The Erotic Highway

Re:Question for the Love Goddess
Love Goddess 20225 reads

Dear Curious,
All very good and very interesting questions! Cunnilingus and fellatio have been practiced throughout history, in various societies. In the Kama Sutra, there are writings on how to perform such acts, and also who should perform them. As to fellatio, it was done by eunuchs, some dressed as males and some dressed as females. Women who performed fellatio were generally of lower castes or flat out courtesans. Fellatio in India was "allowed" in some geographical areas and not in others. It is also written that when a man and a woman lie together with their faces toward their respective genitals, it is called "the congress of a cow." [This phrase was also used in the film comedy "Best In Show," however, it was erroneously describing the 'doggie style' position.]

As to why people like it, well, the anatomic explanation would be that you have mesodermic tissue in those areas, full of nerve endings and sensitive to touch. It's the same as when you stick your tongue in someone else's mouth to kiss...yummy, huh?

Now, psychoanalysis has attempted to present a unifying psychosexual theory about everything between men and women. Freud postulated that while there was nothing specifically 'wrong' with these sexual practices, the context in which they were experienced, and particularly during which psychosexual stage, would have a profound influence on the psyche of the individual. Since Freud, many later psychoanalytic theorists have presented their "findings." A conceptualization follows along Freud's first psychosexual stage, namely the "oral" stage. According to Freud, if you were "arrested developmentally" at the oral stage, you would become either one of these two types - an oral incorporative type or an oral expulsive type. So, if you're a gluttonous type (hey, isn't that just about all of us in the US) then you like to gorge on everything..including genitals! If you are an expulsive type, then you're nasty, uptight, rejecting and spitting out all that is given to you...and no, then you wouldn't like to have oral sex.

On a clinical level, I think many psychoanalytic theories have done more harm than good. We are progressing so rapidly in brain research and behavioral genetics, that psychoanalysis is falling out of favor in the mainstream psychiatric community. Could you imagine that only 30 years ago, we were still talking about schizophrenogenic mothers (moms causing their kids to become schizophrenics?!,) homosexuality-causing family dynamics, and various other issues which were deemed to depend on external influences. So at this point, I don't care much for what psychoanalysis has to say about sex in their epigenetic (stage) theories. Personally, I say that I've always loved fellatio because my mom quit breastfeeding me too early, and that the penis is one giant feeding about that for a brainshrinker to stew on!

Keep on being Curious to know,
Love Goddess

Curious to know20465 reads

Are cunnilingus and fellatio modern practices developed in "advanced" civilizations or has it been practiced throughout history? Why do most women like fellatio and most men DATY.Are there any psychoanalytic underpinnings for it?

Love Goddess20226 reads

Dear Curious,
All very good and very interesting questions! Cunnilingus and fellatio have been practiced throughout history, in various societies. In the Kama Sutra, there are writings on how to perform such acts, and also who should perform them. As to fellatio, it was done by eunuchs, some dressed as males and some dressed as females. Women who performed fellatio were generally of lower castes or flat out courtesans. Fellatio in India was "allowed" in some geographical areas and not in others. It is also written that when a man and a woman lie together with their faces toward their respective genitals, it is called "the congress of a cow." [This phrase was also used in the film comedy "Best In Show," however, it was erroneously describing the 'doggie style' position.]

As to why people like it, well, the anatomic explanation would be that you have mesodermic tissue in those areas, full of nerve endings and sensitive to touch. It's the same as when you stick your tongue in someone else's mouth to kiss...yummy, huh?

Now, psychoanalysis has attempted to present a unifying psychosexual theory about everything between men and women. Freud postulated that while there was nothing specifically 'wrong' with these sexual practices, the context in which they were experienced, and particularly during which psychosexual stage, would have a profound influence on the psyche of the individual. Since Freud, many later psychoanalytic theorists have presented their "findings." A conceptualization follows along Freud's first psychosexual stage, namely the "oral" stage. According to Freud, if you were "arrested developmentally" at the oral stage, you would become either one of these two types - an oral incorporative type or an oral expulsive type. So, if you're a gluttonous type (hey, isn't that just about all of us in the US) then you like to gorge on everything..including genitals! If you are an expulsive type, then you're nasty, uptight, rejecting and spitting out all that is given to you...and no, then you wouldn't like to have oral sex.

On a clinical level, I think many psychoanalytic theories have done more harm than good. We are progressing so rapidly in brain research and behavioral genetics, that psychoanalysis is falling out of favor in the mainstream psychiatric community. Could you imagine that only 30 years ago, we were still talking about schizophrenogenic mothers (moms causing their kids to become schizophrenics?!,) homosexuality-causing family dynamics, and various other issues which were deemed to depend on external influences. So at this point, I don't care much for what psychoanalysis has to say about sex in their epigenetic (stage) theories. Personally, I say that I've always loved fellatio because my mom quit breastfeeding me too early, and that the penis is one giant feeding about that for a brainshrinker to stew on!

Keep on being Curious to know,
Love Goddess

Curious to know16732 reads

I don't have an explanation for fellatio other than freud's explanation of penis envy. But, the male addiction to cunnilingus is IMO an almost universal male desire to relaxe from worldly pressures.What better way to achieve it than to try and return to the pre-natal state when we lay in the womb surrouded by a fluid mass that fed and shielded us from the external world.How exactly does it relate to DATY? I've noticed from personal observation that during DATY (1)I'm in a semi-concious ecstatic state and (2)the experience is more pronouced the stronger my partner's orgasm and the associated amount of ejected fluid-i.e.a condition closer to the womb state!
What d'ya think? Thanks


Love Goddess23518 reads

How nice for you, Curious! I try not to conjecture too much on psychoanalytic womb-associations and go for the simple things instead: your entire brain is flooded with endorphins; your VNO (vomeronasal organ in side your nose) is suffused by female pheromones as you bury your face in the heavenly body, which in turn produces more serotonin and feelings of well-being; and, all that touching gets your oxytocin kicking (yep, it does for men too) which gets you even more in the mood for fondling whatever's soft, female and responsive. Yes, it will relax you from worldly pressures, that's for sure. But I think it's more of a sexual adult male issue than a universal wish  to return to the womb per se. Or else we'd have the same interest on the female side from non-lesbians as well. Or gay guys, for that matter.

Whatever it is, enjoy the feeling,
the Love Goddess

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