The Erotic Highway

Stop it, you are giving me a hardon @ work! eomteeth_smile
holeydiver 113 Reviews 1884 reads


In the past, I have only received rimjobs, so this hasn't been an issue for me.  But recently I have been thinking about giving a rimjob.  However, I am wondering how soon after a person goes number 2 are they considered rim-ready?  Or is apart of the pleasure of performing a rimjob on another person is knowing you are cleaning them?  That does turn me on a little, but it seems wrong too.

Any help would be appreciated.


TheLoveGoddess2478 reads

Oh boy, Fair_Use,

That's an interesting question, since a person who has emptied his/her bowels is well, empty. So as soon as the poop has gone through the chute and the person has washed the peri-anal area, what's there to stop you? It seems you'd be more at risk for getting some excrement on your tongue if you rimmed BEFORE the person had evacuated his/her bowels, particularly if s/he were to "let go." Does it seem "wrong?" To whom? Because it's excrement...or? Hey, if coprophilia is your thing, who's to stop you? Worse things have been consumed, although the infection risk from eating someone else's shit is quite high.

On the other hand, I will tell you right away that I am NOT a fan of giving UNPROTECTED rim jobs to strangers, mostly because you don't know anything about their health status.  If you stick your tongue in a condom and use a dental dam around the area, then I guess it doesn't matter - at least not for the "infection" factor. But if you stick your bare tongue in there, you'd better make sure the receiver is immunized against hepatitis A and B. And then there's anal herpes; a substantial minority of people with genital HSV-2 have anal recurrent outbreaks, even if the initial infection was not in the anal area.

Geez, I wonder why I feel so queasy all of a sudden,
The Love Goddess

That's very insightful.  I had not considered the possibility of a torpedo in the hatch PRIOR to someone pinching off a poop in the toilet.  I guess the window of opportunity can be quite small given some people go potty 3 times a day.  Based on that, I am wondering if it isn't better to have anal intercourse before rimming, since that might pack the feces up higher, thereby giving my tongue more clearance when digging for the gold.

If two people really like each other, it seems natural to want to sniff and lick their anus, not unlike our canine cousins.  

Why not with a honest discussion about rimming?  Delicate, yes.  But the anus is delicate too.  

I like your Shakespeare take!  To rim or not to rim.  There no question for me!

"Based on that, I am wondering if it isn't better to have anal intercourse before rimming, since that might pack the feces up higher, thereby giving my tongue more clearance when digging for the gold."

HELL NO. If there is anything in there at all, you won't "pack the feces up higher" - you will have a huge mess on your hands. That is why we providers require extra time to prepare with enemas. But, even with enemas, being clean as a whistle is never guaranteed...we are only human and "shit" happens, lol. One can never control everything. Yuck.

GaGambler1943 reads

makes me laugh uncontrolablly. It just couldn't happen to a nicer guy. roflmfao. Well I am not really "rolling on the floor", but I am "laughing my fucking ass off" at the visual.

Hoestly, has this guy ever made a post where he wasn't jerking someone's chain?

DCpolitico2413 reads

yes, best time (and only time I do it) is if she and I first shower together and give mutual scrubbing - and the shower/mutual washing tiself can be quite fun.

Timbow2222 reads

Posted By: Fair_Use
In the past, I have only received rimjobs, so this hasn't been an issue for me.  But recently I have been thinking about giving a rimjob.  However, I am wondering how soon after a person goes number 2 are they considered rim-ready?  Or is apart of the pleasure of performing a rimjob on another person is knowing you are cleaning them?  That does turn me on a little, but it seems wrong too.

Any help would be appreciated.


Personally I like to rim ass after having anal sex with it. I think that does pack it tighter and only enhances the favor. Anyway, when it comes to trimming you really cannot go wrong.

Thanks for making my day.

As a fan of the Mediterranean, I have enjoyed this thread tremendously, but who gives a shit what I think

Its a shame there aren't more moderators supportive or at least neutral on innovative threads.  Some only censor and try to humiliate.  Odd way to run a supposively free thinking forum.

Zangari2592 reads

Holey diver:  You're hitting the TER site while at work?  Most employers now track web use.  I hope you're self-employed, or you may be 'Up in the Air' soon.

Can I mention the unmentionable?  I hope this is the end of a truly disgusting thread.   Sorry LG.  

rage away,  --z

I have been posting from work for 12 years. I also do not have HIV and I haven't been arrested. The sky is not falling, contrary to popular believe. Let the rimming begin!

BTW : I am sure internet use from work is an excuse to fire people, but it is unrealistic to think they will fire valuable employees for that reason. Its a way to weed out dead wood. That's all. And my wood ain't dead!

Posted By: Zangari

Holey diver:  You're hitting the TER site while at work?  Most employers now track web use.  I hope you're self-employed, or you may be 'Up in the Air' soon.

Can I mention the unmentionable?  I hope this is the end of a truly disgusting thread.   Sorry LG.  

rage away,  --z
-- Modified on 11/12/2010 7:51:39 AM

Zangari2172 reads

Posted By: holeydiver
I have been posting from work for 12 years. I also do not have HIV and I haven't been arrested. The sky is not falling, contrary to popular believe. Let the rimming begin!

BTW : I am sure internet use from work is an excuse to fire people, but it is unrealistic to think they will fire valuable employees for that reason. Its a way to weed out dead wood. That's all. And my wood ain't dead!  -- Modified on 11/12/2010 7:51:39 AM
Just recently, a friend of mine was fired and his security clearance revoked for web surfing on escort sites and porn sites.  And he was smart, a really sharp guy who was good at his job.  Don't do it at work, old sport.  They've got better tools now to track your web surfing.  They will kick you out the door, you can be replaced.  Guys who are smarter than you & me get fired every day.  

Once you lose your job and are broke, you'll be amazed at how quickly your favorite providers will forget about you.  Take care, --z

Lets give it another 12 years.

I'm at work right now, because no one else would work the weekend. So if my employer is listening now, please stock the bathrooms with Charmin Ultra Strong. Its the preferred toilet paper of rimjob devotees.

GaGambler1952 reads

I'll have to plead the fifth on that one. lol

Other boards have censored me, but if they have tried to humiliate me and did not know.  I'm not even sure what humiliated feels like.

All people are imperfect and do things that we ought to feel humiliated for every now and then.

I assure you that when the time comes, you will know it and recognize it.

You will also be more human then.  Remember that above all.

Apparently a lot of people give a shit.  My inbox is full of rimming PMs.  Too bad all the rim fans don't openly reply to this thread — it would be a mile long!

BTW — there a nice rusty trombone/trumpet and farting thread on the general board.  Things are looking up around here!

Made a conscious decision after reading this thread: No more rimming allowed on me ... and trying to kiss me after:) There I set my boundaries lol!! This thread is too funny but I'm serious: I now say no to rim jobs but God bless those who are into it!

Just because your kisser is not rimjobbing you does not mean he is not rimjobbing anyone. But I can see how that's a comforting fantasy.

I will be doing my first rimjob, as the rimmer instead of the rimee, this weekend.  This discourse has been most helpful and I will be referring back to it in my subsequent reviews, I think.

My first rimjob, as both a rimmer and rimmee, has been approved and listed.  I wonder if this cloud 9 feeling ever goes away?  Its been a week now and it stills feels like my tongue just came out.

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