The Erotic Highway

You're definitely in the wrong placeconfused_smile
DirtyDaego 11 Reviews 2252 reads

There's a reason you don't know where "on this board" (I think you mean site) to ask these questions. That's because these questions don't apply here and have no place.

This site is not advice for the lovelorn, relationship help, or Dear Abby (if you're even old enough to know what that is).

It is TER. The Erotic Review.
A place where men, who have erotic encounters with women whose time they pay for, document their experiences.

If you're "in the civvie dating world now".....I suggest you find sites that are designed for that lifestyle....and the members may just give a rat's ass.

Good luck.

I don't really know where else on this board you can ask these questions, so here goes.  Do you think it's ok to support a woman financially or do you prefer she has at least a full time job?   What do you think of the trophy wife concept?  Do you prefer that she makes the same amount of money as you do or is it better if she makes less?  How about a woman who makes more than you?  Do you find that intimidating?

I'm in the civvie dating world now, but it's confusing where I stand in relation to guys this way.  I grew up with my mom staying at home to raise us, and Dad went out to work.  But, it doesn't seem like a lot of guys want to go that route anymore.  What do you think?

There's a reason you don't know where "on this board" (I think you mean site) to ask these questions. That's because these questions don't apply here and have no place.

This site is not advice for the lovelorn, relationship help, or Dear Abby (if you're even old enough to know what that is).

It is TER. The Erotic Review.
A place where men, who have erotic encounters with women whose time they pay for, document their experiences.

If you're "in the civvie dating world now".....I suggest you find sites that are designed for that lifestyle....and the members may just give a rat's ass.

Good luck.

yep..he missed his chance..Dear Abby just passed on to lovelorn advice heaven..Dr. Phil[of shit} is still around though..

Posted By: DirtyDaego
There's a reason you don't know where "on this board" (I think you mean site) to ask these questions. That's because these questions don't apply here and have no place.

This site is not advice for the lovelorn, relationship help, or Dear Abby (if you're even old enough to know what that is).

It is TER. The Erotic Review.
A place where men, who have erotic encounters with women whose time they pay for, document their experiences.

If you're "in the civvie dating world now".....I suggest you find sites that are designed for that lifestyle....and the members may just give a rat's ass.

Good luck.
-- Modified on 1/19/2013 7:43:51 PM

Posted By: macdaddy1944
yep..he missed his chance..Dear Abby just passed on to lovelorn advice heaven..Dr. Phil[of shit} is still around though..
Posted By: DirtyDaego
There's a reason you don't know where "on this board" (I think you mean site) to ask these questions. That's because these questions don't apply here and have no place.

This site is not advice for the lovelorn, relationship help, or Dear Abby (if you're even old enough to know what that is).

It is TER. The Erotic Review.
A place where men, who have erotic encounters with women whose time they pay for, document their experiences.

If you're "in the civvie dating world now".....I suggest you find sites that are designed for that lifestyle....and the members may just give a rat's ass.

Good luck.
-- Modified on 1/19/2013 7:43:51 PM

So I hope Administration sends it over there, but in the meantime, to answer your questions one by one:

It is OK to support a woman financially if she makes enough contributions to the household in kind to uphold her end of the bargain.  Of course it's fine if roles are reversed, or if both work and share household duties as well.  The couple have to discuss the nature of the kind of household and family they want and be sure they see eye to eye on it.

I don't think any person should be regarded as an object like a trophy.

I'm fine with a successful woman who makes more than I do.  Money is not the measure of a person's worth, however.  It is just one of many elements that make up a person's character.

You do seem confused, so I suggest some deep thought about who you want to be with and why.  I am only familiar with the dad at work and mom at home family, but obviously there are many, many more options open to people now, and I think that is a good thing.  One size does not always fit all.

Personally, it doesn't matter to me whether the woman works, the man works, or both work.  As long as there is a mutual agreement in the relationship, all is fair.  There are some guys that are more "traditional," and want the wife to stay home and take care of the house.  This is usually when they have kids, but also when the guy makes A LOT more money than the wife does at work.

The unfairness comes when one works many many more hours than the other, and needs aren't being met.  As long as needs are being met, it's all good!


The answer is going to vary by the tax bracket of the guy, the age of the guy, the presence of children, the background of both. This is a silly question to ask here in the first place and  just as silly to ask as broadly.

Zangari2056 reads

The real question:  If you're in a serious relationship, then should you provide (and make more $$$ than him) or give up providing.  You're going to have to decide a few things first.  How safe is it to tell the truth?   And what will the fall out be.  A few scenarios arise:

1. Provide on the sly:  A lot of guys on the board live with an SO.  But we don't make a living in the sex trade. If you provide on the sly, then your exposure--the number of calls, the unexplained absences, etc,  will be much greater than your average john.  And there's still a double standard in western society about sex.

2.  Provide openly with his knowledge:  If your boyfriend is a pimp or has a pimp mentality, then he'll soon take advantage of you.  But let's say he's not a pimp & actually loves you.  The male ego is quite fragile. Some men can turn the other way while their SO is getting fucked by other guys.  But most men won't be able to handle it in the long run.

3. Give up providing:  If you're a successful provider, then you're quite used to making a lot of money quickly.  That will be hard to give up. Let's say you quit.  And money gets tight.  A day later your favorite client sends you a text.  You can make $300-$400 by just slipping away for 90 minutes.  You're going to do what now?  See item #1--Provide on the Sly.  

No easy answers here.   --z

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