
Oldknob 109 reads

I am past mid 70's. I would score is 50 / 50.  Some enjoy me and I enjoy them.  And half show a lot of attitude.   Of course that half may have an attitude  problem regardless of my age

I'm just curious, how old is a man to old and just not attractive for a TS? I feel like most TS women are into men between ages 18-30? Is 40 to 50 years old just ugly and attractive? I understand younger 20 year olds for the average. But what about 30 to 40 year old TS's, do they still prefer that 18-30 bracket?

Age is a factor with some but many are good with older men! I think if your in decent shape most like that!

I’m 73 and still have a good time. Been seeing one since ‘04.

Oldknob110 reads

I am past mid 70's. I would score is 50 / 50.  Some enjoy me and I enjoy them.  And half show a lot of attitude.   Of course that half may have an attitude  problem regardless of my age

The same as with genetic women, different trans women will find different age groups of men attractive. You go to any nightclub and the 20 something genetic girls are looking for the cute boys as you eluded to. The 30 something genetic girls may realize a guy with a decent paycheck/job/career is valuable, which often becomes more important as the years roll by into their 40s and beyond.  

Trans women are just as different and unique as genetic women, some are very shallow, vain and materialistic, others are more open minded and down to earth. Also, don't get trans women who escort confused with trans women who don't. Just like you wouldn't confuse a genetic girl at a nightclub as an escort just becasue she's attractive or has a great figure or is really popular or even posts sexy seductive pictures on social media.  

Also, some attractive genetic women are looking for a sugar daddy type man, not a FWB, but a relationship with a man who is a bit older who can take care of them emotionally, physically and financially, the same with some trans women. It's all subjective to the individual genetic or trans woman. One thing is for sure, using more dated terms like TS and Transsexual, the less likely you'll make a good impression with the individual you're trying to have a positive experience with. Some people think, what's the big deal with all the pronouns? To those who want to be respected with how they self identify it could be very important.  

Yeah... this line of questioning was a little cringe though I'm sure the OP meant no harm lol. We don't all operate with hive mind lmfao. But hey, there's no harm in curiosity.  

Most of my lady friends love me and enjoy my company, I pay over price and treat my girl friends special. It is not an easy life to look so good for us. If I won the lottery I have 6 ladies I would buy out of the business. Treat people with respect and have some fun stop worrying about your age. As long as your cash is green  and  your breathing don’t worry.

I prefer to see providers over the age of 30. I'm mid 50s. Never had any issues with the 30 - 40 y.o. providers. The younger girls don't understand the value of repeat clients. They want the quick score. Very rare to find a young provider who can and will perform. I doubt attraction has much to do with it. Hygiene is probably more important than age. Also, compatability. I like top providers who like to kiss and mitual oral. I tend to skip the girls who advertise as bottom or versatile bottom. Versatile I need to get good vibes from reviews. The ones who advertise versatile top are usually my favorites.

Hi all.... one of my favorite topics... : )

As a companion that has been active for many years, i have to say that i have always favored men that are more mature than myself....for a variety of reasons.... and - I have had screening conversations with many men over the age of 55 to 70+ that have also had very mixed experiences, and often self-efface by saying: "im an older gentleman, are you ok with that", clearly expecting a 50/50 shot at either acceptance, or not....

Typically my experiences with much younger men (21 to 40) have not been as positive, or fulfilling, as with more mature men in general (there have, of course been some truly notable exceptions, as there are some truly mature, self-possessed, educated, cultured & established younger men that are also: healthy, kind, respectful, able to afford, and understand things from a more mature world perspective).....  

....for me, it all comes down to chemistry (and maturity), so regardless of age  -  if a man is kind, good-natured, of good humour, good hygiene (muy importante'), and respectful, i will be open to you.... if we hit it off with warmth and maturity in our initial screening conversation(s), then its a solid yes from me....    Conversely however - coldness, last minute/no-notice and pushy, any air of self-entitlement, unwillingness to warmly engage, expressed assumption that it will just be another mark for me, not knowing my name or age or my published gift standards, or any hints of just flat transactionality, are all reasons i will absolutely avoid and not connect....

I totally understand and accept that many seekers have been jaded, or have only transactional/clock-watching/not as advertised expectations - based on past experiences or lack of experience, and i will always do my best to overcome those issues in screening, but.... anything less than genuine, gentlemanly warmth, and/or a lack of a sense that we may make an organically mature & down to earth & mutually *Fun* connection, and i'm just not going to go there.... regardless of age.  

...As always, best seeking to you,
best wishes,

...and... ~Safe Travels Always~

: )  


-- Modified on 3/5/2023 12:15:32 PM

I personally prefer men 35 - 60. I've dated men older than that as well. A lot of my clients are quite surprised when they realize that under the right circumstances I would have dated them lol.

Oldknob80 reads

I have have read your reviews here on TER.  You are certainly a wonderful woman I know I would enjoy meeting.  With that said - thank you for your excellent advice and suggestions.  I try to follow your approach because I am a romantic- I want connection not transaction.  I think that was what you want in a "date" too.  Unfortunately  from the client side it is tough to screen possible providers as they generally are guarding their time from "time wasters"  At this point I have tried many providers and only return to those I find a connection with.  Welcome your thoughts on how us "romantic " clients can better "screen" candidate providers to find a pleasurable date for discriminating providers like yourself and clients like myself.  BTW don't confuse "romantic " with stalker or violating the no drama rule

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