The Erotic Highway

Double check
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 51 reads

I hooked up with a chick and her account disappeared, even though I am still seeing her.  But I created a second account and found she was still there.  So apparently she just blocked me.  Since she is seeing me I am guessing she doesn't want me to know she is seeing other gents.  I don't really care and I haven't mentioned it to her. To each her own, I guess.

kippyy632 reads

Responded to a new profile yesterday. Moved to text and have arranged a meet and greet for coffee in a few days.
Today I notice her profile is deactivated, just 1-2 days after it was created.
When I asked her why, she said too many messages.
So far she has not asked for any money in advance.
This has happened  to me few times.
Something tells me this is a warning sign, but not sure.
What does the rapid deactivation of her account suggest?

Sometimes they really do receive more messages than they can handle or the messages or too overwhelming to answer all. Some girls handle messages better than others. Or, they don’t want to deal with more messages. Push forward and let us know how it goes.

She may be telling the truth and is narrowing down her choices to one or two SDs. This would be a sign she’s not a pro.
Of course lots of other possibilities including scams, so follow the playbook and see.

I hooked up with a chick and her account disappeared, even though I am still seeing her.  But I created a second account and found she was still there.  So apparently she just blocked me.  Since she is seeing me I am guessing she doesn't want me to know she is seeing other gents.  I don't really care and I haven't mentioned it to her. To each her own, I guess.

My observations are SB's with accounts several months old are best.  Accounts that are newly created are more likely scammers or picture sellers, pros.  If you report an SB Seeking is very quick to deactivate their account.   The goal is to get their number, may it be for Telegram, Signal, whatever, ASAP.  Google voice works well, I have yet had a girls ask for my "real number".  What's App has your real number associated with it, so don't use it unless you really trust the SB.  Also, they like Telegram for the disappearing photos they can send, etc.  Also, as mentioned before, some girls are curious about an older guy, e.g. over 45, but scared to go through with it.  98% of the girls just want money, and 98% are very flaky.   They key is to schedule the meetup asap with them.  I still prefer SA over escorts 80% of the time.  I like that you get to see pics and a glimpse of their personality more than what is available for most escorts

I've been monitoring both Seeking and Secret Benefits for a few years.  There are some ladies who've been there continuously active as long as I have.  Some of them I've had sessions with, so I know they are real.  Some I have tried to contact with no result, so I don't know if they are bots or real.
i agree that brand new accounts have a low success rate.  Even if they are real they are probably overwhelmed by response (if they are good looking or underwhelmed if they are not.)  On Seeking you can see their sign-up date.  I get a lot of newbies favoriting me who just signed up that day or the day before.  But a closer look shows they haven't "viewed" me.  I think this means they just go down the page with multiple daddy matrix and click whoever strikes their fancy from the limited info in each square.  I also get that favorited stuff mostly from people in different states or countries.  I can't figure out why -- are they all long distance scammers?  

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