The Erotic Highway

They do exist
GaGambler 353 reads

I had a 28 year old fucking me for free that I met on SA last year. I was 57 at the time.

I did had a couple of early twentysomethings fuck me for free last year, but not on an ongoing basis.

As for "we" being here for the over 35 crowd, speak for yourself. I have only fucked one girl over 35 in the last couple of years, she was 38, Asian, and could easily have passed for 25. Come to think of it, she fucked me for free too, but it wasn't because she was so enamored with me, We had scheduled an overnight and she had to bail early because of an issue with her son and left without picking up the money I had left on the nightstand. I wouldn't have minded giving her at least "most" of the overnight gift as she didn't leave until about 1 AM and we had already gone twice.

principium1156 reads

Or is it unicorn cunting?!

Anyway, as the self-proclaimed hunter of unicorns, after discovering that my last unicorn was also a unicorn to a multitude of other unicorn hunters from SD to LA, bring freight trained by the stayed in the said corridor; I am glad to report that I may have found a new unicorn and capture will be pending final negotiation of terms of use.

Willing to take bets from the cynical arseholes as to where and how this one's gonna go. I believe in my own magical powers, so keep the convo light and you know what they say about opinions ;)

Let's face it. Any "normal" woman that will g a guy 30 years her senior for cash has issues. Enjoy the fun  until yhe BCD moment arrives. I'm seeing someone tomorrow that fits the description. Lol. In the meantime who was your previous unicorn? Lol. And how did you discover her other activities?

for my boyish charm, great looks and masculine magnetism :D

How did I find out? She was dropping strong "hints" and was trying to blame me for seeing her less frequently. This only came about after she kept "bumping" me. We've been doing this game with escorts long enough to know as to why bumping occurs.  



I must respectfully ask us all to pause for a moment to consider the use of the term "Unicorn" in the SB context.  

I think we all (including myself) have been relaxing what we mean when we use this term.  In the strictest sense of an SB Unicorn, I would expect the defining qualities to include (almost) all of the following:  

1. Unlimited energy, libido and appreciation for sex with her SD
2. Minimal, or at least well-below the market, rate for p4p sugar
3. No demands for monthly allowance without an ironclad agreement to meet x times per month for y hours per meet (includes overnights for little or no extra sugar).  
4. NO BSC behavior, no drama, no grief - ever.  
5. BBBJ, Greek, CIMNQNSWS (or whatever alphabet soup you like) every time.  
6. Willing, even anxious to go on road trips/travel with you.  
7. Wiling, even anxious to bring a hot friend, sister, (twin!), etc. for BCD.
8. Post- (and pre-) BCD cuddle time.  

All this calls to mind the reason we call these SB's Unicorns; they don't exist.  

However, thinking back on posts over the last few months, I think I see a trend to call an SB a  Unicorn using a much shorter list. Probably the only persistent criteria that seems to sustain in various posts is #4: No BSC behavior.  

To me that is the minimum criteria to sustain a SB in my rotation. But it does not by itself earn a Unicorn designation.  As soon as I see the tip of the BSC iceberg, I tell her that's not acceptable and one more "infraction" will result in parting ways.  

So - back to your post and ongoing unicorn hunt, Prince. If you accept most or all of my unicorn qualifying criteria, then you cannot actually define any POT SB as a unicorn until you have had one (or preferably more) BCD sessions and have seen a consistent behavior pattern emerge. Still you can certainly hunt for them and hope/predict/project that they will be the elusive Unicorn we all seek.  

Having said all that: Good luck in your hunt!  

I wish you success and pray you are not trying to tag any of the SB's in my Los Angeles-based rotation.  :p  

As always, I welcome comments, debate and discussion.  

-The Cat

I'll take the path of least resistance to the proverbial unicorn. Item # 4 on the menu please!

As far as LA goes, no worries there Herby. I have one LA based arrangement in yesteryears but the distance finally killed it. I prefer to stay within a 25 mile radius which luckily isn't much of an obstacle along my locale's corridor.

I get all that except #7 cause she does not have a sister and I suspect conservative to ask or get a hot friend. But she is willing for a threesome if we can work it out.

I agree that the term 🦄 probably gets thrown around here a little too liberally, however I think it's also a subjective thing that can't be defined by any one checklist (although that is a really GREAT list, herb). Your definition of what makes a unicorn maybe different than mine and/or others. A unicorn is a "mythical creature" that is too good to be true or shouldn't really exist. That's going to be slightly different for every person.  

To your point tho, you should only have one real unicorn that checks all of your boxes. If every SB is your unicorn, then yes, the term clearly loses its value and meaning. I think princess is slightly modifying the unicorn definition for himself to mean a top-tier SB that lives up to her word about the arrangement and menu and doesn't show any bsc behavior or drama. We all know what he means when he says that and it's fine by me for the most part.  

I kinda equate unicorn here with ATF in the provider world... your best favorite girl. That may be a little too liberal of a definition to some and that's ok too. As long as you only have one of "unicorn" at a time and not every POT is a unicorn then, for the most part imo, I'm ok with the current usage of the term.

I've been seeing this hottie SB for nearly a year. She just turned 20!  
1. She's a sexual monster.  When I offered to lick her pussy she said later, I want to come few times first. Fuck me!
2. Every date with her has been an all nighter for $200.
3. She thinks a regular allowance would put too many obligations and restrictions on us. Gotta love that.
4. Sometimes her stories get a bit odd, like the time she fucked the entire Funk Band.  But I can deal.
5. No gag reflex, loves sucking and licking.  And she shoved her tongue as far up my butt as humanly possible. Without me asking.  Just because she loves to drive me crazy and watch me respond.
6. She suggested attending a conference with me, my wife and my wife's BF.  Next month!  
7. She's into girls in a big way so a threesome is mos def possible. But has not happened yet.
8. Lotsa cuddling and talking pre and post.

I never thought of her as a Unicorn before, but guess I have to face facts!

sweet you lucky bastard. I've an SB that ticks all the boxes I wish I had an SO like yours.

That isn't a unicorn .lol. That's a sparkle pony;)

Posted By: principium
Or is it unicorn cunting?!  
 Anyway, as the self-proclaimed hunter of unicorns, after discovering that my last unicorn was also a unicorn to a multitude of other unicorn hunters from SD to LA, bring freight trained by the stayed in the said corridor; I am glad to report that I may have found a new unicorn and capture will be pending final negotiation of terms of use.  
 Willing to take bets from the cynical arseholes as to where and how this one's gonna go. I believe in my own magical powers, so keep the convo light and you know what they say about opinions ;)

Can't wait 2 c U again, SOON, 4GetFul!


That isn't a unicorn .lol. That's a sparkle pony;)

Yeah!!!!! Can't wait Jeff! We'll have to get some Chinese this time lol

A true unicorn would be a solid 8 or higher, under 30 willing to fuck me for free. (I'm 50 with a full head of hair with very little gray). I have never found one.

I have had a solid 8 over 40 fuck me for free on the second date. I have had 39 year old, a 7-8, fuck me for free after a few paid BCD sessions.

Landing the under 25 crowd seems to take a lot of work.

Getting fucked by the over 35 crowd is easier and that is really what we're here for.

GaGambler354 reads

I had a 28 year old fucking me for free that I met on SA last year. I was 57 at the time.

I did had a couple of early twentysomethings fuck me for free last year, but not on an ongoing basis.

As for "we" being here for the over 35 crowd, speak for yourself. I have only fucked one girl over 35 in the last couple of years, she was 38, Asian, and could easily have passed for 25. Come to think of it, she fucked me for free too, but it wasn't because she was so enamored with me, We had scheduled an overnight and she had to bail early because of an issue with her son and left without picking up the money I had left on the nightstand. I wouldn't have minded giving her at least "most" of the overnight gift as she didn't leave until about 1 AM and we had already gone twice.

MDraft334 reads

I hooked by with a cute SB from SA who had "I am a Unicorn" in her profile (which I thought was somewhat odd). After 3 nice dates and no BCD I pushed for a resolution only to find out she listed herself on SA as this "other" Unicorn in the hopes of finding a couple. She admitted she was lesbian and had no intention of doing any hanky panky with the undersigned.

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