The Erotic Highway

SB background check
asiantantric 163 Reviews 456 reads

Do any of you guys do a background check on your SBs?

Thinking if it's a good idea if the plan is to have a LTA. Goal is to find out if she's married or not. Don't want hubby problems. Also want check if she has money problems that can push her to blackmail or criminal history.  

She has none of my personal info but I am sure those things pop out during cuddle time. So better to be safe I am thinking.  Your thoughts.

-- Modified on 12/22/2016 5:30:22 AM

about 35 bucks a month on truthfinder.

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil

Or at least elaborate the extent of your snooping and sleuthing, will ya?.

Here are the (minimally invasive) steps which I take which have served me well so far:

- Google phone number at first which at times can provide a wealth of info. For instance once, it came up with a bunch of CL ads when the POT SB was trying to sell off her Earthly possessions presumably because of her dire financial needs. Another time, the number showed up when one SB was looking to roommate with someone and interestingly the seeking roommate ad had mentioned a child whereas the SA profile had not mentioned as such. These experiences were quite a few years ago though!

- Once I find out the whole name (mostly post arrangement and post coitus) I do Google search which further assists with more "benign" info such as FB, maybe an IG account or in some rarer cases when the SB is not a complete deadbeat I have even seen LinkedIn profiles.

Since I have no social media accounts of my own whatsoever, I do not take this info any step further by trying to pry into their personal lives specially if the FB account has private status. In reality if you are married and have lots to lose (not in my case), I would caution against an LTA and would advise you to stick with a less robust P4P or PPM agreement.

This one has also saved my skin once or twice! There was this one very hot looking POT SB but the extent to which she was willing to cut me slack despite my flakiness! Something always seemed a bit off about her, so I always avoided making a confirmed meet with her because she came across as desperate. On a whim, I Google searched her SA profile photo, low and behold it comes up on her SM accounts which showed them to be at least 2-3 years old! Then, I found out that she had a YT channel and when I viewed one of her posted videos (aspiring artist), WHAT A LIL PORKIE!!! She must have gained at least 25 lb. easily and the video was from this past Aug. No thanks!

A word to the wise, you will come across lots of GND type girls on SA who have packed on 10-20 lb. easily since they were photographed as a slimmer version of themselves. Some of them if from an earlier athletic background can carry it quite well which I don't mind, but when it all goes to the hips and the muffin gut, please count me out. All of extra flesh can go to my esteemed monger and former neighbor SftD, who currently resides in the Cali version of p*ssy Siberia :D

Ditto for me on my process.  

Once, very early on, I found the FB account for a 23 yr old SB I had seen twice in one week for non-BCD and BCD activity. We had made plans to spend a weekend together which required air travel and hotels. I thought we had a very deep connection and we would quickly transition to a real BF/GF thing. (Like I said, this was EARLY in my SD life!)

I freaked out when I saw that she was married, and it was to a guy older than me!  

So now I do some routine checks specifically to see a glimpse or at least a footprint of her civilian life. Hopefully before we meet, but typically a short time after. This has helped me avoid or bail on Back page pro's, woman who are married or have a pimp, hidden moms, and high-dollar scammers (promise it all, deliver nothing) more than once.

Sometimes when you put a phone number in the Facebook search box you get taken the the persons real facebook page.  I've found pictures, real names, city of residence, lots of info. It didn't surprise me too much that many SBs gave me their real phone numbers. But it did surprise the hell out of me to discover that some top tier providers had given me phone numbers that linked to their true identities and facebook pages!

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