The Erotic Highway

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sweetman 93 Reviews 26 reads

Hey Roberto, I just turned 77 and have been on SA for 10 years, so we're pretty similar.  But I have not found any correlation between older SBs being any more dependable or less flaky than younger ones.  And sometimes the older ones are just weirder!  I dated an attractive woman in her early 40s recently who was a good fuck, but had so many rules and restrictions it was not an experience worth repeating. The younger ones vary all over the map, so persistence is required!  Some are indeed flaky AF, while others are reliable and respectful of your time and the commitments they have made.  

I’m 77, and have been on SA for 7 years. I have had all kind of experiences.  The posters here pursue very young Ang hot flakey women.  I tried that. My current rotation is attractive, not super hot, who are on time and really like f###### me. They come on time, and are perfect for me.  Are there any more daddies like me?

I prefer consistency long term.  Flakes are nothing new regardless.  I break girls down into three groups on SA.  Hook up once.  No interest in anything after because they are annoying but still hot.  

Bang a few times and let it go when she flakes.  Basically, seeing the signs there's no chance of anything long term.

Long term.  I'm paying her rent.  We go out on dates weekly.  Something that has legs to it.  Currently, have one long term for over two years and another that may head that way.  Thought I had one but she got busy with life and had to scale back.

Hey Roberto, I just turned 77 and have been on SA for 10 years, so we're pretty similar.  But I have not found any correlation between older SBs being any more dependable or less flaky than younger ones.  And sometimes the older ones are just weirder!  I dated an attractive woman in her early 40s recently who was a good fuck, but had so many rules and restrictions it was not an experience worth repeating. The younger ones vary all over the map, so persistence is required!  Some are indeed flaky AF, while others are reliable and respectful of your time and the commitments they have made.  

I agree.  Found no correlation between age and brain function.

BdrmFun4822 reads

I've found generally the more beautiful and younger she is the less dependable, but there are exceptions enough that I try to not generalize and I try to give each new POT the benefit of the doubt until she proves otherwise.  

I've found older ones that are as much a pain to deal with as the younger ones. Across the board dependability and lack of true feeling or bedroom skills seems to be the biggest issue for me regardless of age.  

Of course the more beautiful ones [if they are real and not fake profiles] are more difficult and expensive to bed and the less attractive gals overall seem to try harder to please and be more genuine regardless of age. There are pros and cons to each person and they come with their own set of values.

Rarely can you find in one person all of the positive values together at a reasonable cost factor. Which is why it's nice to have a variety of horsies in rotation if you can afford it...  [and have the emotional bandwidth to juggle them!]    

I am fairly new to SA, only about 1.5yrs but my experience has varied.i honestly have not been able to establish anything long term. The one I really wanted to have something long term (a beautiful nice 26 yr old) kept promising and would set up a date with me and then never respond. once every 6 months we would actually have a great date.. unfortunately I finally gave up. she claimed she had a. Issue with communication with everyone, not just me..very frustrating.  

That's more common than you think.  I don't get flakes.  But there's a lot.  Don't fall in love.

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