The Erotic Highway

Re:I think I have a problem
keep the change 17512 reads

are you suggesting he tell his wife about seeing escorts as well?

Middle Ga Mike19087 reads

Believe it or not, this is a serious post.
I'm 50 and I masturbate at least once a day     ( and often 2 or 3 times ). I've been at my occupation for over 25 yrs and thus have learned how to cut corners and that gives me a lot of free time alone in front of computer ( I work out of office at home ). Usually I get on TER and get aroused reading the reviews and occassionally use chat rooms to get aroused. By the way, I've been married 24 years. Have sex with wife maybe 2-3 times a month. I do suffer from ED. I take Levitra ( when having sex with wife ) ususally that works , but not always. Funny thing, I get harder reading the reviews. Am I perverted ?.......probably an addiction for sure.
I hobby when I can hide a few dollars. I really enjoy it, but feel guilty afterwards...not so much about the act with an escort, but spending money on my selfish desires. I'm really kind of screwed up aren't I ?

Love Goddess16152 reads

Dear Middle Ga Mike,
I think your problem is in the second sentence of your posting: "I've been at my occupation for over 25 years and thus have learned how to cut corners and that gives me a lot of free time alone in front of computer (I work out of office at home.)" Why are you cutting corners? To get more time doing fun things, or because you can do your job with your eyes closed and the thrill is gone?

I have absolutely no idea of what you are doing professionally, but it seems like doing the same thing for 25 years while working out of an office at home might signal massive boredom. And what's more entertaining and distracting than sexual preoccupations?

My next question is, are you bored with your wife? I know that's a blunt one, but you really need to address that too. I think you're in a rut, I really do. When I read your posting, I get this feeling of same-same-same-all-day-long, with an occasional whiff of excitement by reading reviews or spending a few extra dollars on an escort.

Yes, it would stand to reason that you'd get harder reading the reviews. They represent a flight from your day to day existence, a phantasy and an escape. As to your speculation that your desires are selfish, maybe you even feel guilty for HAVING desires?!?

No, I don't think you're a 'sex addict' or 'kind of screwed up.' But I think it's probably time for you to take serious stock of your life at large, beginning with the job situation. Are there ways for you to make your job more challenging or stimulating? Can you add or change the location of your work? Move to a different room, even?

As to your wife, you do need to talk. Profoundly, deeply, intimately. Maybe she's in a dreadful rut too and feeling it. And it's rubbing off on you. My best advice that I can give to you is to go see a therapist, even if only for a few sessions. And bring your wife. There's a dog buried here somewhere, and it's not in your pants. Meanwhile, keep masturbating. Why not, it's good for the prostate and the plumbing.

Please meet with a therapist, Mike. Let some of the extra dollars go toward a few appointments. It's not about your sex, it's about your life. And bring your wife, I think it would do you  some good and breathe some life into the both of ya. As to the hobbyin', your big head will make a deal with your little head when the time comes. But for now, just focus on the big one and ask yourself these really difficult questions.

Let us know how it goes,
the Love Goddess

keep the change17513 reads

are you suggesting he tell his wife about seeing escorts as well?

Love Goddess15085 reads

it comes up in therapy and he feels ready to take the risk in opening up. Also, to the poster above: the marriage is not the primary problem; whatever is going on there is a consequence of his existential boredom...

Prominent Provider19958 reads

....I see a trend......

Biologically, men are not meant to reproduce at 50 (40-60 yoa).  Women encounter menopause, men also "go through a change"......

Biologically, at 45+ you are not meant to have children.  From 20-30 you are physically designed to procreate hence you CUM ALL THE TIME and are HORNY!!!!  After that, biologically, you are not meant to procreate, and the experience means more PSYCHOLOGICALLY........

Enjoy it for what it is.... stop trying to fuck like a younger man.  It won't happen nor do we enjoy it it more....

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