The Erotic Highway

How much do you really pay?
netnoy 31 Reviews 1486 reads

I average $400-500 per date.  Depends on how long we spend together and.what she is open to.  If she has clean tests and we can go bare, I do a little more.

But I've met girls that swear up and down they had long term daddies paying 1-2k/week.  They would only have a few dates a month.  I can see that a few times if she's smoking hot and offers the world.  But 100k a year?  Just for a few dates a month?  Sorry, I don't buy that at all.

When they say how much some dude was paying them, the obvious thing is that no one is paying them now or they wouldn't be on the sites.  
But you can't fight ego.  If they were really interested in money they would price to move merchandise.  But they all go for either some fantasy amount, or the highest amount they ever managed in the past.
I just move on when the price is ridiculous.  They aren't going to negotiate down.

Yea I usually feel like if they are all over forum boards they can’t be making a killin out there ha! but I have to say I know guys that use to key words “use to” have sugars they gave 1-2k to a week for a year or so  and then they’d either find a new or get a new hobby so I believe it but getting that nowadays I don’t believe because nowadays it’s not called a sugar baby/daddy relationship these girls are in a relationship with those guys and they are playing the ell out of them.

My opinion is 1000 plus is just too high.  Maybe she’s high, but that price tag’s definitely is.  I also know opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one.  
This point of view is probably not too popular but here it goes.  The women in college, who will leave the area at some point usually graduate and go. They are just here for the cash, pure and simple.  I’m just here for the fun. I don’t care if it seems transactional that’s an easier way for these young minds not to attach. It’s better for both parties. I’ve learned that living in a smaller college town.  
Now that I’m back in the big city I find both college aged and young and not so young women who have jobs, boyfriends, even husbands. They need to have the same quick release as to not get hurt.  I’m out there between 2-3 Benjamin’s and that’s all. If they want more, I respectfully decline and move on.  
The bottom line is, the “release” feels the same if a give out  2 hundy or 2k, I might as well just do the lower of the two.

I feel that the 1k girls are really pros looking to sell a once in a lifetime experience and don’t really want to get to know you or enjoy the sex.
Oddly they are probably not the sharpest tools.. 3 dates a month at a lower rate would take in more than once a month at 1k.. but they are either not good at math or not interested in guys.

I see that all the time even with escorts.  They stick with high rates and then complain about lack of work.  They're too proud to lower their rate and maximize their income by filling their dance card.

I generally pay $300-$400 per meeting.  I used to be able to pay $300 without any problem but I recognize inflation has raised the bar, so I’m more flexible now.  I recently had a POT ask for $6,000 per meeting!  I will usually try to negotiate if they start at $500 but I don’t think there is any point in trying to negotiate if they are higher than that.  Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of “ I won’t take anything below…”  I don’t negotiate in that situation either.

I'm seeing one late 30s asian. Smoking hot body. Nice face. $260

Another smoking hot asian, 30yo, she'll come over for 2 to 3 hours, msog. Started at 500. Now 400.

Nice I wouldn’t suppose youd share the link or ter name? She sounds like a catch! You’re probably on the other side of the country but if I ever made my way to town that sounds like a girl I could enjoy myself with

When she tells me her last SD was providing $1k per meet 4 times a month, I flip into life-coach mode and tell her that's an amazing opportunity and suggest she goes back to him, because she is not likely to see that from anyone else.  

That can often turn into her explaining all the reasons why she left him and why she can't/won't go back.  And that opens the door to a reasonable discussion about what she really NEEDS instead of what she wants.  That's when I shift again and start asking her to list her biggest expenses for me:  rent, car payment, phone bill, insurance, etc. If I can get her engaged at that level, its's easy to make a "reasonable and generous" offer that she may accept.  

"So your rent is $900 a month and with your car payments and insurance you need $1400 per month, right?
And your job gets you about $600 a month after taxes and benefits, leaving you $800 short.  If we meet 2-3 times a month for $400 you could be getting over $1000 a month.  Would knowing you have your car payment and insurance bill covered plus some additional cash to spend on you help you feel more comfortable?"  

If I can get her into that phase, 3 out of 5 times she will be taking me raw dog within the next 4 days.  And when she realizes I can eat pussy for a half-hour or more without getting tired, well that helps ensure she'll be coming back often (pun intended) for more sugar.  

For those of you who have never had sales training, the above is called overcoming objections followed by a value sales strategy, as opposed to a price sales strategy.  I'm not offering the best price, I'm offering the best value.  

Life is good

The Cat

I mean I get all the arguments here on why you shouldn’t pay more and i would never shell out 1k ever lol .  

But you won’t get anyone “decent” - I mean young, reasonably tall, thin and conventionally hot and presentable below 500 out here

You can go out to riverside county or pick up people with bad habits or riskier backgrounds, but the decent women have a lot of ego and are willing to filter out audience till they get what they want - and they go for looks and money so won’t even respond if they don’t think you fit their mold  

Ofcourse if you try long enough you may get lucky and I lucked out w a keeper once too, but it will take the job market turning down seriously to get good selection below 500 ppm, atleast where I live

I'm in LA.  I don't start over $500 and still have a good selection.  Unless they just offer an insane amount of options and lots of time together.  There are some smoking hot ones that demand a lot higher but I usually pass.  I don't put hot women on a pedestal.  If they want that much the companionship and sex better be porn star level.  

Like i said people have different standard so what’s hot for you may not be for someone else - no one is putting anyone on a pedestal

I am young looking for my age, so my filter also is why I would I pay even 300-400 to get laid with an average woman that I can probably pull in vanilla  - she has to be decent enough for me to shell out anything  

It’s a simple question of supply and demand  and I know people here get worked up a lot whenever I mention something to this effect  But truly attractive women have plenty of choices too. The average ones will agree for 300-400

Even at 500 I think it’s a great value proposition like others said, compared to what (often uglier) escorts charge

Pre-Covid it was s different world of $300, very special girls $500.  All would spend as much time with you as needed.  
This past two weeks I renewed the membership (with a new profile to see what happens), had a few dates.  One wonderful girl was $400, but she lives too far and I don't feel right making her drive an hour + in LA to get to me.  All the others, $500.  Hell, the lowest  price for a hot well known, or safe bet, LA escort is $800 or more.  Most want $1,200!  I cannot do that.
The SB's think they should ask for $1K  Fuck no!  Almost all will meet you at $500.  Just say you are open to increase their allowance if you hit it off.  
Also, there are so many "people" trying to rip you off.  Watch out for the AI (Chat GPT) ones that want to use Telegram and slowly try to be your friend.  The English grammar and stilted language will tip you off.   Look for accounts at least a few months old.  The newly created accounts are more likely fake accounts.
Never pay for a photo.  Never pay for a deposit.  Guaranteed they will not show up.
There are some very nice ladies there, a lot of them have been taken advantage of by men.  But the sugar bowl is a lot of fucking hard time consuming work.  It is also a lot of fun to interview these girls.  But overall, I feel better with traditional escorts referred through a known well vetted source.  But sugaring is exciting, and there are gems out there. It just may not e worth the effort.  I may go on a SB (stay away) diet for six months, it's a bit exhausting.

My experience is that high-price does NOT equal a potential once-in-a-lifetime date.  My very best arrangements have been when the money mattered, but the intimacy, friendship and sex mattered as much or more.  And the ones that haggle over every dollar, with one or two exceptions in eight years, have not been particularly good BCD.

I live in a smaller market, so prices aren't as inflated as LA, DC and New York, but VERY good real sugar arrangements are available at less than 300, including hotel if necessary.  That means cash-in-pocket for the woman is 200ish.  I often go to 250 and sometimes 300 if she hosts.

And women know when there is going to be more quality in it for them -- I have had three women since the pandemic say that Seeking is such a cesspool that they are happy to get off the site by working something out with me at a lower price than they used to get.  

250 to 500. Just had 1 lady. Mid 30s ask for 1000. Another wanted 700. I swear the older ladies don't understand SMV.

BuckNaked0043 reads

But, I simply don’t hit fat, or fugly, not ever butterface.  

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