The Erotic Highway

Thank you for your disclosure, CreamOfBeef. EOM
TheLoveGoddess 1976 reads


I have been using paxil for years and have no libidi and much difficulty in obtaining orgasm. It takes a real trooper of a provider to get me off.  I have heard that paxil can cause issues with sex drive is that true?  I have tried to wean myself off of paxil bet can't take the withdrawal symptoms. I hate being affected this way with this drug but don't know how to kick it or find a more sexually benign alternative.  Any ideas?

TheLoveGoddess3876 reads

Dear secrethobbyist53,

Answers to your questions:

1. Paxil is very well known for causing issues with sex drive, anorgasmia, delayed orgasm, etc.

2. You should NEVER try to wean yourself off Paxil. Paxil in particular can cause "electric shock-like" symptoms when trying to taper down or eliminate the drug out of your system too rapidly. You MUST seek the help of a qualified psychatrist who can monitor the withdrawal.

3. Again - see a psychiatrist who can prescribe an alternative. Paxil is an older SSRI and newer drugs are now on the market.

Don't do this on your own, please,
The Love Goddess

The literature says 5 percent have sexual side effects.  In my experience I am still waiting to meet the person that HAS NOT had side effects.  I weaned myself off it and not am taking edible marajuana.  No side effects at all.  Wellbutrin is also a good substitute for Paxil and also no side effects.

TheLoveGoddess2834 reads

they get a very unpleasant "wired" effect. Not to mention marijuana - some people get paranoid and can't tolerate it at all. That's why changes in meds should always be monitored by a psychiatrist, whether it's Wellbutrin or cannabinoids of some sort.

Paxil - difficult on all accounts,
The Love Goddess

CreamOfBeef2667 reads

I did the taper down myself after 3-4 years on the drug. My shrink disagreed with me and said I still needed it. So I did it. I know the electric shocks very well. I took the whole first week off to get through the worst of it. Nevertheless my PCP was aware as well as my most excellent therapist. I feel 1000% better after shedding that crap.

Now low and behold, the things I need to deal with and cofront are still there. I feel much better taking things on versus existing listlessly in an chemically induced lobotomy.

The OP should seek the help of a psych who will work with him first.

Nevertheless you can taper down safely if you need to.

My libido and ability came screaming back to normal. I recover in a half hour now and can be good for 4-5. I'm 39 and the paxil dose was 2omg a day.

Insidious shit.

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