The Erotic Highway

Thanks, I think
Bored Hubby 15447 reads

I think it's probably the male hormone thing, she was a really good athlete. Is the hair around the nipples really unusual ? Like I said in my first post, I wonder if many women have it and just choose to pluck them our or whatever.

Even though you may think it sounded crass, the best advice may be to just see the occasional pro. Honestly the sex with my wife is a lot better when it's dark and I don't have to see the hairy nipples or bush. Hope that doesn't sound terrible. I do enjoy the pros with the trimmed kitty and breasts without nipple hair.

But I'm not a rich man, and as you said in an earlier post....have to be careful about the little head  controlling   the big head.


Bored Hubby19604 reads

Serious question, do all women have hair around nipples ? My wife does and I'm wondering if most ladies pluck it out and my wife is just too sorry to do so. Also, I'd give anything if she'd just get trimmed around her p - - - y . Not a big fan of completely shaven, but can live with that. She's got a real bush down there. It's gotten to be a real turn off. I know you're going to say talk to her about it, but she's really old fashioned and think's I'm a pervert for even bringing it up. She's really an attractive woman, believe it or not. About 5'10"..great legs and 38C's. But the hair....real turn off. Am I out of line ?

-- Modified on 6/23/2006 9:47:10 AM

I had an ATF I met at a massage parlor.

She complimented my breasts so I said I wish I was in a position to comment on hers, and voila, off came the shirt and she offered them to me for some sucking.  I noticed right away that she had some hairs right around the aeriolae, not cute wispy ones either but the speaker wire variety.

Well, what could I say?

The thing is, she was so sexy and we liked each other so much (We actually fell in love, but that's a long story for another day.) that by the end, I got turned on at the site of those twangy little devils.

So I would learn to love them or leave them.

(As in: Love me, love my nipple hairs.)

As for the bush below, I have a Scotish girl friend who doen't believe in taking a razor to herself, so if I can beat around the bush, so can you.  Aye.

-- Modified on 6/23/2006 1:06:12 PM

Love Goddess15613 reads

Hmm...this is one of those touchy situations where treading lightly is the better part of valor. Now one thing is a hairy bush, but the other one is having hairy nipples - possibly slight excess of androgens (male hormones.) You could actually get scientific with your wife and tell her that. I understand if she doesn't want to groom her cat (hey, some women don't like to shave their legs or armpits) but hairy nipples may be the fuzz that separates the boys from the girls. In fact, wanting to have hairy nipples, or not even being concerned about it as a woman strikes me as, well..not perverted, but perhaps a little "mannish?" OTOH, women of certain ethnic backgrounds do have hairy nipples and it's not a sign of masculinity to them whatsoever.
I'd perhaps suggest that she consider the masculine aspect of the situation, or worse, you don't want a nipple hair stuck between your teeth as you suck them.

Now as to the bush, maybe you can make a deal? She lets YOU trim it just a tad, safely, while she's lying down, and in return, you'll make the beds for a week..:-)..Try to make light of the suggestion and never, ever let her feel imposed upon or that she HAS to. And please let her know how devastatingly attractive she truly is...but maybe she would be okay with a new little look down there?

The key is to be very charming and disarming while you banter about the subject. On the other hand, if she's very conservative and hasn't kept up with the waxing fashions (impossible to avoid if you're reading women's fashion magazines) or if she's just not into change, then this might become a problem.

In any case, you're a Bored Hubby and you probably are hobbying. If I were really crass, I'd say ignore the subject altogether and focus on the trimmed Pay-to-Play. But that would not be a good therapeutic approach, and so I suggest that you have a sweet chat with her. Imagine a bed full of rose petals, some champagne and perhaps a bubble bath..and then a tiny, tiny little trim..after you play with her denuded nipples and make her feel all relaxed..mmm...that sounds really good to me! There are millions of possibilities, my dear Bored Hubby. You'll need to get creative in the other departments that make her tick and then strike a bargain.

Go to it,
the Love Goddess

Bored Hubby15448 reads

I think it's probably the male hormone thing, she was a really good athlete. Is the hair around the nipples really unusual ? Like I said in my first post, I wonder if many women have it and just choose to pluck them our or whatever.

Even though you may think it sounded crass, the best advice may be to just see the occasional pro. Honestly the sex with my wife is a lot better when it's dark and I don't have to see the hairy nipples or bush. Hope that doesn't sound terrible. I do enjoy the pros with the trimmed kitty and breasts without nipple hair.

But I'm not a rich man, and as you said in an earlier post....have to be careful about the little head  controlling   the big head.


Love Goddess18329 reads

You're most welcome, Bored Hubby. As to the answer to your question, the word among those in the know is as follows: Hirsutism--excessive hair growth in women--is not uncommon, but there are no accurate estimates of its prevalence. "Many specialists define it differently. There are no population-based studies, and each specialist sees a different population, so the estimates are always changing," explains Amy McMichael, assistant professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC. Hirsutism can range from a few dark chin hairs to a miniature mustache and sideburns to a full beard and hairy chest. In most cases, hirsutism is a symptom of elevated blood levels of male hormones (androgens) being produced by the adrenal glands or ovaries, says Maria New, chairwoman of pediatrics and chief of endocrinology at Cornell Medical Center in New York City. Sometimes, the hormone levels are normal but certain hair follicles are thought to be hypersensitive to the androgens testosterone and androstenedione. In rare instances, an
androgen-secreting tumor or polycystic ovarian disease is to blame. Occasionally, no cause can be found.

According to Dr. McMichael, hirsutism
can begin at any age, but most patients develop symptoms during their childbearing years. In
postmenopausal women, sudden or severe hirsutism could also be caused by an androgen-secreting tumor. Many women who have become hirsute assume the hairiness is hereditary and never ask a physician about it. Fortunately, hirsutism is rarely a sign of a serious health problem. If, however, excessive or rapidly growing hair
appears suddenly in areas where women do not typically grow hair, and if this growth comes with irregular periods, lack of menstruation, acne, or other symptoms, the patient should consult a dermatologist, gynecologist,
endocrinologist, or internist as soon as possible, Dr. McMichael advises. Hirsutism can range from a few dark chin hairs to a miniature mustache and sideburns to a full beard, hairy chest, and even male-pattern baldness."Women often feel unfeminine, embarrassed by the hair, and it can affect job performance, mental health, and desire to interact with others," Dr.
McMichael points out. Treatment is available by using an androgen-blocking medication called spironolactone (Aldactone), birth control pills, and electrolysis. Several other drugs are used to combat hirsutism, including Lupron (leuprolide) and flutamide. Dr. McMichael notes that the
effectiveness of any medication is determined by the patient's particular problem. In patients with no measurable hormone abnormality, she says,
"these drugs are sometimes completely ineffective."

Ok, with all that and your response, I take it the mental gyrations and the ensuing activity to get your wife to POSSIBLY remove her hair would prove too much.

Hair loss would avoid her loss,
the Love Goddess

Bored Hubby15539 reads

She is ultra conservative in bedroom. You'd think after 24 years of marriage, we'd be comfortable discussing anything. Not about sex.
Believe it or not, she's never given me oral, or wanted me to DATY. The only positions are cowgirl and missionary. She does enjoy getting on top, could that be the male hormone thing ?
And like I said, it's best for me in the dark....because the hair on nipples and wooly bush is a real turn off for me. To be honest, it's even more of a turn off when she's wearing panties and the hair is coming out of the sides. I can't stand it. I guess that's why the pros that are  trimmed  are such a turn on for me. I really prefer the landing strip over completely shaven, but I guess that's a personal preference type thing.

Thanks're terrific

Crusr18259 reads

Saw my first provider a few months ago and told her that little secret......which was quickly remedied. I liked it!

Priapic Primate15299 reads

I am not a monkey!  :)

Female genital hair has a physical function. It provides natural lubrication for intercourse.

But us hairless apes had to go and evolve! We had to evolve the ability to build tools and change the environment and VOILA.... articial lube was born! Oil based, water based, silicone based. you name it we developed it. So there is really no reall need for genital hair!

But how can we get a recalcitrant lady to trim herself in the holy of holiest places?

Begging and supplication didn't work. And you can't really trim her while she sleeps.  So I have a suggestion.

One night while playing in bed tell her you would never ask her to do something you wouldn't do. then later ask her to trim her kitty. If she comes back and says,  you gotta trim your's well get out the old moustache/beard trimmer and trim it down to "Miami Vice" stubble length.

She may really like giving you oral when you are nice and clean and then may want you to trim her... or trim herself.

Serendipity Factor... The wifey may never ever use your razor again after she knows where it has been  ;)

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