The Erotic Highway

similar thoughts
Scaramouche 203 Reviews 34 reads

I've been thinking along similar lines.. but a bit different too.
Canada has some advantages and not too far.. but in looking at sugar versus pro, the pros win hands down. Very reasonably priced and less hassle, you know what you're getting. It's legal in most cases. I've not ruled out sugar but given the nature of these trips it would seem to make sense to go pro

Sometimes the dearth of sugar prospects here in Siberia gets reeaaaaly old.  So taking a trip to a target rich area just seems to make sense.  I'm not as bold a world traveler as our esteemed Herb, so I'm not planning on leaving the country for pussy.  Even though I know our home markets are more expensive.  Nevertheless, with that in mind, about 3 months ago I booked a round trip flight to one of the top ten largest metros in the good ole USofA.  My trip begins next Thurday, 2/1.  I've been browsing profiles, sending out DMs and emails, and chatting up the honeys for weeks. I've been very direct, asking for a hotel playdate and offering $2x the ppm I normally offer here at home. The results have been interesting, and encouraging so far.  I have serious sounding commitments from quite a few. Enough that I feel about 85% confident I'm going to enjoy some feminine companionship on the trip.  Maybe more than once! I have tried to keep my options open till the last minute by saying I won't know my exact schedule until I arrive.  Quite a few seem comfy with this.  I'll hopefully have a happy trip report to write up when I get home!

My Dear Papa Sweet,  

I have been called many things, most of them derogatory. :p Being called "esteemed" is a rare teat. My humble thanks, friend. :)  

Several of us here have posted about Sugaring while on business travel, and with mixed results.

No one, that I recall, has posted about travel (in the US) explicitly for sugar dating.  Without those pesky corporate meetings, dinners, and strategy breakfasts, you will have ample time and mental bandwidth to focus on the goal.  I know you will arrive in your designated location with Spidey Senses turned up to 100%. So reduced (but still not zero) worries about falling under a scammers' schemes.  

Wondering how you are vetting the hotel(s) you will use.  I can't see any hotel front desk caring if you have one guest during your stay. But will they notice, and will they care if you have several guests?  I suppose if that hotel requires a room key to use the elevator, that may be problematic...  

Other than that minor concern (no pun intended) I foresee you having a wonderful experience, or two, or three, or...  :)  

Life is good

The Cat

Thanks for the very kind words! Yes, this expedition is solely for the purpose of sugar dating, no pesky meetings other than the good kind are planned.  Southwest Air had one of those too good to be true sales so I bought some cheap tickets!

My spidey senses are indeed turned up.  But contrary to accepted wisdom (and my own better judgement) I have actually decided to budget a few modest sums of $ for seed money.  That is, to send via venmo to a few who seem worthy and ask for proof of concept in advance.  Like chumming the waters with bait, you don't really expect to catch fish that way, but it might help.  And the cost, relatively speaking, is modest.  Like advertising; when it pays off it's so worthwhile.  When it fails it's a total waste.  

As for the hotel, it's one of a high end chain which I have stayed at before.  I like their service.  And I have entertained more than a single visitor per stay on previous trips with zero eyebrows raised.  I do hope to have a couple of good experiences, but even if it's just one I'll consider the trip a success.  We shall see!

Best wishes on your journey. I have done this a handful of times over the years with mixed success. Be prepared for the same level of flakiness as you face on your home turf, though I realize yours is remote from your actual home. Always have a plan B, C and D. I have found it is best to wait until a week before to make arrangements rather than several weeks in advance because too much can happen to derail plans. Plus you need constant contact to keep things on plan. That said, I remained in contact with a few for some time after my visits via text, even years later. One, to this day, some 5 years later. They are good people and I have enjoyed following their lives.

Like you, I have always been honest about my intent: I'll only be there for a visit and some find this exciting, but others may need the illusion it might be more than a one time thing, even if it isn't. The carrot: while I don't visit often, I may be back again soon. A bit of a white lie because, well, it could happen, just no guarantees! Most have been genuine amateur sugar babies with real jobs.

And I have typically met for dinner before hand and gone back to the hotel and never had an issue with the front desk if they were with me. A couple of times baseball games were involved. One even picked me up at the hotel and drove me to the stadium and back, and was great at the hotel! However another time I had an individual insist on cash at dinner and I was naive enough to provide it and she dashed as we exited the restaurant. It was deflating because we had met the previous year and had a marvelous, incident free time!  

Overall, I have had some terrific experiences despite the bad one. One turned into a bonus unplanned day long "private tour" of San Francisco!

Good luck and please report! (I know you will!)

It’s especially good to know there is professional backup if you go to a City of any size. There are also interesting things to see when you are not humping

I like to plan ahead.  Way ahead.  Then relax and savor the upcumming fun with gleeful anticipation.   Turns out most SBs don't like to plan ahead or are simply incapable of doing so for whatever reason.  It's only 4 days till my trip begins, which to me feels like total last minute scrambling to make plans.  But In the past few days I've had more replies from SBs than I have in the past few weeks.  So it may be counter productive to try and plan ahead very far, even though that's my mature.  I even had 1 girl tell me weeks ago she was interested but did not plan in advance and I should call when I'm in town.  Couldn't resist, I DM'd her again yesterday, just 5 days early.  She went off on me, said "I don't operate that way"  and blocked me!  Anyway, as my departure approaches, I'll be super busy making plans and sorting options.  (which I'd rather have done weeks ago, but there you go!)

I've seen the same type of behavior as well. Both at home and when trying to line up POT's in another location, including cities in the Philippines.  

Locally, I have found that once I start active messaging with a POT, I need to schedule a M&G no more than 3 days out or risk her losing interest. That can be a challenge for me, as I tend to plan my schedule one week or more in advance.  It's especially complicated when seeing multiple SB's. In the Philippines, my trip last year taught me that there are a lot of viable POT's who won't commit to a M&G or BCD until I am in the city. I was still able to schedule 3 dinner + BCD dates during my 16-day stay, and two worked out well. But between SA and other dating apps frequently used there, I let dozens of opportunities slip by...  

I now see this as an inherent tension between SD's, who are successful in part due to their ability to make a good plan and then execute it well, and SB's who are by nature more opportunistic about closing a deal asap.  She may not want to wait a week or 10 days to get that allowance when she can get paid tonight or tomorrow, and the next night, and maybe she will still be interested in meeting that guy who wasn't really serious sometime next week. Over the years I have learned to only start messaging when I have openings in my schedule in the next 24-72 hours.  

As I get closer to my travel time, I will plan a pseudo-spontaneous approach (yes, I get the irony of planning to be spontaneous) to connecting with POTs in Angeles City.  If you've bothered to look at profiles within 15 miles of the city, you will see there are less than a few dozen viable/active right now.  Just one week before I fly, I will be changing my SA location to that city, and I'll update my profile text as well to specifically focus on those profiles. Next, I will contact the top 3 POT's and see how that goes. Finally, since I will be there for 4 weeks, I will keep my profile active and look for new opportunities daily with the intent of closing any new POT's the same day or next day.    

Now I'm not too worried about not getting BCD time, as available women are literally on every block. But still, the sugar experience is different (better for me) than grabbing a bar girl or freelancer from the street.  

Papa Sweet, it may be interesting to compare overall experiences when we both get home.... I know we will both affirm that...


Life is good

The Cat

I was thinking about changing my SA location from my home in Siberia to the Major Metro I'm visiting.  But I couldn't decide if that was a good idea and I have not done so.  While debating that strategy I wondered how far in advance made sense, and your suggestion that one week out is a good time frame is no doubt correct.  It's just 2 days till I head out and I already feel like I have plenty of potentials, but maybe I'll try it just to see what happens.  On the flip side of that coin I have occasionally seen "new" profiles pop up here in my local search results from SBs who have been members of SA for quite some time.  When I contact them it often turns out that they are out of towners slumming it here in Siberia for one reason or another.  And looking for some male attention while they are here!  I contacted one of those just a few days ago.  Turns out she'll be here on the same days I'm out of town.  Poor timing!  Too bad, since she's a 10!

-- Modified on 1/30/2024 9:38:27 AM

I've been thinking along similar lines.. but a bit different too.
Canada has some advantages and not too far.. but in looking at sugar versus pro, the pros win hands down. Very reasonably priced and less hassle, you know what you're getting. It's legal in most cases. I've not ruled out sugar but given the nature of these trips it would seem to make sense to go pro

AsianManNOVA34 reads

San Diego, Toronto, Chicago, Atlanta. I also ran into a cash-and-dash in Phoenix. She played a long game and spent a lot of time with me at dinner to get my guard down. By the time we went back to my hotel, I thought this was a done deal so I Venmoed her the money before we started. We even made out a bit first. Once she got the money, she pretended to go to the bathroom and took off. Another hard lesson learned.

I usually stay at an Airbnb place so I am not worried about attracting attention when I bring her back to my apartment. If I stayed at a hotel, I would usually ask her to come up to my room to avoid being seen together. The funny thing is some SBs want to stand next to you when you check in at the hotel. I guess they want to feel they are your GF, not an escort.

If you are interested in going to a city to find SB's, Atlanta is probably your target city. I received so many replies that I couldn't answer all of them. Unfortunately, I could only see one during my short stay there.

Agree with Scaramouche that it's better to see agency girls in Canada. They are much cheaper and better looking than American agency girls. I saw three when I was there. I also saw an SB on another trip there. She was far more expensive and just so-so in bed.

-- Modified on 1/29/2024 1:02:22 PM

BuckNaked0035 reads

Miami was stunningly friendly on a recent Business Trip.   Seriously thinking about going back for a week of “Work from Hotel”

Ok, here's how it played out.   I flew to the Metro, checked into my hotel, and waited for my date to show up.  At the last minute she cancelled.  I was off to a discouraging start, esp since she was one who sounded very sincere and able to commit in advance.  0 for 1 on day one.

Next day, my next date was scheduled for noon.  She showed up on time, looking even cuter and hotter than her photos!  Picture a 29yo 5' 3" 103lb spinner with a perfect little body, dark hair down to her waist, and very horny.  A dream cum true!  She was a 10 in my book and we had a fantastic time BCD.  She was also smart, interested in having a connection and conversations.  I was sorry to see her go!  Great date!

I had planned on 1 date per day, but since day 1 was a bust I decided to try to arrange another date on day 2.  I texted a SB who I'd talked to a week previous and had asked for a rain check.  But I told her it turned out I actually did have time and could she see me that evening?  She said yes, and showed up at 9:30pm.  The was a very young one, just 19, tall slim with a beautiful body.  Turned out she was not the sharpest tack in the box, so no serious rapport or connection. But she was honestly eager to proceed with the activities and have some fun.  So even though it was somewhat mechanical we enjoyed ourselves.  The following morning I flew home.

Here's my thoughts in retrospect.  Was it worth it?  First off the money.  I spent 450 on the hotel.   I gave date #1 $600, and date #2 $500.  These are much higher amounts than I give my local SBs, and not sustainable for me long term.  But I had little leverage to negotiate due to my brief window of opportunity and decided not to worry too much about their asks.  My plane fare was free (lotsa saved up free flyer miles) but the airfare could easily have added more cost to this trip.  So $1550 out of pocket for 2 dates made this  very expensive in terms of fun per dollar.

I don't enjoy traveling.  Spending 5 to 6 hours door to door for a 1 hour flight is tedious and tiring.  I made the trip because my local rotation evaporated some months ago and I figured why not try something long distance. I could see taking turns with an out of town SB flying to each others' cities for a monthly playdate.  And my first excellent date this trip would be an amazing SB to repeat with!  But expensive.  So as a proof of concept the trip was a success.  But I was darn tired when I got home.  I'm more than ever motivated to find a new local SB or two with whom I can create a meaningful connection on all levels: mental, emotional, and sexual.  The one time things are fun, but not deeply satisfying, and remind me why I quit dating escorts and began sugar dating in the first place.

-- Modified on 2/4/2024 12:59:22 PM

... is a good landing.  

So in those terms you can call this trip a success.  I'll add as an unstated achievement that if you were able to "engage" twice in one day, you had success piled on top of success. (I'm lucky of I can go twice two days in a row).  Makes me wonder: if on your next travel adventure, you can gently wrangle these two into a threesome you could average out age, skill, and cash to get a nice bucket list trophy as well. :)  

Congratulations to Papa Sweet!  Sugaring like a Boss!  

Life is good

The Cat

Thanks for sharing this Sweetman. We’ve all had our great moments and disappointments and this sounds like a mixed bag for you.  
The takeaway for me is that sugar is pretty much real dating and this can take time for research, vetting and getting comfortable with each other. It makes it difficult for a short trip. It does seem like you found some genuine gals who are not pros.
What I would do if you pursue this s to take real vacation somewhere you want to go, spend a week in an Airbnb and do stuff you want to do interspersed with sugar hunting. That way you have less pressure.
Or keep up with girl #1 and fly her to you for a weekend at possibly the same cost.

I can't do multitasking.   If I am going to go on a tourist vacation, I wouldn't want to be distracted by sex tourism.  Similarly if I am doing sex tourism, I wouldn't want to be distracted by sightseeing.  I'll end up half-assing both and having scheduling anxiety.    
That FMTY sounds like a good idea.  I've only every booked an hour or two with SB's.  But when you start talking $1500, I think you could easily get a full weekend out of one for that price.  You can show her your town.  Put her up at a hotel, even let her have some personal time.  If I was going to spend that kind of money ... which I'm not. ;-)

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