missive. That is, just walk up to them and let them know you are gonna call soon. It might save a lot of screening time which some girls can put one through before a tryst. At least they'll know you from Peanuts and that it won't be LAPD coming a knockin'. The downside of course, is that it might also work in reverse. Maybe it's better to remain anonymous, sight unseen, until that first date for all parties involved.:(

Thank you once again for everything! :)

Piqued - You're on to something about making intro's at the bar in expectation of a future tryst, but don't be too optimistic.  Many of the girls meet alot of guys (like any pretty girls who hang out at pickup joints) and, if they're "working", will give out their number.  So, you can imagine how many dudes call saying "I met you at so and so..."  Now, they might recognize you once you show up, but don't expect them to remember you just on name/voice.  

The times this has worked for me, its been when I've really tried to make an impression on the person (e.g., buy them a few drinks, have a nice conversation, maybe share something private) and not waited too long before I called.  That way, they remember you and you might even have more "session 1 chemistry".  Again, act like you're in a normal club and the girls are normal girls (which, essentially, they are).

Points well taken. How can one expect a girl -- who is constantly getting hit on -- to remember a caller with the following line," Hi, I'm Tom Smith. I brushed against you at Peanuts Friday night as you were traversing across the floor once. Remember ???"

...I should have offered to buy Sapphire a drink, but she appeared to be in a hurry when I tapped her shoulder to speak to her that evening. :(

TS Star9148 reads


When are we going to hear from you?



I saw him drive off with two beautiful escorts outside of Yukon's that morning ... I overheard one of them say something about them creating their own little personal shangrila in a cottage somewhere in Big Bear ... He'll be back next month some time. Lucky guy. ;)

Um, ahem, where is your report Ms Star ??? ;)

Thanks for the account of your activities. I am flying to LA this week for business and should be in the area for a Friday night visit to Peanuts. I will ask a couple of questions that might seem redundant to LA people but might be important to visitors like myself who have no idea where anything is located. I am staying at a hotel on Wilshire by Westwood\UCLA. I know it is easy to take a cab to Peanuts but is it just as easy to take one back to the hotel in the wee hours of the morning? It sounds like the best time to go is after midnight but I'm flying in that morning from a city on EST so it might be a stretch to stay up that last.

Also, does TS Star have a link or photo somewhere? I would like to say hello to her as well.

I saw Sapphire many years ago (she also went by "Michelle") but she was very young and very beautiful at the time. Which "Ruby" was at the club? Was it the highly rated one from I contacted her about a visit but she is going to San Jose this weekend. Bummer.

You're welcomed! :)

Yes, the very same Ruby you have listed. I forgot she had a web page since she stopped advertising on Eros ( Why have so many stopped I wonder ?). She is a knockout with one incredible figure. She's one of those who appears far more beautiful in person than her pictures would dictate. Very friendly also.Vavavoom!

Regarding Sapphire: What am I missing ? Are we talking about the same Sapphire when we refer to that alias ? The Sapphire I'm always referring to is STILL young, and is STILL very beautiful. As I mentioned opening this thread, I saw her and spoke to her at Peanuts this past Friday, and she's the very one I have linked once again here for you. It was her in the flesh wearing boots, hot pants and a tight little top, standing about 5'7". She's a knock out of a young woman to say the least. I would argue -- based on viewing her one video appearance of four years ago -- that she is perhaps MORE beautiful today than she was then ... I'm overheating just thinking about her. Maybe y'all are referring to another Sapphire ???

Okay, as far as what to do once here that night, keep in mind you're talking to someone not from Los Angeles, but here is my two cents anyway:

If you're driving a rental car coming from the Westwood area of town, drive east on Wilshire until you reach Santa Monica Blvd ( it kinda splits; your atypical "fork on the road" ).There, make a left on Santa Monica Blvd and continue eastbound (you're now actually heading northeast toward the Hollywood hills) all the way down to Fairfax. Peanuts will be just beyond the Fairfax/Santa Monica Blvd intersection on your left just a few storefronts/businesses away. You can either pull in for valet parking as I did, or simply get past all that and continue to the Yukon (a Denny's type all night diner where many of the girls cap the evening) which is about five or six blocks away from Peanuts on the same Santa Monica blvd. Where Peanuts was on your left, the Yukon will be on your right. Once there, hail down a cab and backtrack to Peanuts on the very same Santa Monica Blvd -- Outlook says it's about a five buck fare. I would say that the distance from where you are staying to that area is some four or five miles, if that. If you get lost, just ask anyone where Santa Monica and Fairfax is. They are both major streets. That whole area (Hollywood/West Hollywood) for blocks and blocks is thriving with activity on weekends, so cabs should be as abundant as flies are on a dairy farm, but then again, I wasn't on the prowl for one that night to actually know about their availability.
My directions are probably the best beeline into the area from where you are staying. If you took the freeway route, it would be like shooting for a triple by running around the periphery of the field (foul lines,warning track) to get to third base.

No more debates on which Sapphire we're discussing, right ? The one I'm referring to is the one I've linked.

Nice directions, especially for a non-resident, Pique.  I was at
Peanuts Friday night as well.  I intended to look for a guy in black tie and blazer but was distracted almost immediately when I ran in to a girl I know.  As a result, I never did get to introduce myself to you and TS Star.  I have been enjoying both of your submissions to this board.  I have been a lurker for far to long and, inspired by you two, I intend to add my two cents from now on.  It is nice to know that there are friendly and interesting people to meet in this hobby. By the way , I live in West Hollywood and there are a number of reasonably priced hotels that you could stay in on your visits.  Remind me prior to your next foray and I will get you some information.


It took me a long time to finally post something on here also. I lurked and lurked and lurked, and then one day I finally decided to take the "plunge" about six months ago. Last year was littered with "firsts", and now I can add visiting Peanuts as another first under my belt.
At Peanuts, we shared the first enclosed booth near the northwest corner of the dance floor with a businessman and his date for most of the evening. Yes, I was the man in black that evening had you approached us.
Where in West Hollywood is there a strip of motels or inns with moderate pricing ? Just give me an intersection and I'll take it from there. Are they relatively clean and safe ?


At the intersection of La Cienega and SMB, there are two reasonable motels.  Just N of SMB on the W side of La Cienega there is on called the Alta Cienega motel.  I spent several pleasant hours there with a TGirl friend of mine who was visiting from New York.  Just E of La Cienega on the N side of SMB there is another motel whose name escapes me right now.  Next time I drive past it I will get it for you.
You might also consider the Budget Motel at the corner of Highland and Sunset Blvd.  It is right across the street from Hollywood High School.  It is used by some of the visiting Girls so you might meet someone interesting there.  Let me know when you are coming up to 7969 again.  If I can make it, I'll introduce myself next time, and hopefully meet a posse of hobbyists and TGirls to enjoy socializing with.

Thanks, bracbra!

I've copied your post to my note pad. So how far are these places from the "epicenter" ???

Any future visits to Peanuts will definitely hinge on lodging. Let's just hope that gasoline prices never reach $5.00 a gallon on top of that in the near future also. :( I'm not going to a club until 2:00 in the morning, with the option of capping the evening at the Yukon Mining Company until 4:00 in the morning and then drive home for three hours. I'd rather just drive a few miles to the comfort of a bed and start back the following morning.

...And as one poster mentioned, it's nice to have a place in case I get lucky (nudge,nudge,wink,wink). :)

Lucky, indeed!  I'm sure it will happen in good time, Piqued.

By the way, the other motel I mentioned is called the Holloway Motel.  La Cienega and SMB is less than a mile from Club 7969.

I also thought of another possibility.  There is a small motel south of SMB at 913 N. Fairfax.  It is called the Fairfax Motel and is on the west side of the street.  I have never been there, but a TGirl I know told me she likes it.  It is just around the corner from Peanuts.  It's about a 5 minute walk.

All three of these suggestions are Motor Inn type places and I'm sure a room can be had for under 100 bucks.


"just as beautiful", right? But your "sapphire" (stage/working name) is his "michelle" (off-stage/email name).  She is definitely thinner now, a FEW years older and her hair color seems to change like the weather, so the "more" or "less" in front of beautiful is totally in the eye (or some other body part) of the beholder.  For me, no need of "more/less" -- she's just beautiful. Impossible. And almost always in a hurry. But I've decided that's just part of her allure.  ;-) Do try not to fall too hard! Just ask Hangman!
So, play safe and have fun out there.
Next month at 7969 it is.

Yes to all. She was "younger" and I have no doubt she is just as beautiful now as when she was 18 or 19.  In fact, I remember her dreamy eyes and pouty lips more than anything else.    

I ask for directions and taxi questions because I'm in LA for business. That means I'll be staying at the hotel with some very uptight co-workers. In fact, my supervisor will be doing the driving so I have to be sure to exit the hotel lobby without them seeing me and asking questions about where I'm going and so forth.  I just want to make sure it is not 3am and I'm walking around trying to hail a taxi with a big "tourist mug me" marker on my forehead.

BTW I am not sure what to wear. I too would have worn a business suit and tie but judging by some of the remarks if I wore matching socks and shoes that might be an attire upgrade from others at the club.


I think Sapphire has a beautiful face, but it's her feminine figure and overt womanhood that I'm attracted to. She is a genuine doll. Yeow!

If you wore a business suit, you'd probably be the nicest dressed guy there, and I believe nothing says "mug me" or "scam me" more than a guy in a business suit looking lost on a street corner. Slacks, a dress shirt, dress shoes, a shave, and a splash of Polo would put you levels above most of those men among you.
Believe it or not, when Sapphire initially caught my eye, she was dancing with a young guy who looked like he had just stepped out of the latest skateboard magazine. I kid you not. ... Yeah, it can get that bad.:(

You should bring those uptight workers along, and then tell them that EVERY bar in Los Angeles looks that way. That would make their trip, wouldn't it ? Hee-hee! :D

I was kidding about the Polo ... Eeeek! Talk about ubiquitous. :)


I guess it comes down to what one considers old, and what one considers skinny, and of course, what one's history is with her. I expected that if I ever met her, I would find a tired, emaciated, strung out, thirty-something has-been, but what I found instead was a totally awesome (swoooooon!) well proportioned tight young woman, who I wouldn't mind taking anywhere. Her new coif incidently was straight out of Catherine Zeta Jones character in "Chicago". I loved it!

So why is this pretty girl always on the move ???

Yes, I'm looking at maybe the end of next month if things go as planned. Are you gamed ?


Wow!!!! Damn!!!!! Wow!!!!!!

What an incredible evening.  And I owe it to this venue and the posts last week from PiquedinLA and TS Star.  Thank you both!!

I looked up Piqued in the dictionary and one definition provided is ... "transitive verb to cause a feeling of interest, curiosity, or excitement in somebody"  I believe PiquedinLA choose an apropos handle.

Well that's what occurred to me last week.  My interest, curiosity and excitement in PEANUTS finally got a chance to be addressed. After reading the posts I actually posted one myself and then contacted Piqued in a separate E and arranged meeting at Peanuts.  The little extra support is what I needed to break out and venture forth. Damn glad.  DAMN GLAD I did it.  For all of us desirous bastards out there that want to go but feel the hurdle too high and the cliff to precipitous.  It's all a hoax.  Just like “Planet of the Apes(the 2nd one)” where Heston sees the wall of flame but refuses to believe what his mind tells him and lunges through to find safe ground on the other side and the flame a lie. So it is the same with Peanuts.  I mean Hell it's called "Peanuts!"  What can be scary about going to a place called Peanuts.  Be a Heston!  Course it’s a lot easier to say it after doing it.

You get to meet people there like Star!  An incredible looking lady, blonde, statuesque, friendly, and did I mention beautiful that will sit down and actually talk with you or even dance.  (Actually she danced with Piqued not me) The other Ladies which I believe Piqued stated earlier run the gamut.  The Bell curve as taught in school applies here as well.  There are those few not as blessed in the physical gifts that us, who shallow as we are, are unable to get past.  Then more ladies as we move up the curve to average and then back to fewer as we descend to tongue drooling, lecherous, wanton cretins. Us too many, desirous of those too few radiant Goddesses.  I mean it. There are incredible looking gals there.

As for Peanuts the Club.  It‘s fantastic.  The décor is not going to be found in Architect’s Digest but it is a nice, safe, friendly place where you feel secure and not out of place once in side.  Yes it really does feel good to get off the street standing in front and inside.  Everyone is doing their thing and having fun.  It really has a feeling of acceptance.  The Management is also great.  The Doormen/Security actually do a great job without having to be heavy handed.  I arrived a few minutes before Piqued and went inside to scope the place.  Within the first 5 minutes I tripped over a stepped a knocked into a guy spilling his drink over the both of us.  He turned out to be very nice about the whole thing, although wet as was I, and I bought him a replacement.  Then I went outside to dry off relating my clumsiness to the Doormen.  Instead of looking at me as just another jerk the Doorman actually accepted responsibility (He wasn’t, I was the one that tripped) told the Management who again apologized (again it was my fault) and for the entire night my drinks were On The House!!!!!  Can you believe it?  

Back to the ladies.
Beautiful ladies willing to talk and dance,  and……...

Great, Safe, and Fun to be had.

So that’s my 2 cents.  I really had a great time.  I only hope that the Discussion Board can help Piqued (& those coming from out-of-town) find more reasonable lodgings not priced up in the stratosphere.  Hey Piqued have you thought about checking or some other internet resource for hotel/motel rooms.  There’s gotta be something safe and clean under a $100 or am I that out of touch?

For myself, I can’t hold out for over a month to return.  My self-will was never one of my strong suits.  Waiting for Friday and not returning on Monday is pretty good for me.  I hope that other neophytes will break the bondage of “What if” and show up as well.  Maybe the black blazer, with black tie and black pants can be the TER sign.  Course I never like to follow the crowd.  But it would be cool to see others enter with that look of “What the hell am I doing?” on their face all wearing black and introducing themselves to each other in clatches of 2’s and 3’s.

I waited too long to type this response and then proceeded to type for too long.  Hope to see others there.  Especially Piqued and Star. You two fostered another fond memory that I will replay many more times in the future.


despite the fact i have no black blazer i'll see if my t-shirt with "ter inspector"  on the back is enough of a give-away. ;-) thanks for the additional trip report Outlook. as for hotels -- yeah, and MANY other sites will list lots of places. some with "week-end specials" -- i think you could get both nights for less than the $240 they ripped Piqued off for! book online. and these west hollywood hotels understand discretion when you ask them for a cab at midnight. hmmm...just thinkin'...maybe a monogrammed shirt with just "T. I."... ok...c'mon guys slam together a few happening acronyms and we'll be good to go! how about TER Cruise Batallion? then the shirts can just say "T.C.B." -- and i'm not talking some silk-screened trash here. no, no. i'm talking hand-embroidered red on black silk, baby!  ;-)  or how about T.B.D. ? (Transexual Board Discussee). party on.

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