The Erotic Highway

Re:Clarification - it was a provider post
nuke6 47 Reviews 13100 reads

Funny, I always thought that "WFE" stood for "warm, fuzzy experience".

I'm seeing it more often these days on the boards and not sure what it means.  No kissing?

Love Goddess21475 reads

Dear hardwood35m,
I truly believe this is strictly up to interpretation, depending on the context and the writer of the posting. If it's a hobbyist describing a provider's service, then one could surmise that No Girlfriend Experience means maybe no kissing (since this is what a girlfriend most likely does.) And also an absence of some other warm and fuzzy things that make an encounter humanizing and personable..hugging, verbal affirmations, sweetness, caring, addition to some great, uninhibited sex.

If it's a provider shooting herself in the foot and stating that she doesn't provide a GFE, well, then I'm assuming she's not that busy. Who wants to hang out with a cold fish?

Group thoughts?
the Love Goddess

This was a provider post on the Chicago CityVibe board.  I saw the same thing on the San Francisco boards as well so that got me wondering.

Love Goddess17324 reads

I guess these are providers who don't want to kiss, hug, or otherwise act as "girlfriends" for even a measly hour [that they get paid for.] Well, the pity's on them. One more wham-bam experience down the drain...

I'd always go for a WFE (warm, friendly experience, almost like good wife, LOL!)

the Love Goddess

No doubt.  A few minutes of conversation (anything from inanity of the weather to the absurdity of politics), a little massage (both ways), some affection, something - human.  Anything other than the bored-waitress routine reciting her menu for the fiftieth time that morning.

It sorta makes a guy something more to think about, to look forward to, and probably even repeat.

I wonder if part of it could be the "Pretty Woman syndrome" - never kiss because that's *too* personal.  Maybe that particular provider is just worried about becoming confused herself - or that too many guys might not think about brushing beforehand...?

Funny, I always thought that "WFE" stood for "warm, fuzzy experience".

they want to be known as a good "technician" rather than a touchy-feely type girl friend.  What they are saying is "I'll give you great head, handjob, massage or whatever, but there's no emotion involved and don't you go falling in love with me and get all puppy eyed.

Maybe they are sick of guys falling in love and trying to reform them or similar foolishness that I hear from escort friends.

Maybe it is not the wisest in terms of marketing, but they may sense that there is a market for the guy who wants some admitedly mechanical sex with no strings and this is their way of signaling to him that "I'm your girl."

I have seen a few such providers in my time, and while I am more in tune with the GFE type, I must admit that at times, a good technician is just the thing you want.

-- Modified on 6/29/2006 10:22:22 PM

-- Modified on 6/29/2006 10:21:26 PM

metalman4u15100 reads

I would interpret no GFE as meaning no kissing on the lips and no DATY.

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