The Erotic Highway

Use your instincts
Scaramouche 203 Reviews 76 reads

If she seems too good to be true, watch out. Get as much info as you can about her at the dinner.
Often the gals will be reluctant to take a guy home, so it's probable this one is a pro or semi-pro (unless she's something else)

kippyy843 reads

Newbie to the sugar bowl. I've arranged a 1st date at a restaurant near where the SB lives (an hour drive for me), and we agreed to proceed after dinner to her place for BCD if all goes well. Is this inherently dangerous or risky (ie, me bring ripped off for the allowance from a boyfriend)? Does meeting in a hotel reduce this risk? Seems I've read some posts here about guys getting ripped off.
Any advice is appreciated.

Meeting in a public place is about as safe as you can get.  
I would say that mentally, you should always be prepared to lose that money.  Maybe she is ugly.  Maybe her performance is terrible.  Maybe she grabs the money and runs off.  etc
If you play in this bowl long enough, something like that is bound to happen.  It's just part of the risk. Think of it as betting on a horse race.  Sometimes your horse doesn't come in.
So relax a little bit.  Meet the chick somewhere public.  If you're going to her place, don't hand her the money until you are inside. Most people aren't dumb enough to rob you at their own address.

If she seems too good to be true, watch out. Get as much info as you can about her at the dinner.
Often the gals will be reluctant to take a guy home, so it's probable this one is a pro or semi-pro (unless she's something else)

I have to say, the only times someone wouldn't host would be because family or other people would be around.  Chicks that live alone seem pretty willing to host, especially if you give them the money that would otherwise go to a hotel. I always offer them the hotel cost if they host.

Adonis4877 reads

First BCD at her place: I literally just got ripped off like this an hour ago. My second sugaring experience. My first experience in the bowl a few weeks ago was very positive. The second experience, not so much. Different girl. The girl wanted to do the first M&G at a restaurant and then a semi-BCD at her place afterwards. She's in her 30's. Seems sweet. Not real bright. Took her out to lunch twice, the second time we agreed to a full intimacy BCD. She wanted the money up front during the date. Being a gentleman, I give her the money, we go on the date. When we got back to her place, she said 'I'm not feeling it, I'm gonna go' she jumps out of the car and runs into her place. I'm just shocked. I just drove away, no point in causing a scene. But she played a pretty long game on it, lots of texting, phone convo and then an M&G, which she actually talked me into paying for, but she said she wanted to 'take it slow.' The first BCD was a strange combination of making out with her top off in her apartment, kissing, etc, but she didn't want to take it beyond that so I figured okay we'll take it slow. I told her 'it's understood the next date includes BCD and intimacy' and she agreed. On the second date she bailed with the money. So the only takeaway on this I can think of is don't pay up front until you are inside her place. She can still tell you to leave at that point I suppose, but it seems less likely. I am really discouraged by this though, because I trusted her and was just starting to get over my anxiety about getting ripped off and this happens almost immediately. It really makes me wonder how many of these rip off skanks are playing in the bowl and how can I navigate this so it doesn't feel so icky. I feel terrible but I realize this is the game.        

Heh, it happens to all (well some) of us.  Lesson learned.  Get back on the horse.

Adonis4876 reads

My rules for myself from this lesson are:  

1] NEVER do a paid M&G  
2] NEVER do any first meeting that involves going back to her place  
2] Always do at least one initial unpaid platonic date that is not at her place  
3] Always make the first BCD [or two] at a hotel, never at her place  
4] Make it clear to her up front no payment until sex is delivered.    

It's too easy if it's her place for her to bail with your cash either when you return from the date portion of the meet, or once you get back to her place she can tell you to leave or fake being sick and keep the cash. Some of these rip off thief girls are playing the longer game. They will string you along with texts, even talk on phone on the pre-text of sex soon, but say things like "I want to take it slow." Taking it slow is fine as long as there is no money involved. Delay the sex/payment part as long as possible. A thief will try to set it up so she can dash with your cash with no sex involved. Don't make the mistake of thinking just because you know where she lives you've minimized the risk. You know where she lives, so what? What can you do? Call the police? Harass her? Pound on her door? Picket out front? Good luck with that. If she has her own place and she's a rip off she's likely got a boyfriend who lives with her and he's not far off.      

Also watch for red flags, things that tell you something isn't quite right or don't add up. If she asks for the money in the car during the date, red flag. Wait till you get inside, at least there's a tiny percent less of a chance of a cash dash.    

This one gave me clues, the first one was that she was had mental issues, acting unusual, sort of ditzy and ding-batty and manic. I chose to overlook it thinking perhaps she might be good in bed and I could deal with it. Wrong!  

I've skipped the first platonic M&G by doing a video chat or two first.  Especially if it's a long drive.

Always meet in public for the first time in person.  Rest of your rules have saved me headaches and when I've broken them it went bad.

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