The Erotic Highway

Re:BBBJ.. safety
Love Goddess 17061 reads

Dear draprdpro,
Clearly I'm not a physician, so I'm not really authorized to give a factual medical reply. But...from years of counseling and taking CEU-approved courses, I can tell you that yes, you can get both chlamydia and Hepatitis C from sexually unprotected activities. As for HIV, it's highly doubtful, unless you have open sores inside your mouth (and she's HIV positive, of course.)

I'm attaching the link to a very useful website from the CDC. There, you can see medically qualified responses to your questions.

My own personal opinon on this is that there are never any guarantees. Every time you see a provider and do anything uncovered, you take a risk. I may be biased and prejudiced here, but it would seem that a low-volume, pricey provider who can afford and gets regular medical checkups would be safer, but who knows?

BBBJs feel really good though, (sigh)
the Love Goddess

draprdpro20909 reads

HI. I was wondering what the real story is with risk with a provider when getting a BBBJ?  
I have gotten clamidia and am cured but, am concerned about getting herpes or the C again?  
Can you help and expain the risks?


Love Goddess17062 reads

Dear draprdpro,
Clearly I'm not a physician, so I'm not really authorized to give a factual medical reply. But...from years of counseling and taking CEU-approved courses, I can tell you that yes, you can get both chlamydia and Hepatitis C from sexually unprotected activities. As for HIV, it's highly doubtful, unless you have open sores inside your mouth (and she's HIV positive, of course.)

I'm attaching the link to a very useful website from the CDC. There, you can see medically qualified responses to your questions.

My own personal opinon on this is that there are never any guarantees. Every time you see a provider and do anything uncovered, you take a risk. I may be biased and prejudiced here, but it would seem that a low-volume, pricey provider who can afford and gets regular medical checkups would be safer, but who knows?

BBBJs feel really good though, (sigh)
the Love Goddess

Can you educate us on the "tell tale signs" (sp?) os a Low and high volume provider.


Truthplz15435 reads

It's a difficult thing to determine. Providers typically will say that they are low volume because that's what clients want to hear. Some people tend to think just because the rate is higher her volume is lower but that may or may not be the case.

Love Goddess16619 reads

see the thread above and the post below. It's clearly in the eyes of the beholder (and the provider!) Some feel that one client per day is high volume, others accept it as the norm and would triple that amount to get into high volume territory. One "rule" of the game would be that a very high-priced provider is low volume, only because her prices exclude a majority of hobbyists from meeting with her.

the Love Goddess

Look at the San Francisco City Clinic website, listed below.

I confess, I crusade against BBBJ for the providers' sake, not the clients'.

Notice have DATY is much safer than BBBJ, both for provider and client.

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