The Erotic Highway

Different strokes
Scaramouche 202 Reviews 55 reads

Every situation is different and most people state their expectations up front. Yes there are often emotional connections but with limits.
I think most SBs know they are not girlfriends and can't make demands. A lot want the separation and clearly state they are NSA which is more close to being an escort. If they are PPM (rather than allowance) this is clearer.
I personally would like longer dates with dinners and outings, and in a lot of cases the gals want shorter bump and run dates (with more frequency, which makes economic sense).
If you're clearly established as a PPM SD-SB relationship I wouldn't expect the situation you describe since she knows you can cut her off. She may want every week and you may want once a month, and you need to work that out. But remember she might find another guy willing to fill the gaps or be more regular.

Adonis48930 reads

I've heard that having an SB relationship takes a lot of work and effort because it's more like a traditional dating relationship. But I've also heard others say it depends on the arrangement. Both parties need to agree up front the level of time and commitment each is willing to give/expect. If it matches up, then both parties can proceed from there. Some SD's are married and/or have their own businesses or work/family commitments and time is limited, so those kinds of SD's would have less time and freedom to cultivate a one-on-one relationship.  

My question is this:  

Do the more experienced men on here find that SB's generally demand more attention and time even from men who clearly state up front they are only looking for a few hours a week for lunch and an hour or two of horsey?  

It would be a nightmare to hook up with someone who starts out all lovey-dovey but then becomes demanding and clingy and then starts some Fatal Attraction nonsense. "I will not be IGNORED Jake!"  

Every situation is different and most people state their expectations up front. Yes there are often emotional connections but with limits.
I think most SBs know they are not girlfriends and can't make demands. A lot want the separation and clearly state they are NSA which is more close to being an escort. If they are PPM (rather than allowance) this is clearer.
I personally would like longer dates with dinners and outings, and in a lot of cases the gals want shorter bump and run dates (with more frequency, which makes economic sense).
If you're clearly established as a PPM SD-SB relationship I wouldn't expect the situation you describe since she knows you can cut her off. She may want every week and you may want once a month, and you need to work that out. But remember she might find another guy willing to fill the gaps or be more regular.

Adonis4855 reads

Excellent, Scaramouche, thanks for the clarification, I am less apprehensive about this now that you have explained this.  

I've always told my SBs early in our friendship that I'd like to see them once every 2 weeks.  That frequency works great for me and seems to work great for them. Since I always do PPM they know I am a reliable source of both pleasure and income, but I don't want them to rely on me for 100% of their needs, and, in fact, they have all had other SDs, BFs, husbands, whatever, at the same time they were dating me.  I think establishing that kind of arrangement upfront has shielded me from having any one SB become demanding or clingy.  But I don't mean to give the impression that there's no emotional connection. Right now one of my SBs and I are very much in love.  She's awesome and we miss each other when we're apart.  But we both have our live-in partners with whom we have a different kind of commitment that takes priority.  So we are really eager to get together for one afternoon every other week and always have a great time.  I guess what I'm saying is that we respect each others' boundaries.  And that happens when you communicate clearly right from the start.

Adonis4870 reads

Sweetman, that sounds like the perfect scenario. It checks a lot of boxes for me and is something to strive for. Of course, locating such a lass is the challenge, but then this applies to all worthy goals in life.  

Talk about all of this before meeting.  Have a video chat on expectations.  A lot of SA girls are really escorts that want to get paid more.  Or are seeing several guys.  If that's you jam go for it  

I like to be clear, we are dating and I'm helping you out.  I get to have expectations and so does she.  So I expect intimacy and great chemistry.  If she's only wanting pay by the hour she's an escort.  I'm not going through the effort of SA dates for a hour of sex.

Adonis4855 reads

Netnoy, would that also apply to a twice a month scenario PPM or are you talking about an allowance for ongoing anytime access? It seems an SD's expectations would have to be adjusted more toward an hourly scenario with PPM rather than a full-time SA arrangement but I could be wrong.

I think even if some of these gals are or have worked as escorts they understand the dynamic is different. My experience is that they want (and the guys want) a nice dinner, conversation, snuggles and Netflix as well as the sex.  So yes it takes more effort and if you are interested in bang-and-go you're probably better off with a pro you can cultivate to get some extras off the books.

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