The Erotic Highway

only two real age-related difference in my experience
hardknocks6 37 Reviews 59 reads

But there are a couple of small ones -- I have had SBs from pretty young (a 21 and two 22-year-olds) and pretty old (a 38, a 39 at a couple of 36-year-olds).  In my experience, there isn't a perceptible difference in cost, ability to connect, or enthusiasm if there is good chemistry.  I also haven't seen an age-related difference in communication skills that can't be explained by education, the quality of jobs they have held, and correlation to other personal habits.  

I have noticed two real differences that I mark down to age...first, older women do bring some real life baggage to the arrangement -- kids with schedules, a life-time of shitty men behind them, efforts to climb the work ladder, etc.  None of these are necessarily bad things, but they can complicate timing, relaxation and mood at dates, and overall scheduling.  This is not true for all women, but just in general I have found that older women's more complicated lives clearly make the arrangement different.  And there can be good come of that -- arrangements with single parents with real jobs can be very efficient, predictable and reliable -- if you are a good SD, she doesn't have time to search for your replacement and tends to take care of the relationship.

The second real difference is that younger women are very open to being taught about sex, and older women want what they want -- they have sexual habits and need/want what THEY need and want.  Again, this is not true in all cases, but in my experience, it's a good generalization.

I highly encourage you to jump into the older waters...the 30-somethings are different but very fun.

Ali21582 reads

All of my SBs have been in their 20s.  Obviously, I love various aspects of that, but let's be honest, they can be flaky -- last minute cancellations, slow responses on texts, etc.  I am thinking of moving up in the age category and wondering what others' experience is with SBs in their 30s or 40s or older (I am in my 60s.)  Is there any difference in behavior?  (I know behavior varies by person.)  Is it generally more expensive?  I feel like the vibe would be different but not quite sure how.  Any reactions/insights would be welcome.  

The oldest SBs I've dated so far have been 36.  And some were reliable, others flaky.  So in my limited sampling UI don't see any age correlated difference.

women in their late 20's and early 30's .  Most have been divorced, have a kid or two and have been absolutely fun as hell.  I initially tried to connect with younger SBs but just couldn't do it.  I am sure it was me trying to get over the mental block of trying to meet someone my sons' age. Plus they do tend to be flakey and willing to drop you at the drop of hat for a more shinny object. lol

The plus side - communication and texting and punctuality etiquette is better  

But some of them can be more entitled since they have become jaded and also think they deserve more. One milf I came across 35yo, demanded 800 ppm - I was like, wtf ?  when I am paying 500 to a more beautiful 24yo that I can  actually teach and show new stuff and she gets excited by it

But some older ones who don’t need the money can also just be into fwb type situation where they are just looking for good looking older guys and want a fuck buddy - i lucked into one such situation for a brief time until she got bored of me.

... is 47 and still looks amazing. Smart, funny and hot as hell. We've been together for seven and a half years and I know how lucky I am!

But there are a couple of small ones -- I have had SBs from pretty young (a 21 and two 22-year-olds) and pretty old (a 38, a 39 at a couple of 36-year-olds).  In my experience, there isn't a perceptible difference in cost, ability to connect, or enthusiasm if there is good chemistry.  I also haven't seen an age-related difference in communication skills that can't be explained by education, the quality of jobs they have held, and correlation to other personal habits.  

I have noticed two real differences that I mark down to age...first, older women do bring some real life baggage to the arrangement -- kids with schedules, a life-time of shitty men behind them, efforts to climb the work ladder, etc.  None of these are necessarily bad things, but they can complicate timing, relaxation and mood at dates, and overall scheduling.  This is not true for all women, but just in general I have found that older women's more complicated lives clearly make the arrangement different.  And there can be good come of that -- arrangements with single parents with real jobs can be very efficient, predictable and reliable -- if you are a good SD, she doesn't have time to search for your replacement and tends to take care of the relationship.

The second real difference is that younger women are very open to being taught about sex, and older women want what they want -- they have sexual habits and need/want what THEY need and want.  Again, this is not true in all cases, but in my experience, it's a good generalization.

I highly encourage you to jump into the older waters...the 30-somethings are different but very fun.

DCGuido49 reads

I'm an old fuck (late 50's) and in the past 10 years never been with a SB under 30.  The single moms and MILFS are all experienced, have a great sexual appetite and love to be pleased/pleasing.  i have children in their 20's and always turn down these advances.  My current stable includes 2 in their 40's 1 in her 50's and just lost a 35 year old.  Women are like wine, they get better with age.

I have tried SBs from 20s to 50s. I agree with the posters who say younger SBs are willing to learn, however they also are less adept at discerning how to be in the bedroom. Also even at that young age they can come with baggage, especially moral issues and also expectations that come from their experiences with younger men. Having said that their complaints about the inexperience and lack of empathy by younger men (they call them boys) do make us older folk appear quite sexually amazing. I have been focusing the last few years on older women. I find mid-late 30s to be a sweet spot and also late 40s. Yes they can come with "demands" in the bedroom but I have found that can work well if it is balanced with my needs. Erotic equals is what I'm always searching for. Of course if they act like pillow princesses or are too dominant without consideration for me then I end it. As Ben Franklin said - always go with older women, they are more grateful. I agree with that sentiment.

KingRobert29 reads

Every once in a while you find a unicorn who is young and fucks like a dream, but we all know they usually don't.

My favorite lover is in her forties. She's sexy, but not nearly as hot as my young SBs. I leave my forty-something SB feeling incredibly satisfied and fulfilled. Whereas I always leave my favorite young SB feeling hungry for more.  

Youth is contagious and honey addiction is real.

I am in my 70’s now and prefer the company of SB > 30. Late 30’s to late 40’s is my sweet spot. I’m currently dating a Latina in her late 40’s, her children are grown, runs a small business and has a tremendous sexual appetite. I’m will ride this one as long as the relationship remains fun.
As a footnote, the sexiest woman I have ever spent time with was in her mid 50’s. It’s a personal preference for a mature Latina.

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