The Erotic Highway

Re: Many Bi-Polar medications cause dehydration.....
looking64 24 Reviews 1060 reads

Through some research today, I checked on some side-effects and you are correct.  I remembered two of the names and dehydration is certainly an effect.  I don't know what this says about our society, but she was so frustrated the other day, she was talking about going off the medications.  Without hesitation, I replied...No, you're not.  I am amazed with the difference with this woman.  She was always great in the sack but OTC, let's just say their were episodes.  Now, she's always happy, she takes things in stride.  Things are awesome and she has revealed this herself.  But, I do understand her not getting the "full" pleasure of sex, but like many things in life...compromises may be neccessary.  As a close friend, I am trying to help her achieve her professional and personal goals.  I think with a better understanding of what is happening with her body, I can educate myself to help her through this.

Thank you mr. fisher

I meet with a lovely lady about once a week.  Been seeing her for about three years now.  Long story..short.  About a year ago, she was having strong orgasms(gushing) from cunninglus.  About 3 months ago, she went on three different prescription drugs to help her with bi-polar symptoms.  The drugs are effective, she is a changed woman.  Her sex-drive is down but not out.  She is very low-volume...myself and maybe 2-3 guys/month.  She really doesn't mind the low sex-drive but she loves her gushing orgasms.  They have gone away.  She does climax, enjoys it, but no gushing(not squirting, just a huge amount).  Is this more mental than anything else?, side-effect from the drugs?, maybe me?...I don't think it's me but is there any type of specific foreplay I could use?  Thank you for your time.

and this could well be a cause of the lack of previous gushing.

It may help if she offsets this by drinking more water to offset that.

In any case, I'm glad to hear that she is taking care of the situation.

Through some research today, I checked on some side-effects and you are correct.  I remembered two of the names and dehydration is certainly an effect.  I don't know what this says about our society, but she was so frustrated the other day, she was talking about going off the medications.  Without hesitation, I replied...No, you're not.  I am amazed with the difference with this woman.  She was always great in the sack but OTC, let's just say their were episodes.  Now, she's always happy, she takes things in stride.  Things are awesome and she has revealed this herself.  But, I do understand her not getting the "full" pleasure of sex, but like many things in life...compromises may be neccessary.  As a close friend, I am trying to help her achieve her professional and personal goals.  I think with a better understanding of what is happening with her body, I can educate myself to help her through this.

Thank you mr. fisher

Some near and dear friends of mine have suffered with this disease, and I know it is not the easiest thing to do.

Best wishes to you.

ActualLawyer1022 reads

Some mild bi-polar drugs are also used for migraines and seizure control. I use one, and I've definitely noticed a difference in wetness. Not anything insurmountable though. There are also anti-depressants that work to counter-act the decline in libido the other meds have.

Bottom line - if she's found a med combo that works, she shouldn't tinker with it, without long talks with her psychiatrist.  

And - easy solution - lube!!!

My roomie and I were on the same meds and close dosage amounts and we BOTH has issues with climax. The interesting thing was that my roomie was a boy so the fact we both had the same side affect is strange

Not at all strange. In fact most urologist will prescribe the minimum dosage of ZOloft for men that have trouble with premature ejaculation.   The medication and dosage are critical to be in balance  as large dosages of Zoloft will make it difficult to achieve orgasm, but in men will prevent a very hard erection.  On the other hand, prozac does not cause problems with erectile stiffness but has the side affect of reducing desire!  

Certain people I have seen that are seeking medication for clinical depression have reported excellent results with Zoloft 75 milligrams and 50milligrams of Viagra to return the stiffness, while allowing them to perform for 8-15 minutes

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