The Erotic Highway

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 54 reads

Of course you can negiany sort of agreement, but if you are asking about typical practice, in my opinion unless agreed to otherwise, transportation and hotel costs are on top of any ppm. Same with meals and entertainment.

kippyy430 reads

Newbie to the bowl,

Had a nice M&G with a POT tonight. After dinner she stated she wanted to go home (which was fine), but she's also moving from a 30 min distance from my home to a 45 min drive. She prefers to meet up at a hotel equidistant between us, but I strongly prefer BCD be at my home in the suburbs. My upper limit for the bowl is about 2K/month, so that means ideally 500 ppm weekly. Is it common to add hotel costs in addition to the ppm or are hotel costs included when posters cite ppms of 400--500?  

Same question for Uber drives? How often do you add $50-60 per date for her Uber?

Of course you can negiany sort of agreement, but if you are asking about typical practice, in my opinion unless agreed to otherwise, transportation and hotel costs are on top of any ppm. Same with meals and entertainment.

When I propose ppm I always add $100 if they host. It gives them an incentive to host, otherwise that 100 goes to hotel or Uber costs.

Lester is correct.  Hotels/ubers/meals are on top of her PPM.  As Herb has often reminded us, she only understands the cash in her pocket and doesn't really figure in all the additional costs.  But negotiation is the key.  I had a M&G lunch with a stunning SB who seemed eager to go BCD with me, but asked for about $100 more Ppm than I was comfortable with.  I pointed out that since she could not host and lived an hour from me, I'd be driving my RV for our rendezvous which costs me $50 in fuel.  She lowered her price by $50 and we had a deal which turned into one of the hottest long term arrangements I've ever had.  That extra effort to negotiate upfront resulted in creating a great rapport with her, as well as a meaningful savings for me over time.

Occasionally, things will work out in your favor.  I too enjoy hosting my SBs at my home, but I live a good hour drive away from the college town where most of them live.  So I do a lot of driving back and forth for dates.  I've had a few SBs who preferred driving to my home instead of me driving to them!   So I saved the 2 hour round trip drive as well as the fuel cost (a lot if it's in the RV!), and had grade A young pussy  special delivered right to my doorstep. It doesn't get much better than that!  And they never asked me for more money for gas or anything.  I think they just loved getting out of their town, and enjoying my company which often included me taking them for a motorcycle ride.

That's the deal I always offer: I always pay all expenses for the date (except her car travel to me if she is local). So my offer to her will be "go home" cash when the date is over.  Too many SB's are in this space because they have poor budgeting skills.  I'm not going to confuse them with math. LOL  

So I always start my offer/negotiating with "you will never need to pay for anything when you are with me.  You can leave home with zero cash, I will take care of everything." Then I add, "...of course you should always have some cash on you for emergencies."  

Now that means I have to incorporate incidental spend into my budget. So a $300-400 ppm date generally might cost me an additional $100-$300 for dinner, shopping, admission tickets (could be a lot more!), gas, parking, etc. As a quick guide, my budget math is usually 2x the allowance, unless she's only looking for BNB dates (Bang-N-Bail).  Typically, I will come in (pun intended) below budget which is an optimal result.  

If I want to offer an Uber to get her and drop her off, I pay.  If she's really far away, I decline the opportunity. I have a line near the top of my profile that says I'm only responding to opportunities that are local to me, although I don't define what "local" is since hotter chicks get a larger area I call local. LOL  

Had one from an outlying area of LA - about an hour's drive from my home.  She wanted $300 ppm but had no car. Honestly, she was only about a 6-7 in looks and I just wasn't interested in paying a $100x2 Uber fees to see her.  After some back and forth she finally agreed to cover the Uber costs out of her allowance.  That means she was only netting about $100 per date. I thought she was either desperate, or just really liked me (ok, she was desperate! LOL), but she saw me about a dozen times before it fizzled out.  

Life is good

Ther Cat

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