The Erotic Highway

Re: Propecia and sex
TheLoveGoddess 3071 reads

Wow, KarlSpackler,

It seems you throw so many things down your hatch - Propecia, Viagra, excessive amounts of food - no wonder you're having issues!

First of all, YES, it's surely the Propecia. Some men become affected exactly the way you describe. As to "a minority," I assure you that it's a lot more than a minority. A drug company will only know if its product has side effects if they are reported. Do you really think that all men who try Propecia actually report the side effects? I'd say most of them don't - they simply quit taking the product. And GPs and/or urologists/internists, etc. are far too busy to call in or write reports to the drug companies about a product that's mainly there for vanity. So I'd go so far as to say that it's not such a small minority as the physicians would have it.

Secondly, if you've had a problem with PE all your life, then you'd be a good candidate for Priligy - dapoxetine, which is NOT available in the USA. Not to complain about the FDA, but their priorities are not with PE but with life-threatening problems. Hence the approval process for this European medication could still take YEARS, to the detriment and sadness of PE sufferers everywhere. So for now, it seems that the start-stop method, the Seamans' squeeze and other remedies are pretty worthless...or? Have you tried those?

I really believe you're going to have to make a choice here - quit the Propecia and get back to your usual levels of libido, or continue and watch your sex drive decline. Of course your weight and stress contribute to the problem - and they will continue to do so to a higher extent, the older you get.

If you really want to get back on track, lose the 25-30 lbs (that's OBESITY, no matter how you look at things) by hitting the gym and eating properly. That alone will raise your libido, although I know from experience that even guys who kill themselves in the gym and whose testosterone levels are normal to high will tank sexually on Propecia. It will also lower your blood pressure, which will enable you to handle stress and performance anxiety much better.

Quite frankly, if you switch your life goal to "run a marathon if I have to," then you'll at least have the testosterone necessary to masturbate before a date and prolong the pleasure just a little bit. As to the Viagra, well, that's not a cure for PE - and if you don't have an issue with erections in general, why do you take it? I'm hard-pressed to believe that Viagra enables you to "go two rounds," but if you say so....

It seems you will have to make some serious choices soon. And remember - you can always get some extra hair grafted in there.

Most women will take fat-free with less hair,
The Love Goddess

KarlSpackler5565 reads


I started taking Propecia over a year ago for hair loss and have had really good results-the hair loss has stopped and I've actually grwon thicker/ fuller hair.  At the time, the doctor told me that in a small amount of men, there could be "sexual side effects".  I blew it off at the time and told myself I would assess things in a year after the meds could have time to work or not.

Well, siting here a year later I'm perplexed.  I've had great results with medication as mentioned above but I have found a few things on the sexual side that Im not sure can or can't be attributed to Propecia side effects.

First, I have seen a decrease in libido.  I still get horny but its more like every 5-7 days vs every day or two in the past.  I'm not sure if this is from the Propecia or from the fact that I'm in my mid 40's, have a very stressful job and life, travel a ton, etc.  Second, I believe the volume of my ejaculation appears to be less as well as my recovery time.  I used to have the desire to go another round or two now I'm less interested.

Most importantly, I've noticed a pretty major issue with pre-mature ejaculation.  Now, this has been an issue my entire life-and I've read previous threads here on this.  I simply have never been a "long-laster"-except for on the few occassions where the stars/ planets aligned and I could find a way to control it (almost always with my SO).  Whenever I'm with a provider,it's more of an issue-especially in the last year (though my visits since going on the meds arent many).  Sometimes, I ejacualte within moments of a provider grabbing my penis-which is unusual even given my past and can be quite embarrassing.  I can do a second round-but even that doesnt last long.

My remedy to the PE ws far from scientific.  Before starting on the Propecia I would masturbate the night or morning of a session and would be raring to go for the session.  I would still have an issue with not lasting but it wasnt as pronounced as it seems to be now.  Now, if I masturbate the night before a session, I find myself not interested in going through with the session the next day becuse I'm not horny.

So, I'm not sure if this problem is tied to the Propecia or other issues like hobby guilt, performance anxiety, health (I'm about 25-30 pounds overweight), stress, blah, blah, blah.  I can live with the libido calming to every 6-7 days but I really want to eliminate the PE issue.  One of my life's goals is to have intercourse or a bj last longer than a few minutes or sometimes seconds (how sad is that).

I dont want to stop taking the Propecia but I desparately want to address the PE.  In the interest of full disclosure, I do take viagra before every session-mainly to insure tht I will have an erection and can go 2 rounds.  I dont really have an issue getting an erection in general.

Interested to hear your thoughts...

TheLoveGoddess3072 reads

Wow, KarlSpackler,

It seems you throw so many things down your hatch - Propecia, Viagra, excessive amounts of food - no wonder you're having issues!

First of all, YES, it's surely the Propecia. Some men become affected exactly the way you describe. As to "a minority," I assure you that it's a lot more than a minority. A drug company will only know if its product has side effects if they are reported. Do you really think that all men who try Propecia actually report the side effects? I'd say most of them don't - they simply quit taking the product. And GPs and/or urologists/internists, etc. are far too busy to call in or write reports to the drug companies about a product that's mainly there for vanity. So I'd go so far as to say that it's not such a small minority as the physicians would have it.

Secondly, if you've had a problem with PE all your life, then you'd be a good candidate for Priligy - dapoxetine, which is NOT available in the USA. Not to complain about the FDA, but their priorities are not with PE but with life-threatening problems. Hence the approval process for this European medication could still take YEARS, to the detriment and sadness of PE sufferers everywhere. So for now, it seems that the start-stop method, the Seamans' squeeze and other remedies are pretty worthless...or? Have you tried those?

I really believe you're going to have to make a choice here - quit the Propecia and get back to your usual levels of libido, or continue and watch your sex drive decline. Of course your weight and stress contribute to the problem - and they will continue to do so to a higher extent, the older you get.

If you really want to get back on track, lose the 25-30 lbs (that's OBESITY, no matter how you look at things) by hitting the gym and eating properly. That alone will raise your libido, although I know from experience that even guys who kill themselves in the gym and whose testosterone levels are normal to high will tank sexually on Propecia. It will also lower your blood pressure, which will enable you to handle stress and performance anxiety much better.

Quite frankly, if you switch your life goal to "run a marathon if I have to," then you'll at least have the testosterone necessary to masturbate before a date and prolong the pleasure just a little bit. As to the Viagra, well, that's not a cure for PE - and if you don't have an issue with erections in general, why do you take it? I'm hard-pressed to believe that Viagra enables you to "go two rounds," but if you say so....

It seems you will have to make some serious choices soon. And remember - you can always get some extra hair grafted in there.

Most women will take fat-free with less hair,
The Love Goddess

Thanks LG-I appreciate the honest feedback.  

I realize even more now that I need to make some adjustments in my life and soon.  And I will.

To answer your question, I have tried the PE techniques you mentioned-but probably not for as long as I should or maybe not using the appropriate technique.  If there is a source that provides good explanation on these techniques, please let me know.

One question on Priligy-are we PE sufferers in the U.S. SOL or is there another way to obtain it legally-perhaps outside the US?

Thanks again for the frank feedback.

TheLoveGoddess3794 reads

You're welcome time4ply10,

I have attached a link that explains in a little more detail than in this thread. Also, please DO YOUR KEGELS! Kegel exercises are WONDERFUL for combatting PE (see link).

As to Priligy, I can't tell you where to order from and how to do it from the USA. Yes, PE sufferers are SOL as far as the US is concerned, but you can to to and see where it's legal - several European countries have it: Sweden, Finland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Austria and Spain. And, if you're flush with cash, you can always take a nice trip to Spain and book an appointment with a urologist.

It's worth a shot,
The Love Goddess

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